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 Post subject: Stalking
PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 18:03 
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Legendary Boogeyman

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What compels a stalker? Do they think, somehow, eventually, that their increasingly insane tactics will ever work?

Anyone got any interesting stalker tales? Or more importantly, have you been a fucking freaky stalker? Probably won't get many people admitting to that, so lets be more generous and say: Have you done anything interesting or creative in order to get someones attention?

I've been stalked, but I've already mentioned that a couple of times, and sadly I've never stalked or done anything interesting either. More tales please!

Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Pretty much everyone agrees with Gnomes, really, it's just some are too right on to admit it. :)

 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 18:04 
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Est. 1978

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Stalking tales abound:

Here's the best one, though:
I was once a stalker and it remains the one thing of which I am most deeply ashamed.

Names are of course changed to protect the innocent.

I first met Betty in 1985 when we were both 12 years old. She and I were in the same second year class and so had virtually all lessons together. She was insanely pretty with gorgeous hazel eyes, a warm velvety voice even at that age and a nose that turned up at the end. I did the usual thing of admitting to friends that I fancied her, she found out, laughed and rejected me (I wasn't the coolest kid in the class by a long shot) and we stayed casual classmates for the rest of that year.

The following school year I'd still see her around, still thought she was one of the most gorgeous women I'd ever met, but contented myself with nursing a secret crush. No need to take any action.

Then the following year at age 14 (this was 1987) my heart went out to her again when I saw her again after the summer holidays. I knew I had to do something to let her know how I feel. So I took one of her friends aside and asked if I could have her address to write to her. Her friend thought that was really sweet of me and so happily handed over the details. That night I wrote a three page letter telling her I was in love with her and how much I liked her and that whilst I knew I wasn't the coolest person to be around, I hoped she'd find some way of responding.

I waited three days for a reaction, but nothing came. I'd see her around and smile at her but she ignored me and breezed past. This was confusing to my adolescent mind. A reciprocation would have been nice, a rejection not too unexpected but still devastating, but no reaction at all? I wrote again a week later and asked her to let me know how she felt. Still exactly the same.

Thus began for me what I now look back on as an incredibly disturbing obsession. I would write to her regularly, at least once a week, telling her how nice she looked and how I was feeling that week. I'd sit in school assemblies and make sure I had line of sight to her so I could look at her and wrap myself up in her beauty. I'd wait around at lunchtimes near where I knew she would be so she would have to walk past me, just to give her the chance to acknowledge me. I sent her presents sometimes, on valentines day sending her a teddy bear in a box thanks to a mail order company that posted them anonymously in exchange for a postal order.

In all this time she never once reacted at all. She must not have even mentioned the extent of my pestering to her friends, as they were all supportive and co-operative when I confided in them of my feelings, saying she probably didn't know how I was feeling etc. One of them even gave me her telephone number although I never dared call her. I just wrote and told her that I knew it, but that I actually respected her privacy and wasn't ever going to call her. To me that sounded reassuring but looking back it must have seemed still rather sinister and scary.

This went on for a full eight months. The whole school knew I fancied her and would spend time hanging around like a lovesick puppy, but clearly nobody knew just what I was putting her through. The truth of the matter finally hit home to me the following spring when one of my own friends made a casual remark about how she had mentioned to one of her own friends about how she "sometimes wonders if he's going to jump out of a bush and rape me." I was utterly horrified and had to go somewhere alone to think. All this time I was trying to make her like me and trying to reach out and communicate with her in the only way I felt secure doing, and in actual fact I must have been scaring the life out of her. I immediately knew I'd done something that could not be undone. My letters and attention stopped. I put Betty out of my head and turned my affections to another girl who acted swiftly to put me in my place.

We had one more year at school together after which she left to stay to college. My only attempt at talking to her in this time was at the end of the final week of school when I was collecting signatures from everyone I knew. I approached her and a friend in the canteen one lunchtime and asked for their scrawl in my book. Her friend obliged and while she was doing so Betty took her leave of the situation without saying a word. My lasting regret was that I never really knew what she made of the whole situation and never really had the means to say sorry. Deep down it was my personal guilty secret.

That would have been the end of that but for the fact that fate threw us together again. I had a holiday job in between university terms working for an accountancy firm in the nearest city. Christmas 1992 I reported for my regular three week stint entering data and nearly died of fright on the spot as Betty walked past to her desk where she was now a secretary. I spent the morning hardly daring to move, even to the coffee machine and had to look her up in the office telephone book to convince myself it was really her.

