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 Post subject: Freesat-me-do
PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 14:49 
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Joined: 30th Mar, 2008
Posts: 2046
You know Freesat, right? Not Freesat From Sky™, but the Freesat service with the logo that looks like a stack of guitar plectrums in different colours.

A parent of mine wants to switch from Sky (with Sky+) to Freesat in order to save money during the Credit Crunch™, so I'd like some advice to pass on to her. Is it worth it, and what would the initial expense be? She's after HD channels and some sort of DVR feature, and not fussy about any other aspect of the Freesat experience.

Thanks in advance!

 Post subject: Re: Freesat-me-do
PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 14:53 
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making out to faces of death

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Location: Sadville
I don't have any personal experience, but this argos page might be handy?|category_root|Home+entertainment+and+sat+nav|10199181/c_2/2|cat_10199181|Digital+boxes+and+services|10199362/c_3/3|cat_10199362|Freesat+digital+set+top+boxes|10199369.htm

With already having sky, it would just be a case of getting the tellybox gubbins?

Me flickr

 Post subject: Re: Freesat-me-do
PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 15:02 
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making out to faces of death

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Location: Sadville
Reading up some more it looks like nobody has made a freesat PVR yet, though Humax has something coming out:

Rumors suggest £300 or so would be the cost,, and it should be out before christmas. I guess the alternative would be one of the cheap freesat boxes, and something like a Sony RDRHDX-nnn recorder, which can change channels on an attached satellite/cable box, but it wouldn't be HD.

Me flickr

 Post subject: Re: Freesat-me-do
PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 15:05 
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Joined: 30th Mar, 2008
Posts: 2046
Ah, I think a browse in the (printed) Argos catalogue did inspire her to look into Freesat, but none of those boxes seem to have even rudimentary recording.

Thanks for the heads-up AAB, I think I'll advise her to wait if there's nothing else on the market with both features...

 Post subject: Re: Freesat-me-do
PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 15:07 
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making out to faces of death

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Posts: 2686
Location: Sadville
All I can find is that Humax one, and to be honest, if anyone is going to make a new PVR it will be Humax or Topfield before all the high street brand-me-dos.

Me flickr

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