itsallwater wrote:
TheVision wrote:
I think they do yes, but it's going to be hard to reach me as I wasn't planning on taking my phone or anything.
Maybe they'll leave a note under my pillow at the hotel I'm going to? It wouldn't surprise me.
At my company someone did something similar by placing their redundancy letter in an Easter Egg and filmed it to show to the rest of the staff later. Some how no one found it funny and was sacked a few hours later.
Also I *think* to remove you they have do to something like notify you that you are "At risk" in writing and at that point they set a date to confirm. At that date they give you notice in writing that your going in X number of days/weeks (depending on contractual terms) and offer you some sort of redundancy deal. EDIT: In the past we've been able to negotiate some of the terms but I suppose that differs.
Not sure that is 100% correct though. Think there is a government website outlining the procedure and your rights.
Ideally, the employer announces to employees the rationale for the business changes, what they are and how it will be done. They might offer part time work, voluntary redundancies or early retirements. In 30 days, notice must be given of the number of redundancies, the consultation procedure and the mechanics of the selection process. The employees will be met, and evaluated against the selection criteria, and the selection is based upon this. Individual consultation of the lucky employees is a good idea, as it can remedy earlier procedural errors, and show the scores to the employee. It should be considered good form to try to to offer alternative employment within the firm, and an opportunity to appeal.
Mr Chris wrote:
MaliA isn't just the best thing on the internet - he's the best thing ever.