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 Post subject: Changing Jobs
PostPosted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 16:47 
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I have recently applied for two new jobs, one of which is a similar research gig to where I work now, about half a mile away, for £2-7k more than I'm on now. MAybe interested, but more of a cash thing.

Second one is pretty much my ideal job, whilst still being in the realm of science. Its a customer facing 'Field Applications Specialist'. However I have no commercial experience - this isnt a deal breaker - just wondering if anyone here has made the jump from similar backgrounds into customer service type fields.

If so, was there any general trend to the type of questions asked at interview? How did you find making the jump?

I am getting to the point where I have made the conscious decision that I do not want to remain in reserach my whole career, and aside from the pipe dream of getting a record contract, I eitehr need to diversify or retrain. Retraining is pretty much impossible right now due to financing it, and I woudlnt even be sure what to retrain as, so this other choice is the best I can think of whilst retaining skills I have developed so far.

Anyway, all advice and wishes of luck appreciated.


 Post subject: Re: Changing Jobs
PostPosted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 16:53 
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Est. 1978

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That's a bit specific mate - "Anyone here who does science and then went to Customer Service - Science division?"

Good luck all the same.

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 Post subject: Re: Changing Jobs
PostPosted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 16:59 
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LaceSensor wrote:
Second one is pretty much my ideal job, whilst still being in the realm of science. Its a customer facing 'Field Applications Specialist'.

This one. Then you can tell people you are a fap specialist.

Although seriously that sounds like the more interesting job to a layman like me. Also you'll probably meet interesting people and you can talk uber nerdy stuff without feeling nerdy.

Everyone but Zardoz is better than me at videogames.

 Post subject: Re: Changing Jobs
PostPosted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 17:07 
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Customer service essentially just requires tact and 'putting up with shit' skills. Even tact seems to be largely optional unless you want to actually be good at it. To be good at it, you need both, and to be diplomatic and good at problem solving. If you're interested in what you do that'll come through naturally anyway, so you don't need to bullshit any more than in any other job. If you like people, that too will come through naturally anyway. If not, just think of everyone you deal with as a scientific curiosity. That might not help, but it might result in your poking them with a glass stirrer, which would amuse me greatly.

It's probably a useful one to have some experience in too, particularly as I'd imagine there's some stereotype that research types will be socially inept shut-ins. Beyond that I don't really know what to say. Apart from "fuck it, why not, eh?"

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 Post subject: Re: Changing Jobs
PostPosted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 17:36 
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Yeah pretty damn specific, but you never know.

I already think Fuck it, just go for it.
I know a guy personally who did the same, gonna be meeting with him next week for advice too.

Its weird I'm actually excited at the prospect of even getting an interview...within science, its pretty much my ideal job - bar working in Cancer research, but that is notoriously difficult to get into, especially sans Ph.D.


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