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 Post subject: Classic text & graphic adventure games converted for DS
PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 21:11 
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Joined: 30th Mar, 2008
Posts: 334
No idea if this has been talked-about before or if anyone's interested, just thought it might be worth mentioning.

Came across this page :

It contains lots of old adventure games from the 80's (i.e. the ones where you typed commands to progress - "Go North" , "Climb Ladder" etc. and made you feel very frustrated when the computer didn't understand what you wanted to do - typical computer response - "I'm sorry, I don't know how to fuck you" etc.).

Seems each game has been adapted for the DS and comes complete with a nice touch-screen interface for most basic commands, plus word-recognition (or a touch-screen mini keyboard if you prefer).

Haven't tried any of them yet, and the site that linked to this page mentioned that there was a conversion of the ace Hitch-Hikers Guide To The Galaxy game, but I can't spot it....(I've only had a cursory glance through, let me know if you find it, cheers).

Still, hope it's of interest to some....

 Post subject: Re: Classic text & graphic adventure games converted for DS
PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 21:16 
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I forgot about this - how vain

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Posts: 5979
I've always wanted to play fully through the HHGTTG game but I loathe playing games on my PC, chipping through it on my DS would be lovely Cheers!

(thinking about it the wonderful BBC version would make a great DS port).

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 Post subject: Re: Classic text & graphic adventure games converted for DS
PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 21:28 
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If there was one thing that 80's text adventures didn't need in addition to fighting the parser, it would have been fighting the parser while typing on a touch-screen keyboard.

Or even better, writing the words on the screen.

 Post subject: Re: Classic text & graphic adventure games converted for DS
PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 22:20 
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Posts: 334
Joans wrote:
If there was one thing that 80's text adventures didn't need in addition to fighting the parser, it would have been fighting the parser while typing on a touch-screen keyboard.

Or even better, writing the words on the screen.

Very true. Won't appeal to most people, granted, and a fair bit of patience will certainly be required.

But these versions are free and you can play them on the train.

Just seems to me that the guy/s who converted these games seem to have done a good job, considering the DS isn't exactly the ideal platform for this type of game. Plus, some of the most commonly used commands have been converted to a single stylus press, which helps balance out the frustration of trying out more complex commands on a touch-keyboard.

Far from ideal then, but I still reckon it's nice to be able to play these games on a portable system, flaws & all.

Haven't tried any myself yet. Maybe I'll get extremely annoyed with the interface and give up very quickly.

Thought it was at least worth a thread though....

 Post subject: Re: Classic text & graphic adventure games converted for DS
PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 22:28 
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Posts: 8661
Oh it is. Sorry, I didn't mean to come across as dismissive. I have a soft spot for lots of old games and I'm sure there are some people that will want to try and escape from the goblin's dungeon all over again, some 25 years later.

In fact, I have a DS and flash-cart, so I might even give some of them a go.

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