Somehow I made it to the end of the holiday without having to confront the situation, but on my final afternoon I drew breath and wrote her an email on the internal system. In it I said I was too much of a coward to talk to her properly but then recounted to her what I knew I had done when we were at school together, how I had discovered what it was doing to her, how I had spent four years with it all on my conscience and how bittery, deeply sorry I was for putting her through what for a teenage girl must have been a rather strange and scary situation. I told her I would be back in the office at Easter and hoped we could start afresh from there. I hit the Send button at 5.30pm and ran out of the office without looking back.

Come the following Easter she was still there. No reply or comment was forthcoming and without any real reason to talk to her there was nothing more I could say or do. Time passed. I graduated and the holiday job turned into a full time position as the office computer assistant. Thus I was working with Betty every day and sometimes had to help her out with issues. Over time the atmosphere thawed between us. I could walk up and ask her something without shitting myself, she would ring me with a problem she wanted me to solve and I could even at times banter with her, making a crack about not wanting to be kicked when I had to crawl under her desk to untangle some cables. The only time I ever came close to confronting the past was at the Christmas party one year when we wound up sitting together in a semi-sober state. She initiated a conversation about watching managers make twats of themselves on the dance floor and asked how I was. I told her I was fine and then drunkenly mumbled about how I knew so much shit had gone down in the past but I was very glad I knew her. She seemed to clam up at this point and moved away. Clearly the scars were still there.

I made one last effort to make amends. In early 96, almost ten years since it all happened I was set to leave the office and move on in my career. In my last week I handed over my duties and then approached Betty and suggested that given I'd probably never see her again, how about I take her to lunch to say goodbye. Rather than respond, she groaned and looked at me pleadingly, as if begging me not to make her give an answer. I immediately let her off the hook, told her the offer was there if she wanted to take me up on it but I understood why she might not and assured her I would not ask again. I walked back to my desk slightly crushed, knowing that I would never be able to put the matter to rest.

It is now 20 years since my obsession and from time to time I'm still tormented by the thought of how I behaved. The concept of stalking did not exist back then, but that's what I was doing, trying to attach myself to every aspect I could of a person's life, just to get them to notice me and like me. Part of me wonders just what would have happened if she had told me where to stick it after I had sent the first letter. Maybe I would not have got the message straight away, but after the third time I probably would. This is of course is an attempt to deflect the blame, and I can't really do that.

So there you have it. I was once a stalker and it is for me the darkest stain I have on my character. You might say 20 years is a long time to beat yourself up over something, but I remain haunted by that final conversation when I quit the accountancy job. Even after all that time, even after working alongside me for three and a half years and treating me as a trusted colleague, it seems she was not able to look me in the eye and forgive me for the way I behaved. Without that, I'm not sure I can ever forgive myself either.

Grim... wrote:
I wish Craster had left some girls for the rest of us.

 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 18:08 

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ComicalGnomes wrote:
What compels a stalker? Do they think, somehow, eventually, that their increasingly insane tactics will ever work?

It sometimes does, there's a fine line between wooing and stalking sometimes.

 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 18:12 
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making out to faces of death

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Betty was a cow who should have just told him no from the start, rather than ruin over ten years of his life milking a guilt trip over some childish love letters.

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 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 18:19 
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Legendary Boogeyman

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AceAceBaby wrote:
Betty was a cow who should have just told him no from the start, rather than ruin over ten years of his life milking a guilt trip over some childish love letters.


Stupid bitch, why the fuck just blank him entirely? Bah.

Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Pretty much everyone agrees with Gnomes, really, it's just some are too right on to admit it. :)

 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 18:27 
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Bouncing Hedgehog

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er, i just replied, but my reply has vanished :/

I have probably put it in some computer thread or another.


 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 18:37 
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Legendary Boogeyman

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Actually you just sent it to me as a PM :D Check your sent box.

Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Pretty much everyone agrees with Gnomes, really, it's just some are too right on to admit it. :)

 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 22:32 
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Sweet Potato

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I think there was a girl who thought I was stalking her when I was a young teenager, which was a bit embarassing. I sent her an extremely full-on valentine that was in hindsight deeply ill-advised and she got a bit terrified about how I'd found out her address. My sister got a hold of this and started to tease me perhaps too relentlessly, to the point she made up a song about me being in undying love to the girl which she would regularly sing when she was in the vicinity, terrifying her. It all came to a head on our school walk two years later when my sister went "WHY WON'T YOU DATE MY BROTHER?" constantly to her when I was several miles ahead completely oblivious, then later when she was with me "WHY WON'T YOU DATE HIM? LOOK AT HIS SEXY FITTNESS!" very loudly as the girl walked by, along with all the other girls in my fucking year. She thought I had told her to say it, and I had to try and explain to her terrifying muscular friends I hadn't even liked her in years. I don't think that they believed me.

 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 22:40 
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AceAceBaby wrote:
Betty was a cow who should have just told him no from the start, rather than ruin over ten years of his life milking a guilt trip over some childish love letters.

Somewhat :this:

That it took until someone else remarking that Betty was afraid that her stalker would rape her, shows that Betty handled it all entirely wrongly. And - *puts on asbestos overalls* - perhaps there was a part of her that found some gratification in the attention and worship.


 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 23:31 
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Bouncing Hedgehog

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ComicalGnomes wrote:
Actually you just sent it to me as a PM :D Check your sent box.

Yes, I am an idiot.

here's what I tried to post:

When I was 13 there was a lad in my school who was about 3 years older than me (lower sixth form) who would follow me everywhere. He'd wait in the doorway of his uncle's shop and as I passed on my way to school he would walk a few steps behind. It started to worry me so I'd walk a different, longer way to school. he learned where my lessons were and would follow me walking from one to the next. When he was 17 he got a car, and started tailing me in that - sometimes driving very slowly alongside me and sometimes just looping the block over and over.

I told the teachers and they warned him, but it started becoming very apparent to them once I told them - they'd see him following me, waiting by the sixth form block to see me leave and then following me out, and eventually he 'left' the school, under circumstances which I was never really told.

He'd still follow me. I'd be out at the weekend with some friends and he'd be there - across the road, outside pizza hut as we came out after our meal..

When I was in my GCSE year, after our exams, we had a trip to Alton Towers. As the coach pulled up in the queue to access the carpark, there was Ajesh's car, right alongside the coach. I pointed this out to one of the teachers and he was very concerned so (unfortunately) I had a two-teacher escort with me and my friends all day long. He never tried to hurt me, as far as I am aware, he was just always an unsettling presence. It became less of an issue and only stopped altogether because I moved away to go to university.

Also, a friend has BEEN a stalker-type.

She'd ask me to go along with her for dinner, but instead she'd drive as to her ex-boyfriend's house and sit outside with the lights off for hours. Unfortunately, the couple of times that she 'suprised' me like this I was too far from home to just leave, and didn't know where I was. She'd also follow his car, and if she went to his place and his car wasn't outside, she'd drive to each of his friends' houses in turn to see if his car was there. She'd drive around and around his block, she'd sit in a car outside his house for hours.

She KNEW that she was harassing him, she'd say that she was his stalker, but she'd kind of laugh it off. I feel like she had justified it to herself in some way but she never expressed or hinted at how she knew that she was doing something wrong but thought it 'Ok'.

I do not see that friend anymore... :S

Why, Comical, getting some tips? :p


 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 0:38 
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Yikes, fascinating but disquieting tale there, Mimi. A friend of mine had a Stalker, she was a Manic Street Preachers fan, kept ringing the bell and disappearing, doing the silent phone call thing, and on the last day of stalkery she smeared pigs blood on his door. Yikes again.

But on a cheerier note - this song about Stalking. Sorry about the lousy quality...

Ho ho! Otis Lee Crenshaw, you funster you!

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 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 0:39 
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ComicalGnomes wrote:
AceAceBaby wrote:
Betty was a cow who should have just told him no from the start, rather than ruin over ten years of his life milking a guilt trip over some childish love letters.


Stupid bitch, why the fuck just blank him entirely? Bah.

Maybe because she was fourteen? I was hardly King Tact at that age, either. In fact I asked out the girl I liked even though she was going out with someone. Then I didn't talk to her for two months.

It's also more than possible that she did tell him to fuck off several times, but he simply ignored it through the power of denial. I have friends who have multiple sleazy stalky cockrings who not only can't take a hint, but can't take an explicit, very insulting statement detailing precisely why they should take the hint.

