Slightly Green wrote:
NervousPete wrote:
...Malayasian Macbeth and stuff.
Now you have me very curious, please explain!
Dad's side of the family lived in Malaya in the 50's and early 60's and my grandma was a community theatre producer there. She'd put on Shakespeare with the local actors, design the sets and bully friends and strangers into building it and making costumes and such. This meant that all the Scottish nobles in the play wore lovely ornate Malaysian armour. Unfortunately they got a little over enthused with the hitting each other with swords bit, and so she didn't have to fake much in the way of blood.
Grandma would essentially barge into people's houses and demand there and then that they give up their lives for the production. And since she swore like an incredibly foul mouthed sailor when she wanted to they frequently buckled under quickly. It's odd, nearly all her friends were communists, bohemiam artists, gay folk and travellers and yet she was a Tory. Managed to get most of them to vote for her later when she became Tory councillor and eventually Mayor back in Yorkshire.
haha thats awesome! Which part of Malaysia? I have some friends in the Malaysian theater sceane at the moment, was over there a few months back and was instructed to go and see their new play 'Malaysian Girls : how ugly can it get', which to be fair was hilarious.