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 Post subject: The excellent Nazi and free speech thread
PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 11:03 

Joined: 30th Mar, 2008
Posts: 5318
Righto, where were we?

I think I was about to agree about the censorship allowing them to bleat about free speech thing, but I still feel that everyone hates an arsehole who goes on about their rights. This is indeed a tricky issue.

Maybe free speech on extreme right politics once the individual (and audience) has proven they are familiar with the estabished FACTS surrounding the far right up to and during WWII?

An exam, then you can go to your meeting?

You know, everything anyone said in the other thread, I can't disagree with. But then I think about camp excalibur, or whatever it is called... I think about the children who attend these things, the families they grow up in, and I think 'fuck off with your freedom of speech, bollocks to giving them something to claim oppression about'. And I think of my friend with a knife to her throat on a bus in Bradford, who now lives behind shuttered windows and phones in to the police daily to prove they haven't got her yet.... for reading poety at an anti-nazi league rally a decade ago.

And now I'm thinking if we just cut their tongues out, the problem would go away. Funny how these things go round in your ehad, innit?

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