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 Post subject: Final Fantasy XV
PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 15:57 
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Bad Girl

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Posts: 14452
Is anyone interested in this or has even played it?

It doesn't seem to have been mentioned or nuttin' despite it being a critical success (as far as I know).

I'm not big into JRPG's but I've played some of the best ones (as far as I know) but I can tell you this much about new FFXV: It's like Xenoblade Chronicles (1 & X) but worse. And that really stings for me, cause XC was on inferior machines but FFXV looks substantially worse than XCX. Sure, the main characters look better but the landscapes I've encountered at the 15 hour mark aren't a patch on XCX's wide sprawling environments filled with all manner of beasts whereas I keep bumping into the same old dog looking enemies in the wild and rarely a big level 50 fucker to hurriedly run past. XCX's draw distance was rubbish but the vistas were something else but here the vistas are ... not as good. Nowhere near as good.

Plus in XCX running was boring but stupidly fast so it never got that boring or travel could be done via mechs with land and air capabilities that made traversing large distances bags of fun. And it sodding looked amazing on the WiiU. Here's the car is automatic or manual and manual's controls are restricted to holding R2 to go forward. And you can't even go off road and drive aboot. You can get on a big cockerel sure but the mechanism for access them is a bit fiddly (you can only rent them from town and then you have to rent them for so many days). It's just so... fiddly. All of it is just fiddly, god the animations as I wait for them to fill up the car or get in the fucking car or the roof of the car to come down or fucking get out the fucking car or the fact that jump and pick up are both done by X so you have to wait until your character is completely still to press X or you'll fucking jump up and down on the spot or that dungeons have levels separated by tiny walls that you have to squeeze between a la Tomb fucking Raider or you have to press X to duck down and go under but X is jump so you keep jumping around like a tit. Oh it's so fiddly.

But despite all of the above and it being clearly inferior to XC and XCX I'm still having some fun with it. The story is utterly bollocks but the questionable relationship between the dude bros is amoosing as they hi-5, take photographs of each other looking seminaked and comment how great they look and so on.

Anyone like it or not like it? Are they all like this?

 Post subject: Re: Final Fantasy XV
PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 20:39 

Joined: 23rd Sep, 2010
Posts: 729
I got it just after Christmas, and put in about 50 hours inside of a week - really enjoyed it. Never liked the turn based stuff in previous FF games - this basically took my favorite bits from FF and from games like Skyrim etc. and mushed them together.
Need to go back to it and replay Chapter 13 (I think?) at some point though, I heard they massively improved that in a recent patch.

 Post subject: Re: Final Fantasy XV
PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 21:05 
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Paws for thought

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It's on the list of things to get.

But after XII and XIII, I'm not really holding out too much hope.

 Post subject: Re: Final Fantasy XV
PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 23:06 
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Bad Girl

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I've just finished Chapter 9 and this hamfisted attempt at a story makes no fucking sense.

And the boss boiled down to one big QTE except you only have to press O. And the triangle if you can be bothered.

Do people think these games are any good? You're all mental. Xenoblade Chronciles would make Final Fantasy fans shit their pants.

 Post subject: Re: Final Fantasy XV
PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 23:39 
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Played this a bit the other day and yes, it does feel a lot like xenoblade chronicles. And I also think it looks a bit crappy. It looks one generation behind the witcher 3.

Even for ps4, I checked horizon zero dawn on the console next to it, and it looked and felt much better.

 Post subject: Re: Final Fantasy XV
PostPosted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 23:26 
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Bad Girl

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It handles more than Dragon's Dogma than Xenoblade; y'know, kinda choppy and unpolished to Xenoblade's smooth polished sheen.

I've just reached chapter 13 (of 15 apparently) and I've only got 20 hours under my belt. I thought it was supposed to be a massive behemoth of an adventure, but it feels like it's coming to a head already. Not that I'm complaining, because if there was much prattling around on cockobos or doing tens more fetch quests I'd probably want to smash someone's face in. There's still too much stopping to run about for little reason though: some little girl stopped me to talk about Luna's wedding dress, some old dear told me a story about some people whose names didn't ring any bells whatsoever and some British train driver said some daft shit.

And I've still not figured out how to put decals and shit on my car! Not that it's let me drive for about 8 chapters or something. Ah well.

AND, lastly, fighting really is just hold circle and don't stop holding circle until everyone's dead. It's embarrassingly basic. I don't want DMC style combos but some variety and input into the fights would be nice. Ok, I do want some DMC style combos. That's be lush. But only cause I'm itching to get Bayonetta on PC.

 Post subject: Re: Final Fantasy XV
PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 7:28 
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Paws for thought

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Satsuma wrote:
AND, lastly, fighting really is just hold circle and don't stop holding circle until everyone's dead. It's embarrassingly basic. I don't want DMC style combos but some variety and input into the fights would be nice. Ok, I do want some DMC style combos. That's be lush. But only cause I'm itching to get Bayonetta on PC.

That's been my complaint since XII. They replaced an often tactical turn/turnish based system with a shit simple real time one. It's probably the main reason why I haven't exactly ran out to buy XV.

 Post subject: Re: Final Fantasy XV
PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 9:21 
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Rude Belittler

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Just a question, what is a "Xenoblade"?

 Post subject: Re: Final Fantasy XV
PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 9:28 
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Pundabaya wrote:
Just a question, what is a "Xenoblade"?

It is a game franchise only available on Nintendo systems, so of no interest to you.

I am currently under construction.
Thank you for your patience.


 Post subject: Re: Final Fantasy XV
PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 9:33 
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Rude Belittler

Joined: 30th Mar, 2008
Posts: 5016
Ah, that explains it.

Anyway, I enjoyed the fuck out FFXV. Cruising around in your awesome car, fucking shit up. I also actually liked the characters this time round. First time since IX.

Also there's a quest where you hunt a big monster so one of your dudes can have the perfect pot noodle. This speaks to me.

 Post subject: Re: Final Fantasy XV
PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 10:20 
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Bad Girl

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Pundabaya wrote:
Just a question, what is a "Xenoblade"?

Without any exaggeration or embellishment, Xenoblade 1 is the greatest JRPG and only available on the Wii. It was created by Monolith (not the FEAR guys) who went on to help out with Zelda: BOTW. The story is mindblowing, the characters are great, the combat is fab and it's lengthy (Fnaar fnaar). I'm sure you can borrow someone's Wii if you want to try it out. You really won't regret it at all. It was also released on the New 3DS.

Xenoblade X is on the WiiU and while it isn't quite as good as XC1 it's still amazing. It's one of the best looking games in recent times despite running on inferior tech. It also introduced Mechs into the mix which is as good as that sounds.

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