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 Post subject: Astroneer
PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 11:45 
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Joined: 30th Mar, 2008
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There’s a new game out on the Xbox One, Steam and Windows (but not PS4 which makes a change). It’s called Astroneer and it’s great.

The best way to describe it is that it’s Minecraft in space. Set in the distant future, you control a little space man or woman who has landed on a procedurally generated planet. You’re armed with your landing pod, a 3D printing backpack and a landscape altering gun. The gun can raise and lower the land and also suck up resources which will be littered around the planet and in caves.

Once you have certain resources then you can craft things in your backpack. You’ll want to start with tethers which are attached to your landing pad so that you don’t run out of oxygen, and solar panels so your gun can recharge itself.

Other resources will enable you to extend your landing pad and have a 3D printer, a smelter, a research station and a vehicle bay which will all be useful in your quest of exploring the planet.

There’s quite a lot to explore as well as there’s caves, crashed satellites and pods dotted around the landscape. You can create your own caves too and underground, you’ll find plants and organisms which when researched, can produce valuable items to make other items.

I’ve been playing it for a few nights and because it’s technically a “preview” version, there’s a few bugs and things to be worked out but this shouldn’t take away from what is a brilliant game. There’s lots to discover on your planet and whilst there’s no real end to the game, it’s a great way to switch off and have some quiet time in space.

Screenshot-Original (4).png

This is me with a generator. You'll see some compound in the distance. This is very useful!

Screenshot-Original (3).png

This is my lunar buggy. There's a solar panel on the back which powers it and my seat, which I had to craft. It can carry things which you can attach to the front and back but I've upgraded to a truck since this was taken and that has double the space for things and double the battery power.

Screenshot-Original (2).png

I found this poor fella in a cave. I did the decent thing and buried him (after I looted his backpack)

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 Post subject: Re: Astroneer
PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 12:12 
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Joined: 27th Mar, 2008
Posts: 55719
Location: California
Looks good but I'm really bored with crafting games, sadly.

I am currently under construction.
Thank you for your patience.


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