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 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 12:50 
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Bamba wrote:
You do actually do it quite a bit to be fair, and your attitude while doing it does come across as if you were lecturing the ignorant (whether you mean it to or not). Although the fact that people over-react to it so much and allow it to clog things up rather than just breezing past it isn't on you so, y'know, there's a bit of blame on both sides there.

Oh I'm not saying I don't do it Bamba, or that I haven't gone overboard with it in the past, and I certainly found many posts where I did do that, but the idea that it's ALL I EVER DO in ANY GAMING THREAD AT ALL is simply not true. (Most recently the BL2 and FC3 threads, and say the Pinball Arcade thread, and the NFS Hot Pursuit thread, and just, quite a lot of gaming threads, really.)

I'm happy to take some of the blame, but I think some folks here need to take a look at themselves, too.

 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 12:50 
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Bamba wrote:
Mr Russell wrote:
Of course it is. Who else do you think would pick you up on that point?

I assumed my vagueness could be enough to annoy any passer-by. Anyway, for the record: I'm now officially embarrassed at not being able to remember someone's name even while actually talking to that person. That's pretty shocking stuff.


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 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 12:52 
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AtrocityExhibition wrote:
Bamba wrote:
You do actually do it quite a bit to be fair, and your attitude while doing it does come across as if you were lecturing the ignorant (whether you mean it to or not). Although the fact that people over-react to it so much and allow it to clog things up rather than just breezing past it isn't on you so, y'know, there's a bit of blame on both sides there.

Oh I'm not saying I don't do it Bamba, or that I haven't gone overboard with it in the past, and I certainly found many posts where I did do that, but the idea that it's ALL I EVER DO in ANY GAMING THREAD AT ALL is simply not true. (Most recently the BL2 and FC3 threads, and say the Pinball Arcade thread, and the NFS Hot Pursuit thread, and just, quite a lot of gaming threads, really.)

I'm happy to take some of the blame, but I think some folks here need to take a look at themselves, too.

Does your brain only comprehend black and white? It's not ALL YOU EVER DO. The frequency you do it is enough as it is. That's what's annoying. Stop listening to our argument selectively. You finally acknowledge that you're annoying here. That's a start. Now fucking stop it.

 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 12:53 
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AE's profile seems to indicate he revels in posting PC stuff

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 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 12:54 
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Bad Girl

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Good lord, are you lot still doing this? AE, for gods sake, just say you'll never mention PC's again so we can get on with our lives. Or find another forum to frequent. That's all you need to do. One or t'other.

 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 12:55 
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Saturnalian wrote:
Good lord, are you lot still doing this? AE, for gods sake, just say you'll never mention PC's again so we can get on with our lives. Or find another forum to frequent. That's all you need to do. One or t'other.


Always proof read carefully in case you any words out

 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 12:57 
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He's still helpful in the build a PC thread though. It's his "why not build a cheap gaming PC" instead of playing a dirty console twoddle that infuriates.

 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 12:58 
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I need to stay out of this train wreck of a thread. Yes, AE annoys some folk, but more and more seem set on hounding him out of this site and bitching about him on Twitter. That's not a community I want to be a part of, so I think it's time I turned the PC off and played some bloody videogames.

Consolemad | Under Logic
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 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 13:01 
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AtrocityExhibition wrote:
Bamba wrote:
You do actually do it quite a bit to be fair, and your attitude while doing it does come across as if you were lecturing the ignorant (whether you mean it to or not). Although the fact that people over-react to it so much and allow it to clog things up rather than just breezing past it isn't on you so, y'know, there's a bit of blame on both sides there.

Oh I'm not saying I don't do it Bamba, or that I haven't gone overboard with it in the past, and I certainly found many posts where I did do that, but the idea that it's ALL I EVER DO in ANY GAMING THREAD AT ALL is simply not true. (Most recently the BL2 and FC3 threads, and say the Pinball Arcade thread, and the NFS Hot Pursuit thread, and just, quite a lot of gaming threads, really.)

I'm happy to take some of the blame, but I think some folks here need to take a look at themselves, too.

