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 Post subject: Annoying co-workers
PostPosted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 23:35 
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The following is, of course, entirely hypothetical.

Imagine working with ten other people, nine of whom are really rather cool. Imagine being told by the boss that the remaining person can be awkward. Imagine putting up with a series of petty rants by this remaining person, none of which are grounded in fact at all, which cause you to quietly but seethingly grit your teeth. Is it worth warning the boss that one more minor annoyance and you are likely to cause a scene in an open plan office, given that the boss knows this person is a pain in the backside anyway?

 Post subject: Re: Annoying co-workers
PostPosted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 23:38 
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Kern wrote:
The following is, of course, entirely hypothetical.

Imagine working with ten other people, nine of whom are really rather cool. Imagine being told by the boss that the remaining person can be awkward. Imagine putting up with a series of petty rants by this remaining person, none of which are grounded in fact at all, which cause you to quietly but seethingly grit your teeth. Is it worth warning the boss that one more minor annoyance and you are likely to cause a scene in an open plan office, given that the boss knows this person is a pain in the backside anyway?

I'd just say, 'Look I'm sorry but I can't work with this guy.' Do you have to be right by him or can you be moved? I have my own office so I'm quite lucky, I just shut myself in there if people piss me off

Decaf metal

 Post subject: Re: Annoying co-workers
PostPosted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 23:41 
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It is worth having a word with your boss because otherwise you'll be the one with the disciplinary for kicking off.

Plus, just speaking about it will help to alleviate some of your pent up frustration.

Always proof read carefully in case you any words out

 Post subject: Re: Annoying co-workers
PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 8:00 

 Post subject: Re: Annoying co-workers
PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 9:04 
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You KNOW it makes sense.

Mr Chris wrote:
MaliA isn't just the best thing on the internet - he's the best thing ever.

 Post subject: Re: Annoying co-workers
PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 9:06 
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In that case just tell the cunt as one human to another TO STOP BEING A BULLYING CUN


 Post subject: Re: Annoying co-workers
PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 9:08 
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Mr Russ wrote:
It is worth having a word with your boss because otherwise you'll be the one with the disciplinary for kicking off.

Plus, just speaking about it will help to alleviate some of your pent up frustration.

Do what Mr russ says.

Also, I don't think you can legally get an MP5 over here, so you'd have to join the police for a bit first to get one.

Mr Chris wrote:
MaliA isn't just the best thing on the internet - he's the best thing ever.

 Post subject: Re: Annoying co-workers
PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 9:20 
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Thanks for the above. The big gripe is that it's nothing majorly important, just a stream of pettiness which if taken as individual occurances wouldn't be worth bothering about.

Still, it's Friday...

MP5s are ugly. I'll stick with the 1861 Springfield.

 Post subject: Re: Annoying co-workers
PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 9:31 
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Son of a Reaperman

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There's a guy sitting about 5' to my immediate north-west who I'd quite like to shoot. He's got the loudest voice in the world and is forever shouting when he could quite easily get away with just speaking, like the rest of us. When he's got no one to talk to, he'll just blurt out song lyrics to himself at random and sings at the top of his voice when he's got his headphones on. I think what annoys me, quite apart from not enjoying the tone-deaf warblings of a short arsed mouthpiece, is the fact that he obviously never stops to think that perhaps other people don't want to spend 9 hours a day listening to his voice.

 Post subject: Re: Annoying co-workers
PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 20:54 

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mrak wrote:
Knowing the place like I do, pretty much anything said about anyone will get back to that person eventually and I've been mostly agreeing with the stuff he's been saying which implicates me in the cussing-up and since he won't be here next week, any post-cuss fall-out will land on me.

"I'm busy doing my work, I've no time to challenge this guy, that's your job as a manager. I just agree with whatever he says to shut him up. He could have said jam is gas and I'd have agreed with him."

There's your excuse. Then think of a time you've challenged something or someone and use that as an example of 'if I've got a problem with someone I'll say so to their face'.

Should be enough to get you off with a verbal if anything kicks off.

Also, if the n00b genuinely does have these problems, finding out what people have been saying about them is unlikely to give them cause to complain, they'll probably just kill themselves, or try to have sex with a child as they find the adult world too complicated and cruel, yet stil need to respond to their inate desires. Either of which will see you nicely in the clear.

 Post subject: Re: Annoying co-workers
PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 21:13 
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Go and complain to HR, they need to sort this out. You can't be fired for legitimately complaining about annoying colleagues and the law has changed to make companies sort this shit out, as if it goes to a tribunal and they're found to not have done everything to resolve the matter, they will get the book thrown at them.

Hopefully you won't have a completely fucking useless tosspot working in HR.

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 Post subject: Re: Annoying co-workers
PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 21:17 
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Legendary Boogeyman

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As from this week, I now have a weekly meeting with other local IT managers. There's one who I hadn't met before and he seems very harsh, very annoying. The kind of jobsworth that reckons he's always right and will try to cut you off to point out why.

I've got my eye on him.

Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Pretty much everyone agrees with Gnomes, really, it's just some are too right on to admit it. :)

 Post subject: Re: Annoying co-workers
PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 21:24 
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Note to self, now might be a good time to start reading Comical's blog more often.

