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 Post subject: Need help with a (small) translation
PostPosted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 12:26 
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This whole paragraph seems to be full of wrongness, but i'm not feeling particularly bright today to make it better. Is there any way to improve it?:

A degree in Environmental Engineering, Sanitary Engineering, completed at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology, New University of Lisbon, allowed the achieving of key skills and knowledge which enabled to wield various positions between the aforementioned years in areas related to Environmental Engineering.

 Post subject: Re: Need help with a (small) translation
PostPosted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 12:32 
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Joined: 6th Apr, 2008
Posts: 12360
RuySan wrote:
This whole paragraph seems to be full of wrongness, but i'm not feeling particularly bright today to make it better. Is there any way to improve it?:

A degree in Environmental Engineering, Sanitary Engineering, completed at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology, New University of Lisbon, allowed the achieving of key skills and knowledge which enabled to wield various positions between the aforementioned years in areas related to Environmental Engineering.

A degree in Environmental Engineering, Sanitary Engineering, completed at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology, New University of Lisbon, achieving key skills and knowledge which enabled me to wield various positions in areas related to Environmental Engineering between the aforementioned years.

Had to stick a 'me' in there, but don't know if you're trying to keep it impersonal. My take on it anyway, assuming it's a CV type thing.

Always proof read carefully in case you any words out

 Post subject: Re: Need help with a (small) translation
PostPosted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 13:14 
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Prince of Fops

Joined: 14th May, 2009
Posts: 4376
I tried to trim it down a little, though hopefully haven't amputated anything vital

A degree in Environmental Engineering and Sanitary Engineering from the New University of Lisbon provided key skills and knowledge that enabled me to fulfill a range of positions in areas related to Environmental Engineering.

 Post subject: Re: Need help with a (small) translation
PostPosted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 18:03 
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Posts: 3542
Findus Fop wrote:
I tried to trim it down a little, though hopefully haven't amputated anything vital

A degree in Environmental Engineering and Sanitary Engineering from the New University of Lisbon provided key skills and knowledge that enabled me to fulfill a range of positions in areas related to Environmental Engineering.

Well, my original translation was even stupidier than i thought.

The thing is, i don't have two degrees. The rough translation of my degree is "Environmental Engineering, Sanitary Engineering branch"

Is it ok to use the word branch, or it's better to use another like "field"?

Mr Russell wrote:
. My take on it anyway, assuming it's a CV type thing.

It's not a CV. I have a 5 year degree that was finished before the european standardization of university courses. Nowadays a 5 year degree is a Master degree (a Master degree before the Bologna process was 7 years here). To be recognozied as having a Master degree i have to write a report on my professional experience. This is the abstract of the report that has to be also in english.

 Post subject: Re: Need help with a (small) translation
PostPosted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 18:21 
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Prince of Fops

Joined: 14th May, 2009
Posts: 4376
RuySan wrote:
Findus Fop wrote:
I tried to trim it down a little, though hopefully haven't amputated anything vital

A degree in Environmental Engineering and Sanitary Engineering from the New University of Lisbon provided key skills and knowledge that enabled me to fulfill a range of positions in areas related to Environmental Engineering.

Well, my original translation was even stupidier than i thought.

The thing is, i don't have two degrees. The rough translation of my degree is "Environmental Engineering, Sanitary Engineering branch"

Is it ok to use the word branch, or it's better to use another like "field"?

Mr Russell wrote:
. My take on it anyway, assuming it's a CV type thing.

It's not a CV. I have a 5 year degree that was finished before the european standardization of university courses. Nowadays a 5 year degree is a Master degree (a Master degree before the Bologna process was 7 years here). To be recognozied as having a Master degree i have to write a report on my professional experience. This is the abstract of the report that has to be also in english.

I would say that my edit doesn't suggest you have two degrees - it says you have a single degree, and it is in these two areas. If that's inaccurate though, could you say: A degree in Environmental Engineering from the New University of Lisbon saw me specialise in Sanitary Engineering, which equipped me with key skills and knowledge I needed to fulfill a range of positions in areas related to Environmental Engineering.

 Post subject: Re: Need help with a (small) translation
PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 16:22 
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Posts: 3542
thanks much!

 Post subject: Re: Need help with a (small) translation
PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 16:30 
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Joined: 1st Apr, 2008
Posts: 30498
Also chuck in some stuff about proactively systematising your value add in the transformational process by realigning the synergistic paradigms.

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