There is a perception issue here in that, once someone does something often enough, it's harder to notice the times they're not doing it and much easier to remember when they do. So, yeah, the problem likely isn't as bad as people are making out; but equally you might just need to accept that if you have been like this often enough in the past (which you sort of admit above) then people will be more sensitive to future occurrences. It'll loom larger in their mind and they'll have less tolerance for it coming from someone with a history of a certain behaviour. It's not entirely fair but it's how the brain works so there's not a lot of point arguing about it to my mind. On the upside though is that all it takes is to ease off of a behaviour for an extended period of time and you'll eventually no longer be 'that guy' in people's heads. Job done.

 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 13:01 
Filthy Junkie Bitch

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devilman wrote:
I need to stay out of this train wreck of a thread. Yes, AE annoys some folk, but more and more seem set on hounding him out of this site and bitching about him on Twitter. That's not a community I want to be a part of, so I think it's time I turned the PC off and played some bloody videogames.

Great. What this thread really needed was another PC/console debate.

 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 13:36 
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Hello. Long-time lurker, occasional poster here.

AtrocityExhibition may be a lovely chap in real life and I certainly hope he is. However, his behaviour on this forum is frequently pretty shabby and I have often thought it seems designed to wind people up. I’ve hastily jotted down some thoughts based on my observations some of which unavoidably may come across as attacks. I assure you I have no desire to attack AE. This is intended to help recognise what is wrong and hopefully make it better.

• AtrocityExhibition chosen as a forum name (unconsciously or deliberately) as a public declaration of intent. E.g. “my posts are going to be an exhibition of atrocities”.
• Forum Avatar choice: generally something quite unsettling or unpleasant. Again, could be indicative of a desire (whether unconscious or deliberate) to antagonise others.
• Selective posting: Doesn’t start many topics and generally only enters a discussion to disagree with someone either directly or in a roundabout fashion.
• Generally doesn’t volunteer positive contributions, most posts are about things that have gone wrong or he doesn't like, or that lead to discord and conflict.
• Fanaticism: Denigrating consoles and comparing them unfavourably to PCs, on a predominantly gaming-based forum, to no apparent benefit to anyone other than it must amuses him. And then giving a little ground E.g. "I like some consoles/games too, honest guv" to provide a veneer of fairness.
• Tendency to make the same statement repeatedly, over a period of months, frequently in the same thread, despite no one having challenged it, as if it needs to be re-stated to correct someone else’s view. E.g. typically about PCs vs consoles or other computers. Also see Borderlands 2.
• Inability to recognise or acknowledge how his behaviour negatively impacts other forum members and a refusal to even consider modifying his behaviour for his own sake when given feedback (to avoid arguments/conflict), for the sake of other forum members or the good of the community in general.
• Inability to take on board other's attempts to help him through provision of constructive feedback. E.g. “If you stop saying X, it would help”. But continuing to do so claiming he doesn’t understand what is wrong.

Calling people names is offensive, but behaving in this way, if it is deliberate, is far worse.

I think if AE put a post-it note on his monitor which said:

“1. Don’t compare consoles to PCs”, and
“2. Don’t repeat myself”

And obeyed it, he could avoid 94% of the current strife.


 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 14:18 
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Hugh wrote:
• AtrocityExhibition chosen as a forum name (unconsciously or deliberately) as a public declaration of intent. E.g. “my posts are going to be an exhibition of atrocities”.

I was just stuck for a name and I was very much into Joy Division at the time, I think I did actually say at some point pretty early on in a post 'I need to change my username' - I just never did!

In fact, here it is!


• Forum Avatar choice: generally something quite unsettling or unpleasant. Again, could be indicative of a desire (whether unconscious or deliberate) to antagonise others.

This was my avatar for the best part of five years, I only changed it to the current avatar on Friday night. Even as a lurker, if you're going to come out with a sort of 'state of the nation' address you really shouldn't be conveying such fundamentally inaccurate observations.


• Selective posting: Doesn’t start many topics and generally only enters a discussion to disagree with someone either directly or in a roundabout fashion.

I've covered this already, I'm basically not here during the day Monday-Friday, which is when BEEX is generally most active. Therefore pretty much by definition I'm entering discussions once they're underway. I have started a fair number of topics over the years, although I didn't realise there was some sort of arbitrary threshold one had to cross before they can be considered a 'proper poster'.

• Generally doesn’t volunteer positive contributions, most posts are about things that have gone wrong or he doesn't like, or that lead to discord and conflict.