 Post subject: Re: Annoying co-workers
PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 21:29 
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Bouncing Hedgehog

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Someone on TV used to call me 'little girl' all of the time when I was working at the television studios. That used to upset me.

Some jobsworth in Brent Cross said the same thing to me last year whilst I was out shopping (I was 27/28 at the time, hardly 'little girl' but she was in her sixties'. It's a term that really upsets me because of the person at the TV studios. Oh, apart from when Ian (my mum's ex-husband, non-biological 'dad') calls me his little girl and gives me a big hug, it makes me giggle.


 Post subject: Re: Annoying co-workers
PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 21:54 
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Don't set me off on this one...

"And so I vomited into the gaping anus of Christ..." - Stewart Lee

"Please, let's not turn into a group of people who say 'optimal' instead of 'best'..." - casaubon

 Post subject: Re: Annoying co-workers
PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 22:00 
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TheAlbinoKid wrote:
Don't set me off on this one...

You work with Myoptika then?

 Post subject: Re: Annoying co-workers
PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 22:25 
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Bah! I was just going to post that. :P

Technically, so do I! :D

Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
GJ is right.

 Post subject: Re: Annoying co-workers
PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 22:27 
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Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Bah! I was just going to post that. :P

Technically, so do I! :D

You've got to be quick if you want to beat me on the really predictable jokes. :p

 Post subject: Re: Annoying co-workers
PostPosted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 11:13 

 Post subject: Re: Annoying co-workers
PostPosted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 11:34 
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baron of techno

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There's always one like that, and several not far from it, in any given IT oriented workplace. Usually one in particular sets the weirdness bar pretty high though. We had that guy, actually a highly paid contractor and whizz in encryption or some such esoteric field, who was also a bit annoying to talk to, so was best left to talk to himself, by and large. He also, I think, had a habit of never walking on gaps in the paving stones.
I think he'd have been OK in the long run, but unfortunately for him, the company had a fairly formal setup at the time, with line managers and so on, so him being an absolute fruit loon was starting to come to the attention of more important people. One day he was gnashing his teeth and pounding on the keyboard a bit in frustration at something (as you do), and a manager swiftly zoomed over to his desk. I don't know what was said but the next thing, there was a resounding crash and this chap left the building like he was propelled by rockets. There was also a large hole in the plasterboard opposite his desk, where he'd apparently taken a run at it and stuck his head right through the partition.

The problem is though, the weirdness bar moves lower when someone like that leaves. A lot lower.

 Post subject: Re: Annoying co-workers
PostPosted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 20:48 
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Chinny chin chin

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Mimi wrote:
Someone on TV used to call me 'little girl' all of the time when I was working at the television studios. That used to upset me.

Get your own back. Email the details to [email protected] and he'll be exposed to 40,000 people.

 Post subject: Re: Annoying co-workers
PostPosted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 20:53 
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Bouncing Hedgehog

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'She', a vacuous daytime TV bint.

I'll go wash my mouth out with soap and water now.


 Post subject: Re: Annoying co-workers
PostPosted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 20:57 
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Mimi! *gasps* haha.

My annoying co-worker has gone, he took voluntary redundancy friday...
Bye Rod, I'll miss the weird facts you used to tell me each day and the way you never put sugar in my tea when I asked

Decaf metal

 Post subject: Re: Annoying co-workers
PostPosted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 21:21 
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Chinny chin chin

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Mimi wrote:
'She', a vacuous daytime TV bint.

That narrows it down. She married to her co-host who likes to shoplift?

 Post subject: Re: Annoying co-workers
PostPosted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 21:28 
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Bouncing Hedgehog

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No, not her. :D


 Post subject: Re: Annoying co-workers
PostPosted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 21:30 
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Chinny chin chin

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Mimi wrote:
No, not her. :D

Irish woman with dead daughter?

 Post subject: Re: Annoying co-workers
PostPosted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 21:33 
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Bouncing Hedgehog

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I'll give you a clue

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!

Can you guess?


 Post subject: Re: Annoying co-workers
PostPosted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 21:37 
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Chinny chin chin

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Mimi wrote:

I'll give you a clue

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!

Can you guess?

You know what, she was almost my second guess.

I see Holy Moly have sold out of their "I'm a secret gastric band wearer" T-shirts as you could have purchased one of them.

 Post subject: Re: Annoying co-workers
PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 12:42 
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Mimi wrote:

I'll give you a clue

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!

Can you guess?

Oh, I know this one! Is it Fearne Cotton?

 Post subject: Re: Annoying co-workers
PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 11:16 
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Not to be confused with elbow

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It's sad she did that. I loved her and Phil in the mornings :(

Although apparently they hated each other-which makes me even more sad


Decaf metal

 Post subject: Re: Annoying co-workers
PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 11:24 
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Bouncing Hedgehog

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tossrStu wrote:
Mimi wrote:

I'll give you a clue

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!

Can you guess?

Oh, I know this one! Is it Fearne Cotton?

Fearne Cotton is a vision of loveliness and we have a mutual friend.

Haha, I love when you search for 'Nev' it brings up MY picture of Nev in Google image search


Yes, he has a boob on his head.


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