Brain still feels stupid (going to take me a while to write this) and a little bit tight, but feeling a lot, lot better.
I broke down this morning with feeling faint, shakes, couldn't think, could barely pick up a pen, really panicky and oh-god-whats-happening-to-me!? It really felt severe.
Booked an emergency appointment.
Went to see Doctor. So, went down to Doctor's. He gave me a BP test, which turned out to be perfectly normal. Heart sounded fine. I described all my long standing symptoms, and what precisely happened. He said - and phew eh? - anxiety attack. He said that the other symptoms of mine, poundy heart, cold flushes, pins and needles, aches are sort of precursor symptoms for the full blown attack - and in my words I guess it's sort of like a fruit machine where if all the symptoms are flashing they unlock the next one and the next one and then DING DING DING! He asked me if I got excercise (one and a half hours walking a day and library keeps me on my toes). He asked me if I smoked. I felt tempted to reply, "Well if I did I'm sure I wouldn't be getting panic attacks." Drugs, nada, etc. Any history of heart disease in family? Nope. The Doc asked what I thought it might be - hrurm, some cardiac/circulatory problem say I. He then asked if I wanted a blood test, and that they flag up any cardiac problems whatsoever but said he thought I didn't really need one. I asked for one anyway, saying it'd put my mind at ease anyway. He said, "Ah, you'd think that's how it works wouldn't you?" So, blood test next week. But he said the BP being fine is a great okay sign and that his money was on an anxiety attack. I still wasn't sure. Then I gave my mum a call. Apparently she used to get them with pretty much the same symptoms, usually out of fear of the water. She reckons mine is through fear of me being ill - mortality and all that stuff. And then she gave me this amazing reassuring talk. She said that knowing that it's an anxiety attack won't just make it go away, that I'll keep feeling these things, but that I should just realise that it doesn't mean what the BBC loves to blare about, that I'm not going to have something go *pop* in my brain, and that I should just ride them - even dwell on them in a "this is what it is, an anxiety attack, you're feeling this now but later you'll be enjoying meal and movie later," sort of way. She told me that frequently they well up subliminally as well, so you can be having a great, relaxing time and suddenly you're feeling something odd, and then you're really feeling it - and then argh! Etc.So yeah, mum was fantastic - she had therapy, and had this all through teens (which I didn't) and her twenties, which I have. So it was a good 20 minute conversation. Mums are great aren't they? I love mums. And bonus news is that she also told me grandad has given her £50 to pop in my bank account. Hurrah for that! So rather than bottling this up and dreading it, I'll wince through the events but embrace my subliminal arghness. Meanwhile, I ask Dixon, "Can we have meal and movie tonight, can we can we can we?"
_________________ "Peter you've lost the NEWS!"
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