I'm sorry but I don't think that's fair, in the PC gaming hardware thread I regularly try to help folks out, just a few nights ago I was sympathising with WTB and his rental situation, I'm an enthusiastic participant in the BEEX MAME challenges, I did a BEEX WEEK when I was nominated, and so on.

• Fanaticism: Denigrating consoles and comparing them unfavourably to PCs, on a predominantly gaming-based forum, to no apparent benefit to anyone other than it must amuses him. And then giving a little ground E.g. "I like some consoles/games too, honest guv" to provide a veneer of fairness.

I'll concede this is an area where I've obviously pissed people off, it wasn't a deliberately antagonistic process in the main - although there are times when I've just thought 'fuck it' as a response to how I feel I'm being treated, although you're into chicken and egg territory there. How things escalated to where they are now I'm not quite sure.

• Tendency to make the same statement repeatedly, over a period of months, frequently in the same thread, despite no one having challenged it, as if it needs to be re-stated to correct someone else’s view. E.g. typically about PCs vs consoles or other computers. Also see Borderlands 2.

Repetition on BEEX, surely not! I'm not quite sure how to respond to this one, 'tendency to make the same statement repeatedly', yes I'm sure I do, but I don't think that justifies the abuse that's been hurled at me and now we have a kind of off-forum rearguard action on Twitter to call me names as well.

• Inability to recognise or acknowledge how his behaviour negatively impacts other forum members and a refusal to even consider modifying his behaviour for his own sake when given feedback (to avoid arguments/conflict), for the sake of other forum members or the good of the community in general.

Again this is a bit chicken and egg, but considering how some members have behaved towards me over an extended period of time, including some of the most base abuse I've ever read, are you surprised I don't feel overly inclined to become the tame little forum pet I'm expected to be?

• Inability to take on board other's attempts to help him through provision of constructive feedback. E.g. “If you stop saying X, it would help”. But continuing to do so claiming he doesn’t understand what is wrong.

With all due respect old chap, I'm not here for 'help' with anything.

Calling people names is offensive, but behaving in this way, if it is deliberate, is far worse.

Is it? Where does it say that? Is it in the rules somewhere?

I think if AE put a post-it note on his monitor which said:

“1. Don’t compare consoles to PCs”, and
“2. Don’t repeat myself”

And obeyed it, he could avoid 94% of the current strife.

Maybe if other folks can find the 'stop calling people a cunt' post-it, I'll have a think about it.

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 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 14:21 
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AE you are not the victim here. You are asked 3 months ago to change. You decided against it. Now folks are cross.

MetalAngel wrote:
Kovacs: From 'unresponsive' to 'kebab' in 3.5 seconds

 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 14:40 
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AE, people have been asking you to mend your ways for months now, if not longer. You ignore them at each and every turn - and in fact seem to be ratcheting up your anti-social behaviour. Whether that's been deliberate, or because you are actually completely lacking in any self-awareness, I have no idea. But really, warning lights have been flashing for long enough now, and your stubbornness to change course is really what has gotten people's backs up over the last week or two.

Also, tracking down and posting people's Twitter conversations and then insulting them is just plain anti-social. Do you realise that? At a stroke you've already permanently alienated DG, Dimrill, The Vision and that clock guy.

 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 14:45 
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Hero of Excellence wrote:
Also, tracking down and posting people's Twitter conversations and then insulting them is just plain anti-social. Do you realise that? At a stroke you've already permanently alienated DG, Dimrill, The Vision and that clock guy.

'Tracking down'?

Chinny mentioned the Twitter thing, I typed DocG's real name (which everyone knows) into the Twitter search box and there it was, it took all of about 20 seconds. Twitter is a public forum and those are public conversations.

Also, I'm insulting them? Really?

Dimrill called me a 'rampaging cunt' just the other day and DocG called me a 'fucking dribbling idiot', admittedly Vision has never insulted me like that and I have never felt I had an axe to grind with him.

 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 14:47 
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KovacsC wrote:
AE you are not the victim here. You are asked 3 months ago to change. You decided against it. Now folks are cross.


lots of people don't have a problem with AE or his posting style.


Where's the Kaboom? I was expecting an Earth shattering Kaboom!

