Okay, I've had a fair bit of wine, and I've just been reading the golden persuasive writing of David Brin, but he's beginning to crystalise certain dark, troubling thoughts for me. He's making me realise some of the reasons why I hate Star Wars now.
Star Wars for me used to be glorious panto with amazing imagery and Athurian japes. It was all surface and hi-jinks like a quality episode of 30's Flash Gordon, only several hundred times more awesome. But ever since Lucas started asking me to look into his society of Jedi councils, Padawans, mentors, galactic senates and every single pissing crowd being another 'Mos Eisley' cantina of exotic roguish types I've become increasingly annoyed at the entire stupid, irresponsible, mass-murdering structure.
It's a universe where we don't give a damn about anyone who dies, not even an entire planet. After all, as Brin said...
Remember the final scene in "Return of the Jedi," when Luke gazes into a fire to see Obi-Wan, Yoda and Vader, smiling in the flames? I found myself hoping it was Jedi Hell, for the amount of pain those three unleashed on their galaxy, and for all the damned lies they told.
Yoda and company stamp a cheque for Palpatine to build a big army, wibble on about prophecy, don't even have the decency to act surprised when it bites them in the ass and then forgive one of their personality-free own for butchering millions when they merrily slaughter thousands upon thousands of 'clones' and roofing contractors without a tear of regret? What, so because Anakin 'defies' these retarded rules in order to fuck Padme he's somehow a heroic figure, and we're meant to sympathise with a murdering fuck who was clearly always a sadist? EH? EH? The back story to Darth Vader was never, NEVER any good. Or if it was, it was only in the sense of Hitler having a 'good' (read exciting) backstory. If they were to do it, the only way could have been a very complex, very moral, Tinker-Tailor-Soldier-Spy compromised banality-of-evil storyline.
Or ditch the 'corruption' aspect and have fun ala Richard III.
But to do either you ditch Lucas's obsession with the Joseph Campbell myth married with his merchandising-panto-vision. Buggery-cock.
The trouble is the more the Star Wars universe is expanded upon by cartoons, video games and books the more superficial it becomes. Star Wars used to be great because it was married the spectacle and design of Metropolis with the vim and dash of Robin Hood and put it through a high-tech blender. The vaguer it was, the better it was. Lucas seems to think otherwise, and unfortunately many, many deluded fans think otherwise.
Star Wars is a universe where only somebody with a big fucking dollop of prophecy can get anything done. Where taking a shit is foreshadowed. It would have been far more ace-biscuits if some random mother shot Yoda in the back of the head for leading to the death of her pre-teen nameless Padawan son through his stupidity, or some medium-frigate captain aced a big baddy. This is why my fave character was Lando. He's an administrator for fucks sake, but he ends up pulling a gun on the guys bullying him. Han we all love, because he's pushed around by crime-lords but has insane luck, he becomes less an absurdly talented everyman as the trilogy goes on, but he is at least recognisable. He came up from nothing and didn't want to attain anything other than a fast ship and a dame. If more minor characters suddenly rose up to overwhelm bollocks 'fate' and fuck things up for the annointed ones like Han *didn't* (I would have loved to see him drop-kick Yoda) then it wouldn't be so creepy. Namely, if things were more like that other film starring a rogue captain with a shitty-ship, 'Serenity'.
Yes, Serenity. Where a largely forgotten humble sergeant saves the day through bloody-mindedless and an amazing ability to take punches. Where you care about people dying because its personal. Where the deaths of millions you get upset about because you see the cause and the effect and the aftermath. Where monsters can live at the end, can defy their masters and work to the good, but still remain monsters all the same because their past drips with blood.
But hey, Pete! Aren't you taking Star Wars a mite too seriously? After all, it is space panto!
Well yes, it is - or would have been if they'd stopped with the original fucking trilogy. GAGH.
P.S: I still adore the PC games Tie Fighter and Knights of the Old Republic however - at least you can come to your own moral conclusions.
(Inspiration for blathering here -
http://www.salon.com/ent/movies/feature ... index.html)