Stalking is a mindset that's probably quite hard to understand. It's basically obsession - take anyone you've fancied a lot, imagine you're too shy to approach them and amplify those feelings, but take away any sense or acknowledgement of where to draw the line in getting their attention and making your feelings clear - especially when it comes to whether or not they're interested. Simmer for months, or years, boiling off any anchors to reality and reason by indulging in your fantasy more and more frequently, familiarising it by degree so that it takes over and reality can't get a look in.

At least, that's how I'd imagine it. There are probably a lot of parallel universes where I am or have been a massively creepy stalker. As Dudders said, there can be a fine line between winningy persistent and worryingly stalkish. I tend to err on the side of caution for the most part, and I only got an aerial photograph of my ex's garden before we started going out because some drunken friends had no respect for my objections. Damn them.

It does help that you can look people up online now without alarming them, or even prying, really - a casual search won't reveal anything they didn't make voluntarily public, after all.

Lonely as a Mushroom Cloud

 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 1:08 
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Honey Boo Boo

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When I was 17 I was bored and went to the first school dance of the year as I knew a few of the people on the student council. Unfortunately, they tried their best to be out of the room as much as possible, leaving just me and a girl from my science class there to take photos as the only people who WEREN'T in grade 9 (first year of high school, about 13 years old).

This ridiculously petite grade 9 girl invited me to dance and, not wanting to be rude and feeling rather bored, I agreed. Three dances later and she's more or less clamped on to me... except I'm 6'2" and she's about... well, not over 5 foot if even. She can't even nestle her face on my chest - it's in my stomach. Her friends are all massively impressed, and I'm incredibly self conscious about it all. The night ended and she said something about how 'it's a shame when people never see each other again, isn't it?' and 'we've had our first date already!'. I make the politest excuses I can about not really being interested and hurry to my car to drive home.

Over the remainder of my (final) year she was popping out from everywhere, aided and abetted by the obnoxious geek who a friend of mine (who had since graduated) had previously invited to sit with us at lunch (though we didn't like her) as he thought they were an item (though they weren't) and thus knew my location. Embarassing notes and Valentines followed... but thankfully, by the end of the year the final note just thanked me for the wonderful evening and the dancing and made me feel stupidly guilty for not being interested.

In all honesty, though, I don't think it would have gone anywhere apart from an unpleasant and swift breakup, and besides, a guy over 6 feet tall going out with a tiny little chick almost half his height and five years his junior (honestly, she was even less developed than Little Miss Kitty) would have looked a bit... well... wrong. Like the episode of South Park where Stan's sister Shelley was dating Skyler (who was ten years older than her).

 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 2:11 
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Peculiar, yet lovely

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I had to literally run screaming* down the street to get away from one woman I tried to break up with about eight times. And even that didn't put her off. I had to pretty much destroy her heart to get her to move on. Necessary, but christ, if that's not the worst thing I'll ever have to do in my life, I might be better off just jumping in the canal.

*Okay I didn't scream, but I could have.

Lonely as a Mushroom Cloud

 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 8:59 
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sinister agent wrote:
Maybe because she was fourteen? I was hardly King Tact at that age, either. In fact I asked out the girl I liked even though she was going out with someone. Then I didn't talk to her for two months.

It's also more than possible that she did tell him to fuck off several times, but he simply ignored it through the power of denial. I have friends who have multiple sleazy stalky cockrings who not only can't take a hint, but can't take an explicit, very insulting statement detailing precisely why they should take the hint.

She wasn't a child forever, and it obviously went past that into adulthood and the workplace. I can only go from what was written so I'm not calling for a pogrom on anyone. The blokey seemed to be sorry for his behaviour, without suggesting that she was to blame, although I could see that this confession of his with such self flagelation is a tacit invitation for people to justify him, tell him he didn't do wrong etc, so maybe he is not telling the whole story. But from what was written, she ruined his life for no good reason. And didn't stop.

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 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 10:10 
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Legendary Boogeyman

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sinister agent wrote:
I had to literally run screaming* down the street to get away from one woman I tried to break up with about eight times. And even that didn't put her off. I had to pretty much destroy her heart to get her to move on. Necessary, but christ, if that's not the worst thing I'll ever have to do in my life, I might be better off just jumping in the canal.

*Okay I didn't scream, but I could have.

When I was trying to get the ex-stalker bitch to fuck off, I wrote her a series of the most vile emails I've ever written. Even now I'm somehow impressed at my ability to have been so remorselessly insulting in the meanest way possible.