 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 14:51 
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AtrocityExhibition wrote:
Hero of Excellence wrote:
Also, tracking down and posting people's Twitter conversations and then insulting them is just plain anti-social. Do you realise that? At a stroke you've already permanently alienated DG, Dimrill, The Vision and that clock guy.

'Tracking down'?

Chinny mentioned the Twitter thing, I typed DocG's real name (which everyone knows) into the Twitter search box and there it was, it took all of about 20 seconds. Twitter is a public forum and those are public conversations.

Also, I'm insulting them? Really?

Dimrill called me a 'rampaging cunt' just the other day and DocG called me a 'fucking dribbling idiot', admittedly Vision has never insulted me like that and I have never felt I had an axe to grind with him.

It's pretty creepy (and rude) to post screen grabs of other peoples' Twitter conversations.

 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 14:52 
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Hero of Excellence wrote:
AtrocityExhibition wrote:
Hero of Excellence wrote:
Also, tracking down and posting people's Twitter conversations and then insulting them is just plain anti-social. Do you realise that? At a stroke you've already permanently alienated DG, Dimrill, The Vision and that clock guy.

'Tracking down'?

Chinny mentioned the Twitter thing, I typed DocG's real name (which everyone knows) into the Twitter search box and there it was, it took all of about 20 seconds. Twitter is a public forum and those are public conversations.

Also, I'm insulting them? Really?

Dimrill called me a 'rampaging cunt' just the other day and DocG called me a 'fucking dribbling idiot', admittedly Vision has never insulted me like that and I have never felt I had an axe to grind with him.

It's pretty creepy (and rude) to post screen grabs of othet peoples' Twitter conversations.

It's ruder to call someone a cunt


Where's the Kaboom? I was expecting an Earth shattering Kaboom!

 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 14:53 
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Isn't that lovely?

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Malc wrote:
Hero of Excellence wrote:
AtrocityExhibition wrote:
Hero of Excellence wrote:
Also, tracking down and posting people's Twitter conversations and then insulting them is just plain anti-social. Do you realise that? At a stroke you've already permanently alienated DG, Dimrill, The Vision and that clock guy.

'Tracking down'?

Chinny mentioned the Twitter thing, I typed DocG's real name (which everyone knows) into the Twitter search box and there it was, it took all of about 20 seconds. Twitter is a public forum and those are public conversations.

Also, I'm insulting them? Really?

Dimrill called me a 'rampaging cunt' just the other day and DocG called me a 'fucking dribbling idiot', admittedly Vision has never insulted me like that and I have never felt I had an axe to grind with him.

It's pretty creepy (and rude) to post screen grabs of othet peoples' Twitter conversations.

It's ruder to call someone a cunt


Also, they were talking about him!

I don't think it's creepy at all


Where's the Kaboom? I was expecting an Earth shattering Kaboom!

 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 14:56 
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I have far better things to be doing on a Sunday, but here goes:


AtrocityExhibition wrote:
Zio wrote:
There's no way you can really compare it to using a console, which is designed right from the get-go to be a set-top box for use with a telly.

Of course I can compare it to using a console, and Windows 7 on a small, quiet, media centre PC with a wireless keyboard and mouse delivers a far better media experience than a console.


AtrocityExhibition wrote:
Also note that it could be like Duke Nukem Forever in that whilst it'll never be a brilliant game, the console versions run so incredibly horribly that any enjoyment that can be had out of them is destroyed.


AtrocityExhibition wrote:
I can well imagine going down the mini-ITX PC route instead of buying a next-gen console. With a wireless keyboard and mouse, along with a wireless gamepad - it'll tick all the boxes.


AtrocityExhibition wrote:
You'd arguably be better off with a cheap PC based around an AMD APU chip...


AtrocityExhibition wrote:
Custom PC ran a decent feature on gaming laptops this month. Now admittedly these aren't at console prices by a long stretch, but £1000 gets you a genuine gaming laptop (will chuck BF3 around at 1080p completely ULTRAed out with 4xAA) that can indeed just be plugged into a telly and used as a games machine with a wireless 360 controller.

Plus it's a PC, and a laptop.


AtrocityExhibition wrote:
Can't come soon enough for me, the 360 is absolutely clapped out and just not up to the job any more.

Bring it on, proper 1080p@60FPS console gaming, now that really would be nice.


