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 Post subject: Donkaster Elektronische Freundschaft
PostPosted: Fri May 17, 2013 8:18 
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Joined: 31st Mar, 2008
Posts: 3742
So as my forum sig now displays, I've put together what will hopefully be a new regular night of electronic music in Doncaster. The first event of which is on the 27th of July.

I've also started a website to do with it all and stuff.

Donkaster Elektronische Freundschaft (because you know sounding german is good for electronic stuff, right?)

First night features Analog Angel headlining, supported by Jan Doyle Band (me), Tokyo Witch Hunt and Replicas. Here's some videos of them..

I'm not really looking to make a profit from this but just to promote electronic music and not lose a fortune... so if you know anyone who might like to attend then please let them know about it.


 Post subject: Re: Donkaster Elektronische Freundschaft
PostPosted: Fri May 17, 2013 11:14 
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Hibernating Druid

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Very best of luck with your night!

Shame it's not closer as I'd be we'll up for it.

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 Post subject: Re: Donkaster Elektronische Freundschaft
PostPosted: Fri May 17, 2013 11:21 
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Yeah, I'd have come along if it was closer but there you go. Good luck with it!

 Post subject: Re: Donkaster Elektronische Freundschaft
PostPosted: Fri May 17, 2013 18:13 
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Joined: 31st Mar, 2008
Posts: 3742
I'd moaned about there not being enough support for electronic music so I figured stop moaning and put a night on for it. Thanks for the comments. If you do happen to know anyone who might be interested, let them know.


 Post subject: Re: Donkaster Elektronische Freundschaft
PostPosted: Fri May 17, 2013 19:39 
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Ticket to Ride World Champion

Joined: 18th Apr, 2008
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Shame it is so far away otherwise I'd be well up for it! Is there a big electronic scene in Doncaster, somehow it doesn't strike me as being the case? Good luck with it all though!

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 Post subject: Re: Donkaster Elektronische Freundschaft
PostPosted: Sat May 18, 2013 8:59 
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Joined: 31st Mar, 2008
Posts: 3742
It's definitely not the case. I don't think there is anywhere. But if I keep at it, maybe I can make one? If I put it on they will come.

Clearly as there appears to be more interest elsewhere, I'll have to take the night on tour. ;)


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