In my case however, it didn't work, she just kept texting, emailing, ringing ignoring it all by asking loads of random questions, one of which she hoped I'd answer. I didn't.

Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Pretty much everyone agrees with Gnomes, really, it's just some are too right on to admit it. :)

 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 10:23 
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I've never been stalked, but Ange has - by a lesbian couple. I'll leave her to tell you all about it.

I am currently under construction.
Thank you for your patience.


 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 10:24 
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Legendary Boogeyman

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That sounds awesome, speaking as a man. If I was being stalked by two gay men that'd be quite disturbing.

Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Pretty much everyone agrees with Gnomes, really, it's just some are too right on to admit it. :)

 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 10:25 
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making out to faces of death

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It's the kind of story that often ends in log cabins and meat hooks.

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 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 10:33 
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ComicalGnomes wrote:
If I was being stalked by two gay men that'd be quite disturbing.

Well, quite. It's an interesting tale, so I'll get her to tell it if she wants to.

I am currently under construction.
Thank you for your patience.


 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 11:05 
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Son of a Reaperman

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I've got a certain amount of sympathy for...well, not stalkers exactly, but the infatuated, certainly.
I fell for a girl when I was 4 years old, just before I started Primary School. We were both at the school with our mums to pick up our uniforms, and I just remember being dumbstruck by how pretty she was. We were in the same class at school for the following 7 years, and despite several faltering attempts on my part, she was never interested. A year or so after we went our separate ways to secondary school, I bumped into her at a school fete, and decided I had to ask her out or I'd just go mad or something. I somehow summoned the courage to go up and speak to her, but as I approached she turned and walked off giggling with her friend - I cringe thinking about it all these years later, but I actually followed them halfway up the playing field before giving up and turning on my heel. My final bright idea came when I'd borrowed a friend's copy of Micro Machines and renamed the pretty girl character 'Nicola' after her, knowing full well that they were friends and used to play the game together.
It's just occurred to me that she used to go around my friends house to play with his Micro Machine. Jesus.

 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 11:08 
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making out to faces of death

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Tmuk wrote:

It's just occurred to me that she used to go around my friends house to play with his Micro Machine. Jesus.


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 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 11:13 
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Sitting balls-back folder

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Reading that story, I was probably just about a mild stalker for a year or two, back in my GCSE years. ?:|

 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 11:14 
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AceAceBaby wrote:
Tmuk wrote:

It's just occurred to me that she used to go around my friends house to play with his Micro Machine. Jesus.


:) - (Barely supressing mirthful laughter)

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 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 8:53 
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myoptika wrote:
I've never been stalked, but Ange has - by a lesbian couple. I'll leave her to tell you all about it.

Actually I've been stalked twice. All the bestest people get stalked dontchaknow.

The first was when I was 16 and I'd just started going on the messageboards of a local night club. We all started meeting up in a certain part of the night club every Saturday and one day this 30-something bloke was there. He was terrifyingly ugly, a complete geek and rather scary, and guess what? He took a shine to me.

He started ringing me and asking me to go out for drinks. I went for a drink with him on my own once and he announced he was falling in love with me. I made it clear I wasn't interested as he was too old. He seemed OK with it, but then he'd ring me and say "Hi, where are you?" and I'd say "At home". "Oh good, I'm outside". Fuck.

On my 17th birthday I got off with some random bloke and that seemed to push him over the edge. I remember his fat, pvc clad, 40-something "sister" giving me evils and telling me never to go near him again. Fine by me!

Now, the lesbians... I was good friends outside of work with one of my colleagues a few years ago. I knew she was chummy with a female cleaner at our work, but I didn't realise how chummy, if you catch my drift. Shortly after I start cleaner-woman gets sacked for stealing from our work.

One day my friend announces to me that she's not entirely straight and quite fancies me, but she's in a relationship with the cleaner-woman. I'm cool with this and happy for them both. Cleaner-woman has a rather troubled past and is due in court shortly and looking at quite possibly going to prison. Naturally my friend is upset and I support her, even offering to go to court with her. Cleaner-woman is jealous.

One day, via text, my friend tells me she's interested in me as more than a friend. Various texts go back and forth, but I'm not interested in her in that way.