AtrocityExhibition wrote:
throughsilver wrote:
AtrocityExhibition wrote:
'Not coming to a console near you'


I'm just saying that they may as well show renders from a pre-rendered FMV cutscene in terms of how much of the actual game it shows.


AtrocityExhibition wrote:
FC3 is basically a console interface ported badly to the PC (the Rock Paper Shotgun 'stuff I loathe' list picked up on this), whereas with BL2, Gearbox have actually exploited the K+M interface.


AtrocityExhibition wrote:
GTAIV (PC) had a traffic density slider, and you could indeed set it to what might be considered 'authentic levels', to give you an idea, the 360/PS3 versions ran at about 30 (on a scale of 0-100), on the PC you could set it all the way up to 100.


AtrocityExhibition wrote:
Ian Fairies wrote:
Oh, for fucks sake, this is what happens when you tone down difficult games for cry babies.

No, this is what happens when you aim games at the console gaming demographic.

Too many hyperactive teenagers with the attention span of a gnat.


AtrocityExhibition wrote:
Ian Fairies wrote:
You just couldn't help yourself, could you?

I'm just pointing out, factually, why the game operates in fairly small areas and as such may not 'feel' like the original Deus Ex.

The phenomenon was first seen in Deus Ex 2 on the original XBox, the developers went out of their way ahead of the release to explain that the big open levels had gone in the bin due to the console's memory constraints, the same applies to Deux Ex HR on 360/PS3, it's why the levels are relatively small and it's also why there's so much loading.


AtrocityExhibition wrote:
The consoles couldn't run GTAIV properly, they just couldn't.

It's only when you've experienced it running on a capable PC that you start to appreciate how much Rockstar had to cripple it to get it running on the consoles.


AtrocityExhibition wrote:
BikNorton wrote:
They'd just refuse to play at all. Didn't we do this in another thread?

I hope so, otherwise that means I read the comments at Kotaku or somewhere.

I'd never entrust my TV/films to an always-internet-connected console with a totally locked down proprietary OS anyway (or to any device I didn't have complete control over, basically), they're just moving relentlessly towards the model whereby we rent everything and own nothing, and have to pay them every time we want to watch or play something.


AtrocityExhibition wrote:
As markg has already said, I honestly can't remember the last time a PC game gave me any hassle, or at the very least, no more than my 360 does with the console wanting to update itself and then the game wanting to update itself and then the entire fucking dashboard having changed since I last used it so I can't fucking find anything.


AtrocityExhibition wrote:
By all accounts if you chuck even a mid-spec PC at it you'll get an overall experience somewhat better than either the 360 or PS3 delivers.


AtrocityExhibition wrote:
The future is bright, the future is PC.

Or perhaps the next-gen consoles.



AtrocityExhibition wrote:
Interesting to note that Eurogamer's £300 super-budget gaming PC can lump the game around far better than either the 360 or PS3 can manage.


AtrocityExhibition wrote:
Do note there is some negative stuff in there about the console versions in terms of lag, controller response, controller usability, and framerate. However, with no cross-platform play at least no other players will have a 'platform advantage'.


AtrocityExhibition wrote:
OnLive delivered 60FPS which was better than the consoles, but at the expense of visual fidelity, was my understanding of it.


AtrocityExhibition wrote:
If it's a case of TL:DR then the answer is motion blur can help to an extent in some gaming situations (which is why it's used quite extensively in 30FPS capped console titles) but it has pretty serious limitations.


AtrocityExhibition wrote:
Very 'console-esque', shitty small maps with crappy 'shooting gallery' corridors. Not good.

Music is cool though.


AtrocityExhibition wrote:
Historically Battlefield games didn't even have a single player for god's sake, they only put one in there for the console generation.


AtrocityExhibition wrote:
This ain't no shoddy port man, the main reason the install is 35GB is down to them using artwork assets that are up to 400% more detailed than on the console versions.

Although given the disaster area that the PC port of GTAIV was*, I suppose seeing will be believing, more than taking their word for it.....

(*It was an amazing game and definitely the version of choice, once PC technology had evolved for two years and as such the PC existed that could actually fucking run it properly.)


AtrocityExhibition wrote:
I see the console versions run at 60FPS, which is unusual but very welcome. (Burnout Paradise for example I got on with fine on the 360, as that's a 60FPS game too.)

