You prefer playing against the computer
That doesn't mean you're not a "hard core gamer". It just means you don't like playing games with whining, nasal morons, or your flatmates are a bit crap at games.
I can more than keep up with plenty of people in online games, barring the losers who do nothing else (and it's easy to simply outsmart a lot of them anyway), but when losing means being jeered at and called a 'fuckin homo fag' and winning means being kicked and called a 'fucking nigger', I'd rather play against even lousy AI, thanks.
You quickly realise that, by today’s standards, those cherished oldies are now shallow, repetitive and not much fun.
Er... not really. I've been playing the games I loved from the early 90s since the early 90s, and the great ones are still great. I've whiled away plenty of time on XLBAH with remakes of games that are older than I am, too (and grow tired of shitty FIFA remakes within two hours at most, but can play robotron until my thumbs hurt).
Article score: Meh/10