Nirejhenge wrote:
Will that greater L2 Cache make it convert video quicker than the AMD chip?
Encoding can be repetitive, so yes it should.
Also keep in mind I've never ever seen anything other than Intel chips in professional encoding boxes. Even going back 5 years it was Xeons all the way.
However it does depend on the encoding software. Back when I worked for (not ITV - Ed) we had a fantastic encoding boxes called Digital Rapids that cost approx 10 grand a pop. They had dual Xeons. However while we could encode most formats super speedy, Real was always a pain as the encoder could only use 1 CPU.
Likewise with my new Mac, the more cores you throw at the encoding you get diminishing returns. Hence why the Mac is configured to use 6 cores for encoding while I can use 2 cores to do other stuff. In fact the other week I had it encoding a load of stuff up in OSX while Parallels was also running encoding up a load of stuff under Windows using Procoder. I still had CPU time to spare!!! No slowdown at all.
So the real benefit of multi-core and lots of cache is doing lots of things at once.
Oh you need an OS that can properly handle multiple cores + loads of memory. The Mac has 6 gig. No good having a very capable system if it ends up thrashing the HD because it's out of memory.