Suicide Turkeys wrote:
Yup. It's from the fine folks who brought us Frontlines: Fuel of War.
I'm slightly concerned for the ludicrous plot, which sees an advanced North Korea beating down an obsolesent US military and invading the west coast!
Yeah, that had me scratching my head. Having North Korea as a technically advanced uber-enemy was fine in Mercenaries, as it was daft, but in a gritty, "realistic" FPS? Hmmm.
What I am looking forward to, though, is the multiplayer! Huge maps, lots of vehicles, more of a proper Battlefield feel than Bad Company 2. You have to buy vehicles in the field, so the game doesn't start with a huge rush for tanks... it gradually escalates as people earn points.
That was my biggest beef with multiplayer in BF2 - the mad rush to the vehicles, particularly the aircraft (which, for the planes, then always seemed to be used by their pilots solely for shooting other planes and contributed nothing to the ground war). If this is like BF2 but without that, it'll be good.