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 Post subject: Xbox 360 Price Drop!
PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 15:50 
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Looks like we might be getting an unofficial price drop on the Xbox 360.

SavyGamer wrote:
Looks like Woolies is going to be dropping the price of their Xbox 360 consoles.

£129.99 for the Arcade
£169.99 for the Premium (60gb)
£229.99 for the Elite

Here's a photo, supposedly from a Woolies employee. This would be in line with their recent price drops, if you remember they dropped the Wii to £159.99.

Now, I can't guarantee this will work, but if you want to try and trick the system and reserve yourself a console, so you can be sure to have one, this might help.

If you order one over the phone (0844 811 7111) they will hold it for you, so you can just turn up and pay and collect it on a set day. They will hold onto items for some time (if I remember correctly, a week), so if you order one now, they will give you a date for when you can collect it. Then, you can wait for the price drop, and just turn up and ask for it at the lower price when the price drop does happen. If the price drop doesn't happen any time soon (since I can't say when this will happen), no matter, you can just cancel the order, and not have to pay a penny.

Thanks to Engadget for the heads up.

Now is the time for anyone who has been waiting on a lower price, I'd be shocked if you can get one cheaper than that this side of Christmas. The 60gb premium is a steal at that price.

 Post subject: Re: Xbox 360 Price Drop!
PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 15:51 
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No buying stuff from Woolworths remember. They don;t honour the sale of goods act wrt MS products.

Edit: hopefully others will follow suit though!

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 Post subject: Re: Xbox 360 Price Drop!
PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 16:02 
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Ah yes, that is true.

I might add that to the article as a warning.

It might be possible to get PC World to pricematch, and get another £3 off.

 Post subject: Re: Xbox 360 Price Drop!
PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 19:54 
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They don't actually have a choice in the matter. I'm almost tempted to go and buy one just so I can end up taking them to small claims court over the matter.

Edit: A plan - go into Woolworths, approach the counter, and start with

"Is it your policy that if a 360 red rings, I must send it to MS rather than you, in violation of the law?"
"I'd like a 360, please"

And repeat until they stop saying "Yes" and call security.

 Post subject: Re: Xbox 360 Price Drop!
PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 11:01 
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Official price drop confirmed!

Prices come into effect this Friday and are the same as the Woolies brochure (£129.99 / £169.99 / £229.99).

 Post subject: Re: Xbox 360 Price Drop!
PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 11:19 
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must resist the urge to buy a 60gigger!

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