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 Post subject: Homefront
PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 10:51 
New FPS coming soon.

Video on dashboard.

Looks pretty good. Battlefield style large maps and moving objectives, and shit loads of vehicles as well as a currency system which games seem to love these days.

 Post subject: Re: Homefront
PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 11:07 
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Honey Boo Boo

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Yup. It's from the fine folks who brought us Frontlines: Fuel of War.

I'm slightly concerned for the ludicrous plot, which sees an advanced North Korea beating down an obsolesent US military and invading the west coast!

What I am looking forward to, though, is the multiplayer! Huge maps, lots of vehicles, more of a proper Battlefield feel than Bad Company 2. You have to buy vehicles in the field, so the game doesn't start with a huge rush for tanks... it gradually escalates as people earn points.

 Post subject: Re: Homefront
PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 11:12 
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Suicide Turkeys wrote:
Yup. It's from the fine folks who brought us Frontlines: Fuel of War.

I'm slightly concerned for the ludicrous plot, which sees an advanced North Korea beating down an obsolesent US military and invading the west coast!

Yeah, that had me scratching my head. Having North Korea as a technically advanced uber-enemy was fine in Mercenaries, as it was daft, but in a gritty, "realistic" FPS? Hmmm.

What I am looking forward to, though, is the multiplayer! Huge maps, lots of vehicles, more of a proper Battlefield feel than Bad Company 2. You have to buy vehicles in the field, so the game doesn't start with a huge rush for tanks... it gradually escalates as people earn points.

That was my biggest beef with multiplayer in BF2 - the mad rush to the vehicles, particularly the aircraft (which, for the planes, then always seemed to be used by their pilots solely for shooting other planes and contributed nothing to the ground war). If this is like BF2 but without that, it'll be good.

Eagles soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

 Post subject: Re: Homefront
PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 11:30 
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Honey Boo Boo

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I think that's their aim with the Battle Points system. If you have to work and save for that helicopter, you're not just going to use it to fly over to their base and then bail out.

 Post subject: Re: Homefront
PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 11:31 
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Suicide Turkeys wrote:
I think that's their aim with the Battle Points system. If you have to work and save for that helicopter, you're not just going to use it to fly over to their base and then bail out.

Yeah, good point. That should hopefully encourage slightly more "reaslistic" behaviour.

Are there any multiplayer FPSs that actually make the players play like you'd expect a battle to go? i.e. like being in Operation Flashpoint?

Eagles soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

 Post subject: Re: Homefront
PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 11:33 
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I'm not sure how that could ever really be engineered, not while the consequences of being shot are waiting for a few minutes and trying again.

 Post subject: Re: Homefront
PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 11:36 
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markg wrote:
I'm not sure how that could ever really be engineered, not while the consequences of being shot are waiting for a few minutes and trying again.

Yeah, fair enough. Then again, where the battles are a small enough scale (like in conuterstrke), you can be made to sit out for the remainder of the game, which does encourage people to be a bit less daft about charging across open spaces on their own.

For the larger scale battles, there must be some way of encouraging players to conserve their life - or lives? Maybe the answer would be to have only 2 or 3 lives per game. Then again anything that makes players sit out for any part of a ten minute match is not going to be well-received. So maybe something based on rewards?

I dunno. It'd just be nice to play a large scale FPS that isn't like a big game of tig.

Maybe wire the XBox controller up so it gives an electric shock every time you die?

Eagles soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

 Post subject: Re: Homefront
PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 11:41 
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GoodKingWrongceslas wrote:
markg wrote:
I'm not sure how that could ever really be engineered, not while the consequences of being shot are waiting for a few minutes and trying again.

Yeah, fair enough. Then again, where the battles are a small enough scale (like in conuterstrke), you can be made to sit out for the remainder of the game, which does encourage people to be a bit less daft about charging across open spaces on their own.

For the larger scale battles, there must be some way of encouraging players to conserve their life - or lives? Maybe the answer would be to have only 2 or 3 lives per game. Then again anything that makes players sit out for any part of a ten minute match is not going to be well-received. So maybe something based on rewards?

I dunno. It'd just be nice to play a large scale FPS that isn't like a big game of tig.

Maybe wire the XBox controller up so it gives an electric shock every time you die?

Make it so your Xbox RROD's if you're killed. :DD

 Post subject: Re: Homefront
PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 11:45 
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markg wrote:
Make it so your Xbox RROD's if you're killed. :DD


*looks at kill/death ratio on MW2*

Erm... Maybe not for me. Everyone else. No me.

Eagles soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

 Post subject: Re: Homefront
PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 12:03 
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Honey Boo Boo

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That's why I think stuff like paintball is cool, because you actively avoid being shot because a) you have to leave the game when you're eliminated and b) it can really, really hurt when you get hit!

Flashpoint (proper Flashpoint) sort of worked because you had such a long way to travel when you did die that you didn't want to. Especially when playing a large battle like in a CTI game, where you would have to traverse the entire island, I remember huge lengths being gone to to avoid death (including my wounded self being extracted from behind enemy lines by another player in a helicopter)

There were also some multiplayer missions where once you died, you were indeed dead. If you died early, that sucked, but it pushed you to do better next time. You'd be able to fly around as a seagull (!) and bother the other players.

 Post subject: Re: Homefront
PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 18:44 
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Bad Girl

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No Homefront 2(: The Revolution) thread? I'm not surprised.

Anyway, it's not half as bad as reviewers made out upon release. It's had 11 updates, mind, and probably ironed out some things.

I'm about done with it and, totally by accident, stumbled into the Timesplitters 2 arcade. You apparently only get two levels from the campaign but I couldn't be arsed to play it. Two reasons: 1) the game was almost finished so why would I want to start a new game inside a game I'm already playing? 2) When it loaded up there was a huge texture problem which caused the ceiling to look shit. 11 updates couldn't sort that shit out.

So, a bit of a weird and pointless inclusion. If they'd shoved it near the beginning or a main hub base I might have been more inclined to play it so ... their loss.

 Post subject: Re: Homefront
PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 18:45 
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Bad Girl

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Plus I've currently got the PS2 hooked up to the telly so if I want to play timesplitters I'll put the third one on.

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