This is going back just one year, with a search for "console" in your previous posts. I've left a few out because they take a bit of context to fully understand. I can do more with different keywords. I'm thinking "FPS" next.

 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 15:01 
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I wouldn't bother.

Consolemad | Under Logic
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 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 15:04 
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Okay, I decided to go with the search term "face off":


AtrocityExhibition wrote:
Face-off at Eurogamer.

I'll grab it for a tenner in a Steam sale, the 360 version was just a bit too shonky for me to stick with in the end, a wavering 30FPS in an arcade racing game just isn't good enough IMO.


AtrocityExhibition wrote:
Eurogamer face-off: ... 3-face-off

Possibly worth a read before you commit to a purchase as by the sounds of it both consoles are really pushed to the limit, and arguably past it, by the game engine. (Screen tearing appears to be the biggest issue.)

I reckon it'll be £15 on Steam before too long, so I'm gonna hang on. (I've lost count of the number of games I've lashed out £30-£35 on, only for them to be half price or less inside of three months.) Probably won't hurt it to get a couple of patches under its belt either.


AtrocityExhibition wrote:
TheVision wrote:
Because of this thread, I want this now. Would it be easier to play on a PC with a mouse or do the Xbox controls stand up?

Eurogamer face-off says 'All versions fine, PC version best'. ... m-face-off

It does cite better controls on the PC as being a factor, although some folks in the comments are saying they're choosing to use a 360 pad on the PC - so it's six of one and half a dozen of the other really.


AtrocityExhibition wrote:
Eurogamer face-off extends special praise to the PC version.


AtrocityExhibition wrote:
Nemmie wrote:
Nice to see Rockstar fully supporting the PC again. I guess they got tired of working within the same old tired old constraints of console development.

The graphics are off the scale awesome, I'm looking forward to the face-off at Eurogamer.

My suspicion is that Max Payne 3 on PC is basically the engine that the next-gen GTA game will run on, they're properly using DX11 stuff like tesselation, and you can really see the impact it has on the graphics.


AtrocityExhibition wrote:
The Eurogamer face-off does specifically point out that loading times are a pain in the neck on the console versions and I can fully appreciate that, even the few seconds I have to wait are a nuisance.


AtrocityExhibition wrote:

The PC version is by far the best version of F.E.A.R. 3 available, with the ability to run at much higher frame-rates and resolutions providing a tangibly more immersive, playable experience.

Speaking of performance, you should be able to get a 60FPS update with max settings on something approaching a Core i5 and GTX460 set-up easily.

(The £500 gaming PC will match this spec easily - viewtopic.php?p=563103#p563103)

There's no question that the PC version of F.E.A.R. 3 offers up the finest experience of the three releases.


AtrocityExhibition wrote:
According to the eurogamer face-off, the PS3 versions fares a lot better than the 360 version.

The 360 version really is a total sack of shit by all accounts.

I'm still waiting for the PC version to hit £4.99 in a Steam sale :D


AtrocityExhibition wrote:
A fairly predictable face-off at Eurogamer.

I'll most likely buy the PC version as well so I can enjoy the game in its 'friends integrated' guise and also in its 'loveliest looking' guise - same as I did with Paradise.


AtrocityExhibition wrote:
A decent face-off at Eurogamer today. ... s-face-off

Unsurprisingly the PC version wins hands down (albeit with a couple of caveats), and as ever, both the 360 and PS3 really show their age.

The sooner we get proper HD consoles instead of the pretend ones we're lumped with at the moment, the better.

 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 15:05 
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Isn't that lovely?

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Just clicked on a few of the links from the first post, and most of them are agreeing with people or responding to people talking about console/cheap computers.


Where's the Kaboom? I was expecting an Earth shattering Kaboom!

 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 15:05 
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Seriously, I'm not even trying to dig up these quotes. They're just there. In pretty much every thread about every major gaming release of the past year or so. We could go back further, I'm sure.

The surrounding posts from other folk in those threads are generally a mixture of incredulity and "yeah, we get it, we don't care, please stop".

 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 15:08 
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Malc wrote:
Just clicked on a few of the links from the first post, and most of them are agreeing with people or responding to people talking about console/cheap computers.


