One of the things I greatly dislike about my alto-Facebook* is the proliferation of posts from people who throw out angry comments, like that wife's tweet, without context. It's a bit of a childish wahwah that's clearly directed at someone specific, who is not necessarily on Facebook and won't see the post (typically because they're too cowardly to direct the comment anywhere the recipient can see it), while at the same time seeking attention from anyone reading. Just a smidge passive-aggressive
Cue responses from people saying 'u ok babes?', and 'wats up? xxxx' whereby the OP may expand with some more vaguities about how 'some people will get what they deserve' or some dippy derpy bollocks like that.
As for your friend (two weeks late to the party here), he sounds like a combination of angry and depressed. He doesn't have very many friends, but his sense of self-esteem is contingent on the perceived respect he gets from them. Any challenge to any comment he makes is seen as a direct attack on him, and is a loss of face. His only hope is to overcompensate with an unnecessarily aggressive backlash in order to make you back down immediately, so as to maintain his sense of self. Immediately threatening to detonate the friendship bomb at the first sign of disagreement is a sign of how critical he sees the friendship and associated respect to be, and he bet heavily you'd rather back down than tell him to fuck off for good.
I almost feel sorry for him, because he is obviously an unhappy person and his tactics have backfired massively. The attempt to have everyone else come down on his side, effectively making it an 'agree with me or you can ALL get to fuck' situation is him going double-or-nothing because the continuation of the argument is massively destructive to his fragile ego and he desperately needed to win just to get back to where he started.
He needed to believe your wife was the source of the disagreement, because to concede that you and only you disagreed with him would be a further damage to his sense of 'control' over you. To believe a third party was the source, and a person who has an unfair advantage over him (being the wife/mother of your child), would be the only scenario in this terrible situation where it wasn't entirely his fault. To blame an overreacting third party is the most acceptable scenario psychologically.
It's all gone wrong, and he's fucked without friends now. To admit he was wrong and beg an apology would be too humbling, so he's more likely to maintain an unhappy silence indefinitely. It's also highly probable that if you reach out, he will be immensely grateful and genuinely apologetic. To make amends properly, by seperately apologising to your wife, for example, would take an incredible measure of will on his part, which is something you should recognise if it happens.
Of course, it's a question of whether you want to remain friends to someone who is this volatile, but be aware it probably comes from a place of unhappiness and a fear of social isolation. I sort of feel sorry for the guy while wanting to slap him over the head for his lack of foresight and for not just apologising in short order right at the start.
Thought on people with kids: Your kids are fascinating to you, and less fascinating to everyone else. Imagine having an annoying friend that does nothing except bang on about a hobby you have no interest in whatsoever, but who continues to harp on about it every time you see them while being completely oblivious to the fact you couldn't care less. That's what it's like. If I one day take up the same hobby, then great, we can chat about it, but otherwise it'd be helpful if you knew when to pipe down. kthxbye.
* My alto-Facebook is a public honeypot account so people can think they've found me when they go searching for me. The account is basically devoid of any real personal information and the friends list is a cavalcade of dipshits and arseholes that I went to school with and never liked/liked me. Their updates are predictably asinine with most of them being just baby pictures of the ugly golums they've managed to pump out, while otherwise appearing to have no life whatsoever.
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Pretty much everyone agrees with Gnomes,
really, it's just some are too right on to admit it.