Been looking at setting this up for a while.
Its a really nice front end for pretty much every emulator there is, the interface is a wheel that has all the artwork and a small video preview for each game.
Video here for the reality of setting it up....
Its very time consuming, there are 3 components to it and you have to book in emulators in one place then set up rom paths elsewhere so you spend a lot of time pasting file paths.
Next is artwork and videos, these are not too much of an issue to get hold off. There is a site you can subscribe to for $30 a year that provides a nice tool where you enter the system you want and then specify what you want art work wise and it downloads it all. Issue here is that the folders you get from the tool don’t always match the artwork folders in Hyperspin so you are left wondering what goes where.
Finally, there are rom sets, Hyperspin has an XML file for each set, so it doesn’t follow that your existing set of roms will work if they aren’t named the same as the corresponding XML. I even found Hyperspin ready sets of roms where not named correctly. There are tools that will rename but I got a 70-80% success rate and that was on small sets of less than 50.
I had a go at setting this up over Christmas as my son still took an afternoon nap then. I managed to get some simple sets done like SNES and Mega Drive, but found that more complex and larger sets where hard work. Not really been back to it since.
This guy provides some really good tutorials on how to set things up if you have the time and it was what I followed ... 77onViqoDASo as I still really want this set up. I looked at what the Hyperspin scene frowns on which is buying a pre-configured drive. I found a guy selling an 8TB drive for £350 which by the time you take the cost of the drive away isn’t bad given the work and time needed to set this up.
After looking into it I found I would be looking at another £150 of import charges so kept looking for somebody who might send the drive as a gift.
I finally found a guy who has charged me £130 for an 8TB torrent hosted on fast seed box, it will take 7-10 days to download but the delivery for the drives from the US is 10 days. This guy also does free updates every month.
I reckon I’m a good 2 weeks away from getting this set up as once downloaded I will need to copy it from my NAS to a drive. Once I’m done I’ll be happy to do some copies for people.
There are some rules with the drives, it will need to have a specific letter for the drive and also 2 specific letters for some virtual CD\DVD drives. Not sure what these are yet the guy will confirm.