Click on a few more mate. I'm not trying to be selective here. And as I've repeated ALL WEEKEND, it's not necessarily that people don't agree with him, or don't believe him when he tells us that PCs offer a "better" experience, it's that we're FUCKING SICK TO THE BACK TEETH OF HIM BANGING ON ABOUT IT CONSTANTLY. How can you not get this?

I'm not shouting, the caps are to ensure you read what I'm saying. Because I've said it too many times already.

 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 15:10 
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WTB wrote:
Malc wrote:
Just clicked on a few of the links from the first post, and most of them are agreeing with people or responding to people talking about console/cheap computers.


Click on a few more mate. I'm not trying to be selective here. And as I've repeated ALL WEEKEND, it's not necessarily that people don't agree with him, or don't believe him when he tells us that PCs offer a "better" experience, it's that we're FUCKING SICK TO THE BACK TEETH OF HIM BANGING ON ABOUT IT CONSTANTLY. How can you not get this?

It's finally ok. He's gone.

Always proof read carefully in case you any words out

 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 15:11 
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Regardless, at least that demonstrates why people were bloody well sick of him.

 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 15:19 
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Isn't that lovely?

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WTB wrote:
Malc wrote:
Just clicked on a few of the links from the first post, and most of them are agreeing with people or responding to people talking about console/cheap computers.


Click on a few more mate. I'm not trying to be selective here. And as I've repeated ALL WEEKEND, it's not necessarily that people don't agree with him, or don't believe him when he tells us that PCs offer a "better" experience, it's that we're FUCKING SICK TO THE BACK TEETH OF HIM BANGING ON ABOUT IT CONSTANTLY. How can you not get this?

I'm not shouting, the caps are to ensure you read what I'm saying. Because I've said it too many times already.

I read the same forum as you, I'm not sick of it, he brings it up from time to time, but my reading of his responses are different to yours. I understand you're sick of it, and others are. I don't understand why you just can't ignore it.

litterally, just scroll past the posts.

I don't see how it's that hard, and if it is just use the ignore.

The poll that the vision set up, although not directly about AE, shows that most people actually are happy how things are at the moment. So why should he need to change? He's not being offensive, he's just posting on things he believes in and yeah, he repeats a message, but others also repeat messages, they're fine though, because they fit in with what certain people think is "in" or whatever.

I mean FFS 3 times at the cottage (out of 3) I've gone mental over the "your mum..." thing and almost certainly I pissed people off with it no one's calling for me not to come to the cottage this year though (not that I know of) but if I come, and I get as drunk as I did on Sunday last year and Saturday the year before I will almost certainly do it again, despite my best intentions.


Where's the Kaboom? I was expecting an Earth shattering Kaboom!

 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 15:24 
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People have left the forum because they're sick of him. Ask them why they can't use the ignore function (although that has been explained by them on many occasions already). I've been tolerating his bullshit and ignoring it for years. Others couldn't, they left, that's my whole problem with the situation. I don't want to see people - my friends - leaving because of one person. It's not fair, and I'm glad he's gone because of that.

Friends > a person who I have to fucking tolerate.

 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 15:45 
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Isn't that lovely?

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WTB wrote:
People have left the forum because they're sick of him. Ask them why they can't use the ignore function (although that has been explained by them on many occasions already). I've been tolerating his bullshit and ignoring it for years. Others couldn't, they left, that's my whole problem with the situation. I don't want to see people - my friends - leaving because of one person. It's not fair, and I'm glad he's gone because of that.

Friends > a person who I have to fucking tolerate.

I don't care about the ignore function, and I wasn't talking about that, I was talking about scrolling down the page.

Like when I read a newspaper and start reading a story about some celeb I don't like, I just stop reading and move on to the next story.

Or if I'm flicking through the channels on Sky, and I stumble across Jeremy Kyle or something, I keep on flicking. I don't watch it, and then complain about it (although I might moan about the show) and try and get it banned, or demand that he make a show about wildlife instead.


Where's the Kaboom? I was expecting an Earth shattering Kaboom!

 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 15:48 
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Well yeah, I understand that, because I ignored/tolerated him. Other people couldn't. They've explained why they couldn't.

I don't think it's unreasonable for a person who is upsetting others to be told to bloody well stop it. Again, I've never been to a forum before where instead of warning/banning trolls, everyone just happily ignores them. It simply isn't possible. That doesn't work.

