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 Post subject: 11 signs you're no longer a hard-core gamer
PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2008 4:42 
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I believe this applies to you all, oldiepants.
I think I'm headnig that way as well ;(

This man is bound by law to clear the snow away

 Post subject: Re: 11 signs you're no longer a hard-core gamer
PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2008 7:46 
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worstthings none of those things even slightly surprise me

(although i disagree with the use of the swos photo, even on xbla it remains wonderful)

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 Post subject: Re: 11 signs you're no longer a hard-core gamer
PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2008 9:19 
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I've never been much good at playing online against others. I've always been more into co-operative play anyway. It's always seemed to me that anyone doing VS play online has supernaturally high levels of skill. Worst experience was smackdown where I couldn't land a single blow on the opponent.


 Post subject: Re: 11 signs you're no longer a hard-core gamer
PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2008 10:55 
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You only play when your girlfriend is out

Because you only have one high-def TV and to play videogames on it while she's at home is 'selfish' and not something the two of you can do 'together'.

So not me to the point she bought her own 360 after seeing mine, and probably plays it more than I do!

You've pre-ordered GTA IV but don't mind if it doesn't turn up on launch day

Wednesday's just fine. Really. You're a bit busy at the moment, anyway. In fact, you probably won't get a chance to play GTA IV until the weekend. You're also not bothered by the prospect of downloading the DLC for GTA IV either. You'll never finish the main game anyway.

OK, you nailed me. Even down to the day the package is coming. :'(


 Post subject: Re: 11 signs you're no longer a hard-core gamer
PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2008 12:53 
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Posts: 279
Some of those don't even make sense. For example, "you're the oldest person trading in at GameStation". Surely that's a sign you ARE still a hardcore gamer, if you're still indulging in the hobby while all your peers go off to garden, or read the financial times, or cultivate bedsores, or whatever it is people do when they pass 35.

 Post subject: Re: 11 signs you're no longer a hard-core gamer
PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2008 15:10 
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Peculiar, yet lovely

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You prefer playing against the computer

That doesn't mean you're not a "hard core gamer". It just means you don't like playing games with whining, nasal morons, or your flatmates are a bit crap at games.

I can more than keep up with plenty of people in online games, barring the losers who do nothing else (and it's easy to simply outsmart a lot of them anyway), but when losing means being jeered at and called a 'fuckin homo fag' and winning means being kicked and called a 'fucking nigger', I'd rather play against even lousy AI, thanks.

You quickly realise that, by today’s standards, those cherished oldies are now shallow, repetitive and not much fun.

Er... not really. I've been playing the games I loved from the early 90s since the early 90s, and the great ones are still great. I've whiled away plenty of time on XLBAH with remakes of games that are older than I am, too (and grow tired of shitty FIFA remakes within two hours at most, but can play robotron until my thumbs hurt).

Article score: Meh/10

Lonely as a Mushroom Cloud

 Post subject: Re: 11 signs you're no longer a hard-core gamer
PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2008 0:29 
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Is anyone bothered about being a hardcore gamer?

And what is a hardcore gamer?

And why are these hardcore gamers getting rid of their games if they're so hardcore? Eh? EH?


 Post subject: Re: 11 signs you're no longer a hard-core gamer
PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2008 1:12 
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Posts: 2568
Hardcore gamers have "blogs" on "destructiod". I refuse to give you a link to it as well. Internet links don't have u-bends on them and so the shit my float back this way.

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 Post subject: Re: 11 signs you're no longer a hard-core gamer
PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2008 15:02 
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I seem to still be hardcore by and large by their criteria. I'm much more into my hyper competitive online play or oldschool score attack games than anything else. Can't stand all those RPG and adventure games that aren't very skill dependent and just demand massive time investment and grinding.

 Post subject: Re: 11 signs you're no longer a hard-core gamer
PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2008 18:52 
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Honey Boo Boo

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I'm still mostly hardcore, by this criteria. I enjoy online - the idiot 12 year olds are part of the entertainment (stand up, Minge Thunder). I do play more when the missus is out - if only to ensure I still have a missus (and thus something that all the 12 year olds would give their right nut for: a REAL LIVE GIRL they can get BARE NAKED WITH ZOMGGGG [not to mention someone to care for me in my old age when all this staring at a screen and clutching a controller give me glaucoma and arthritis]). You'd have to be a total cretin to deny that the golden age of gaming isn't now. There's also nothing wrong with a slightly slower paced game to 'wind down' before attempting to sleep: no doubt people who played stuff like Master of Monsters on the Genesis back in the day weren't 'hardcore' either by this rationale.

In fact, once I got over giggling at the 'ohhh, what clever observations of obvious things!' factor, it's a bit shit. The 'hardcore gamer' is presented as something not to be admired or aspired to - or perhaps that was his point?

 Post subject: Re: 11 signs you're no longer a hard-core gamer
PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2008 18:56 
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Well I just giggled for 5 minutes straight at "MINGE THUNDER".

GoddessJasmine wrote:
Drunk, pulled Craster's pork, waiting for brdyime story,reading nuts. Xz

 Post subject: Re: 11 signs you're no longer a hard-core gamer
PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2008 8:15 
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MetalAngel wrote:
I'm still mostly hardcore, by this criteria. I enjoy online - the idiot 12 year olds are part of the entertainment (stand up, Minge Thunder).


I am currently under construction.
Thank you for your patience.


 Post subject: Re: 11 signs you're no longer a hard-core gamer
PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2008 9:21 
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I had forgotten about Minge Thunder!


(we need a :LOL: Dimlie)

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