No matter what I tried Snes9x X just wasn't having any of it. Thankfully I found a tidy little emu called ZsnexBox 3.3 and it works wonderfully.
I've put about 100 roms in it and renamed them properly, also did about 60 MD roms and named them and about 20 PCE roms.. I decided in the end it wasn't worth bloating up the Xbox's drive with crap I will never play.
Absolutely bloody chuffed tbh. Emulators on the Xbox are friggin awesome too ! lovely frontends, really do kick the shit out of emus on PC which I am having trouble figuring out.. But hey, won't knock it
Time for a nice hot bath and then some steamy Donkey Kong Country action.
One thing has bummed me out though. Someone sent me a Neo Geo TOSEC but when I loaded Kawaks none of them showed up. Then I realised they're for Neoragex on PC and all have the wrong sodding filenames.