Hoola you gorgeous people.
Today I learned that a thing on my website is borked
Obviously this makes a sad panda
But when I try to see how much it is broken, it seems OK.
Let me explain. Yesterday, or maybe the day before, I put a little facebook 'like' button on my website. I don't even use facebook, but there was room for another social media button since the Google+ button stopped functioning and I couldn't be bothered fixing it as nobody uses it (right?)
Anyway, today I was told that the facebook button on the left of my pages opens up a dialogue box
off screen. But I've tried it in Safari, Chrome and Opera on Mac and it seems to work for me.
Can anyone who has a browser please visit one of the post pages and click on the facebook buttons on the left and see where the dialogue box opens? I'll even post a link to a page here so you don't have to click too much:
http://www.eskimimimakes.com/2012/10/ne ... cking.htmlThank you, everyone with fingers xx
(PS -
clicking the button won't 'like' something, I don't think. It just opens a box that will allow you to choose to like something. I think that's how it works, just in case you were worried your mates thought you liked knitting...) This proved not to be true. i assume you can unlike things afterwards?