flis wrote:
The boy (14) is back at school embarking upon his first year of GCSE's and we're considering buying him a laptop. I don't want a mega super ace gaming one because then he'll just play games on it. So a relatively shit graphics card and a basic-ish processor would be better as it'll discourage him from even trying... I don't particularly want to spend over £400 on one either.
His maths homework is all done via the school portal thingy and they use Google Docs for written submissions. A lot of their revision material is online, like BBC Bitesize, podcasts etc.
He's chosen to do Computer Science, Product Design, History and Business Studies along with all the regular subjects. So a lot of his learning and homework will be internet based too.
I'm not sure what software the schools use for the computer science - are they all vastly different or basically the same? Like, is the basic premise the same across all of them? It might not be apparent, but I literally know nothing about it whatsoever! I thought for product design, when he has to start getting his portfolio together, doing drawings in SketchUp or similar would be okay. It doesn't have to be fully rendered walk-through standard but he'll need to be able to produce 3D line drawings.
I don't think any of these needs fall outside of 'everyday' sort of use so like I say, masses of processing power isn't essential and probably something I'd want to stay away from as he has a couple of consoles at ours and TV's and a PC at his dads house for gaming.
But, he's also just a kid and watches back to back YouTube videos of all sorts of nonsense when he's in bed so something that could convert into a tablet would be ideal and cover all of the bases he'd want it to. For me, that isn't an absolute must but if I'm buying something, it may as well be what he'd want it to be. He's having to give his brothers ex-girlfriend her iPad back and he's pouting a bit about that!
So, what do we think? I don't want to work into PC World with no idea what I want...
I bought my son this recently
http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01HU6E4QMHe is 18 and started uni with it, latest i3 (the i5 version goes £50 above your budget limit), it's alright, and if you don't mind the Chinese Government stealing your son's homework it should do the job