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 Post subject: Experienced Xbox modders needed..
PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2009 15:31 
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OK. Video cable came thismorning.

Started the xbox with the cd drive unplugged, waited for the error screen and flashing red light (this indicates the drive is now unlocked) then started my PC and at the bios screen before it detected anything I pressed pause break. Hotswapped the IDE cable into the PC, hit enter to resume and got into windows after successfully detecting the drive.

Ran Xplorer360, found the drive. Backed up the entire 'stock' drive as a 9.2gb image. All went very well.

Deleted the contents of Partition 3. Replaced with the hacked system. Went well (had to use 2 versions because one would inject files but not folders and the other would inject folders but not files. Whatever, partition 3 is now bang on the money.

Deleted the contents of partition 4. Replaced everything. However when I came to my game folder (with all my yummy emus and roms in) it stopped saying that a filename was too long for FATX file system. And here lies the problem.

I have about 10,000 files that are all too long in their filenames.I've tried batch naming software but all I can do is remove things like [!] SGX and so on (things that occur in every PCE rom filename for example that are pointless. And I've removed all the spaces. And I've removed things like 15in1megacollection etc.

However, the filenames are too long and short of sitting here for days with my xbox hanging out of the PC etc I am at odds on how to resolve this.

What I would like to do is rename the files with a batch converter than can simply truncate the filenames to a set length adding a 1 2 or etc to any names that match. Sadly however I can't seem to find such software and now I'm sitting here stressed as fuck as to what to do about this problem.

I am imagining that someone here has done this before and has met this hurdle? if so what did you do to remedy the problem? Please don't tell me you sat down for weeks and renamed an entire megadrive TOSEC?

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 Post subject: Re: Experienced Xbox modders needed..
PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2009 15:44 
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Hmm, Well I've found something that will rename them all with numbers but then I dont know what they are :D

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 Post subject: Re: Experienced Xbox modders needed..
PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2009 16:12 
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Well it looks like I don't have a choice.. So I've renamed all my roms 001 002 etc ad infinium.

I'll either have to look at the original DIRs to figure out what game to load or hopefully the emulator will read the header and tell me what game I'm loading :)

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 Post subject: Re: Experienced Xbox modders needed..
PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2009 16:30 
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baron of techno

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There's got to be a way of renaming files like that. I've done it on the mac using automator (or whatever it's called).

 Post subject: Re: Experienced Xbox modders needed..
PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2009 18:32 
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Well I ended up renaming all the files with 001 etc.

Reconnected the XB drive, rebooted the xbox. Worked a charm (IE its running the hacked GUI).

However, when I went to run SNES it froze.

I decided to seriously cut out some of the roms and put in what I will play rather than just bogging it down with shit. Then as I was doing so I noticed one of the file renamers had dumped a buttload of corrupt files into the snes folder (well that explains why that wasnt running)

So here I am at dump attempt 2 with the roms all neatly renamed to fit :)

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 Post subject: Re: Experienced Xbox modders needed..
PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2009 19:18 
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Replaced snex9x X and it goes to the rom page. Load one, hangs. Doesnt matter what game.

Everything else works awesome though which is a bit oddski.


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 Post subject: Re: Experienced Xbox modders needed..
PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2009 19:53 
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I discovered this problem when I tried FTPing some ROMS over but seriously man, quality control and all that! There's no way you'd play that many games in an emulator and you'll probably find that there's several of the same game.

I've kept my SNES ROMS to a bare minimum on my XBox.

 Post subject: Re: Experienced Xbox modders needed..
PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2009 21:24 
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No matter what I tried Snes9x X just wasn't having any of it. Thankfully I found a tidy little emu called ZsnexBox 3.3 and it works wonderfully.

I've put about 100 roms in it and renamed them properly, also did about 60 MD roms and named them and about 20 PCE roms.. I decided in the end it wasn't worth bloating up the Xbox's drive with crap I will never play.

Absolutely bloody chuffed tbh. Emulators on the Xbox are friggin awesome too ! lovely frontends, really do kick the shit out of emus on PC which I am having trouble figuring out.. But hey, won't knock it :)

Time for a nice hot bath and then some steamy Donkey Kong Country action.

One thing has bummed me out though. Someone sent me a Neo Geo TOSEC but when I loaded Kawaks none of them showed up. Then I realised they're for Neoragex on PC and all have the wrong sodding filenames.


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