I'm playing this through co-op with my GF -- I knew she'd played Baulders Gate + Icewind Dale in her youth and always chats on about it, so thought she might like this. We've put about 20 hours so far and have yet to leave the first map. She's not the world's best tactician, but she's not terrible in combat either, though she continually electrocutes the Madora companion + the giant spider I summon.
Of course, playing co-op means I can't min/max this to death, which I'm not sure if that's a pro or a con. We're both really enjoying the game, however. She's very keen to continue playing at ever possible opportunity!
The inventory sucks, there's no shared gold system, which is rubbish even in co-op. (I have the ID skills so I'm the one that mostly ends up with the loot, plus she likes to just dump it on me if she doesn't want it. As such I sell it all and then have to keep transferring her money... so much like I do IRL!). Also, the game lets you sell anything, including important things, so I'm fairly certain I sold a plot item ('Legionnaires will'), as it's not in my inventory yet there's a quest in the quest log mentioning it. NIGHTMARE. Thankfully there's only about 9 vendors in town so I can probably waste 10 minutes visiting each of them to see what their stock is. (They retain everything you sell them it seems. Infact the world is 100% persistent, so if I leave something in a random crate it'll be there when I get back). Let's just hope I also actually picked it up from where I originally got it!
It does suffer from what most RPG suffers from: A huge pressure right at the start of the game to invest "wisely" in your skills and attributes. Frankly, we didn't do that, so we both have a couple of waste points in things we don't need/use.
pro-tip: don't get many of skills that aren't in the spell section, unless you're a melee type in which case you can also get the top 2 sets of skills. Even then you might still want to dump points in the man-at-arms skill so that you have lots of room for MAA spells/skills. You don't want to invest in them as
a) they usually don't help you in combat or walking around questing, as you can often find people to do those things for you.
b) these are the skils that are most often buffed on random pieces of loot, so it's quite easy to go from 0 to +4 simply by swapping clothes over, whereas that would normally cost you 1+2+3+4 permanent skill points!
As for attributes, none of them are useless. There's no 'charisma' attribute waiting to uselessly suck up points. (Though there is a charisma stat, but once again it's easy to get on amulets and stuff). Preception sounds useless but is in fact very, very useful. It helps you see all sorts of hidden goodies + contributes to starting AP.
The game doesn't do any of that autolevel crap and so has some fairly difficult fights if you wander into the wrong zone, but if we've lost a fight a few times we just go elsewhere on the map and then come back later to sail through it. WHO'S THE POWERFUL WIZARD NOW?!?!