If he's specifically responding to your posts, or in threads that you're reading, it's bloody impossible to ignore him.

 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 16:48 
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WTB wrote:
People have left the forum because they're sick of him. Ask them why they can't use the ignore function (although that has been explained by them on many occasions already).

Actually, it hasn't, because I've been reading in case there are ways of improving it.

The only person to mention it in any detail was Meaty, and he said it worked too well.

Grim... wrote:
I wish Craster had left some girls for the rest of us.

 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 16:54 
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Well, as I say, ask them!

My explanation as someone who doesn't use the ignore function is that it's nigh on impossible to ignore someone who is directly engaging you in conversation.

Regardless, how is "just stick the troll on ignore" a decent solution? Trolls ought to be banned like they are elsewhere.

 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 16:59 
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So is NEG banned, then?


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 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 17:00 
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WTB wrote:
Well, as I say, ask them!

I can't think of anything I'd like to do less.

Grim... wrote:
I wish Craster had left some girls for the rest of us.

 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 17:01 
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ugvm'er at heart...

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WTB wrote:
Regardless, how is "just stick the troll on ignore" a decent solution? Trolls ought to be banned like they are elsewhere.

Totally agree. The problem is that by no means does everyone agree that AE is a troll.

 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 17:21 
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Trooper wrote:
WTB wrote:
Regardless, how is "just stick the troll on ignore" a decent solution? Trolls ought to be banned like they are elsewhere.

Totally agree. The problem is that by no means does everyone agree that AE is a troll.

That's why we should have used my poll. We might have found that 90% of people didn't mind him, and known once and for all.

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 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 6:09 
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Wullie wrote:
Nemmie wrote:
It seems that I am not stupid as a lot of people agree with me.
That doesn't mean that you're not stupid.

At least I don't make assumptions about people who I have no knowledge of. That's pretty dumb.

Turn your wounds into wisdom

 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 6:12 
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WTB wrote:
Hilarious levels of paranoia and utter bullshit on display here.

Indeed WTB. I think that sums up this whole twisted little saga.

I think we need a lock.

In a few months you can post one of your "What has happened to this forum?" threads, they are always a good read.

Turn your wounds into wisdom

 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 0:41 
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I'm gutted. Truly. The events of the last week have torn the soul out if this forum. I hope it's recoverable.

It's becoming clear that the Internet is Serious Business. I use this place for a very specific purpose: distraction. It's a place to come to shoot the breeze with a few like minded folks and have a bit of a laugh. Clearly, some people think differently, as demonstrated by the depth of feeling shown recently.

I'm not leaving and urge those that have to return. A closed ecosystem can't survive a mass migration. We attract very few new members and that's ok, as those that do come here are, on the whole, excellent. But a community with no active members is not a community.

Ok, we may disagree with each other and make tedious in jokes ad infinitum, but you know what? That's what families do.

Let's put this shitty week behind us, bring back the family and return to what we do best: being excellent.


 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 0:45 
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There's been six of one, half a dozen of the other, and them's that have just been a bit daft. You know what though, it's like that here ALL THE TIME. Same as it is in any group of people. This place just seems more prone to externalising the drahma than most social groupings.

Eagles soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 0:47 
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That's very well put Davpaz and agree with it all.

 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 1:05 
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Bad Girl

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I don't want to join another forum. I'm too lazy to learn new names and behaviour. :(

 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 1:11 
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Fuck it. I'm done.


Eagles soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 9:55 
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I had already forgotten it. Seems like business as normal to me.

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 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 9:56 
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No no, I've flounced.

Eagles soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 9:56 
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Although I seem to have come back.

Eagles soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 9:57 
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Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Although I seem to have come back.

Like cancer, right?

Always proof read carefully in case you any words out

 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 9:58 
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Mr Russell wrote:
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Although I seem to have come back.

Like cancer, right?

Oh. Thanks.

Well, in that case I'll stay flounced then.

Eagles soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

 Post subject: Re: The last person to leave Beex, please turn out the light...
PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 9:59 
Filthy Junkie Bitch

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Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Mr Russell wrote:
Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Although I seem to have come back.

Like cancer, right?

Oh. Thanks.

Well, in that case I'll stay flounced then.

Are you serious?

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