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 Post subject: Augmented Reality Gaming for the PS3
PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 20:37 
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I forgot about this - how vain

Joined: 30th Mar, 2008
Posts: 5979
Before the Mafia con job exploded the Gizmodo was quite exciting because it proposed the first commercial Augmented Reality Game that looked like this (it was a portable console with a camera for those who can't remember):

Which whilst looking a bit pants as a game, is such an interesting idea that you can't help but like it.

Taking that exact same sentance into the fall of 2009 is this from Sony:

Finicky beyond reason to get all set up? Check.
Bullshot video with them all looking at the creature not the tv screen? Check.
Ridiculous distant release date to be announcing it? Check.

So it's 100% sony, but still.

Goddammit I don't want to own all three consoles.

Curiosity wrote:
The Rev Owen wrote:
Is there a way to summon lave?

Faith schools, scientologists and 2-D platform games.

 Post subject: Re: Augmented Reality Gaming for the PS3
PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 20:49 
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Kindly deeds done for free

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Ooh, augmented reality games, eh?

 Post subject: Re: Augmented Reality Gaming for the PS3
PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 20:50 
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I forgot about this - how vain

Joined: 30th Mar, 2008
Posts: 5979
Ah yes, I tried googling for that but I couldn't find it.

It's another game that looks awful as a game. But the tech is amazing enough that I want it.

Curiosity wrote:
The Rev Owen wrote:
Is there a way to summon lave?

Faith schools, scientologists and 2-D platform games.

 Post subject: Re: Augmented Reality Gaming for the PS3
PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 21:08 
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Posts: 2568
That pet-o-thing is disturbing

This man is bound by law to clear the snow away

 Post subject: Re: Augmented Reality Gaming for the PS3
PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 23:22 

Joined: 31st Mar, 2008
Posts: 6093
When I worked in Gamestation, we had a Gizmondo rep that came in a few times touting the machine. He was a lovely bloke and I remember feeling really sorry for the guy, knowing that it was only a matter of time before he lost his job.

 Post subject: Re: Augmented Reality Gaming for the PS3
PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 23:32 
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I saw a writeup a while back, which I cannot currently locate, of a tech demo that is probably based off the same code. It sounds amazing. The journalist drew a tank on a piece of paper and thirty seconds later was driving it around a 3d world, with animated tracks and turrent. Looks like everything is coming up Sony!

 Post subject: Re: Augmented Reality Gaming for the PS3
PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 0:26 

Joined: 31st Mar, 2008
Posts: 6093
And you people mocked me when I said I'd rather keep the PS3 than the 360. :attitude:

 Post subject: Re: Augmented Reality Gaming for the PS3
PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 0:30 
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I forgot about this - how vain

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Posts: 5979
Zio wrote:
And you people mocked me when I said I'd rather keep the PS3 than the 360. :attitude:

Unless you know the developers then I'll mock you if you kept your PS3 on the hope that something like this would be released. :p

Curiosity wrote:
The Rev Owen wrote:
Is there a way to summon lave?

Faith schools, scientologists and 2-D platform games.

 Post subject: Re: Augmented Reality Gaming for the PS3
PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 0:35 
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Posts: 32624
Zio wrote:
And you people mocked me when I said I'd rather keep the PS3 than the 360. :attitude:
I have a PSP, DS, Wii, funsquare, and PS3. Gotta catch 'em all.

 Post subject: Re: Augmented Reality Gaming for the PS3
PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 0:37 
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richardgaywood wrote:
I saw a writeup a while back, which I cannot currently locate, of a tech demo that is probably based off the same code. It sounds amazing. The journalist drew a tank on a piece of paper and thirty seconds later was driving it around a 3d world, with animated tracks and turrent. Looks like everything is coming up Sony!

that was on kotaku im sure.

 Post subject: Re: Augmented Reality Gaming for the PS3
PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 0:38 

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Posts: 6093
Lave wrote:
Zio wrote:
And you people mocked me when I said I'd rather keep the PS3 than the 360. :attitude:

Unless you know the developers then I'll mock you if you kept your PS3 on the hope that something like this would be released. :p

You doubt my super-awesome psychic powers of prescience?

*wonders if he should've posted this in the super-powers thread*

 Post subject: Re: Augmented Reality Gaming for the PS3
PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 5:28 
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What-ho, chaps!

Joined: 30th Mar, 2008
Posts: 2139
Back when I worked for t'almighty shapes, I saw that trailer (or a different (longer?) trailer for the same thing) months and months ago.

Kids looking at the thing's real-life position rather than the reflection on the screen... wouldn't you end up putting your hand right through it? Wouldn't that be ICKY? Not to mention PAINFUL for the critter?


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