So you are saying that wars are started by evil people, without the support of the populous? That's an interestingly naive viewpoint.
Yes, largely. The Germans weren't all gunning for the death and destruction of their neighbours. Once you've got the apparatus of an "evil" state, everyone lives in fear of everyone above them in the civilisation's structure, and so will do whatever the people at the top tell them. People go along with what they're told out of fear for their safety.
Ultimately it's the man at the top making the decisions, so it's them that's doing the war waging, not anyone else.
Tell me the Vikings were dragged along by force on their conquests.
Quite possibly the threat of force, but there we are. But they didn't have this "apparatus of civilisation" you're talking of. They had a boss man, who said "we go rape and pillage". The boys did as they were told. I'm sure a number of them enjoyed it, but you can bet your ass that the larger number of people who were the rapees and pillagees didn't enjoy it, and would be massively unlikely to have decided to go off and do some of their own at some point previously.
There have always been far fewer people who willingly commit violence than those who don't. They're always the exception. That's why we have these notions of what it is to be a "good" person. Because it's the norm that's civilised.
Again, you can't use the tiny minority from history who have willingly chosen to wage war or commit violence as evidence that the majority are cunts too and that it's actually that the well-behaved people who are the unusual ones who aren't acting according to what you think their default state is.
By that logic we're all criminals who haven't gotten round to it yet.
Tell me the people fighting the crusades didn't want to be there.
Robin Hood didn't. Most of the people fighting the Crusades were conscripts, remember. Given the choice between going off to the Holy Land and staying at home growing interestingly shaped turnips almost all of them would have chosen the latter. But they had
no choiceLook, There have been a lot of wars, but to use that as evidence of some ingrained characteristic of every single human being on earth wanting to get into a fight to nick their neighbour's stuff is crushingly stupid and shows a massive lack of understanding of how the apparatus of the civilisation you're on about actually works.
Tell me boxing is a popular spectator sport because it is an impressive display of athletic ability.
Consensual fisticuffsmanship is not at all analagous to war, you utter tool.