A couple of weeks later I start getting abusive messages from both of them. Cleaner-woman had found *some* messages which my friend had saved and was accusing me of hitting on her girlfriend. Apparently my friend had lied about everything and told her girlfriend it was me making all the moves. Prank phone calls in the middle of the night, more abusive texts and a ticket for a concert we were due to go to appearing through my door.

After a month or so I decided to ring my mobile phone company and change my number. Everything went quiet for a couple of months and then the abusive texts and the prank calls started again. A kind ex-colleague had passed on my number. So, I changed my number. Again.

They don't seem to have got hold of my number again *touches wood* but there's been a few other close calls. They've taken to handing out flyers outside my work, and Facebook's proving to be a nightmare. They've signed up under three different accounts in the space of six months, sending me the same email from each, telling me they're over the whole thing, want to be friends and why don't I come over to their house for some drinks. Ifuckingthinknot. I block them every time but they keep re-registering. Grr.

Oh and they got married on my birthday.

 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 10:09 
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Legendary Boogeyman

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Amazing but terrifying story Ange. Just what the fuck is wrong with some people?

Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Pretty much everyone agrees with Gnomes, really, it's just some are too right on to admit it. :)

 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 10:56 
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Have you spoken to the police, Ange? :(

Of all the things I value most in life, I see my memories and feel their warmth and know that they are good...
Shin wrote:
Make yourself available, I'll show you my hole ;)

 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 11:05 
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Legendary Boogeyman

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When I got onto the police about my ex, they advised me to change my number but I flat out refused. Why the fuck should I change my number just because someone decides to be a fucking twat?

Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Pretty much everyone agrees with Gnomes, really, it's just some are too right on to admit it. :)

 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 11:08 
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For your own safety.

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 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 11:16 
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Legendary Boogeyman

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Fuck that, nobody will make me change my mobile number. I'd rather locate the stalker and gruesomely pull their arms and legs off first, that'd solve the problem and be much less annoying.

Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Pretty much everyone agrees with Gnomes, really, it's just some are too right on to admit it. :)

 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 11:18 
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They'll just use voice-dialling instead.

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 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 11:19 
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But as a tetraplegic they''ll come across as much less sinister.

Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Pretty much everyone agrees with Gnomes, really, it's just some are too right on to admit it. :)

 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 11:22 
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ComicalGnomes wrote:
But as a tetraplegic they''ll come across as much less sinister.

I can't think of many things less sinister than a stalker who looks like a jellybean.

 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 11:23 
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nynfortoo wrote:
ComicalGnomes wrote:
But as a tetraplegic they''ll come across as much less sinister.

I can't think of many things less sinister than a stalker who looks like a jellybean.

That's Daniel Clowes territory, right there. Brrr.

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 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 11:24 
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ComicalGnomes wrote:
Fuck that, nobody will make me change my mobile number. I'd rather locate the stalker and gruesomely pull their arms and legs off first, that'd solve the problem and be much less annoying.

Of all the things to (possibly literally) die in a ditch over, changing my mobile number wouldn't be one of them.

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 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 11:28 
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Mr Chris wrote:
ComicalGnomes wrote:
Fuck that, nobody will make me change my mobile number. I'd rather locate the stalker and gruesomely pull their arms and legs off first, that'd solve the problem and be much less annoying.

Of all the things to (possibly literally) die in a ditch over, changing my mobile number wouldn't be one of them.

That's because you change your mobile number about once a month and never tell ANYONE.

GoddessJasmine wrote:
Drunk, pulled Craster's pork, waiting for brdyime story,reading nuts. Xz

 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 11:28 
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Legendary Boogeyman

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Its the principle of the thing chap, you don't negotiate with terrorists.

Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Pretty much everyone agrees with Gnomes, really, it's just some are too right on to admit it. :)

 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 11:28 
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Next time someone pulls onto my side of the road coming the other way, I'm just going to keep going so they hit me and kill me. I don't see why I should put my brakes on for some other idiot's benefit! >:(

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 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 11:29 
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AceAceBaby wrote:
Next time someone pulls onto my side of the road coming the other way, I'm just going to keep going so they hit me and kill me. I don't see why I should put my brakes on for some other idiot's benefit! >:(

More power you!

Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Pretty much everyone agrees with Gnomes, really, it's just some are too right on to admit it. :)

 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 11:31 
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That'll learn em!

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 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 11:32 
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ComicalGnomes wrote:
Its the principle of the thing chap, you don't negotiate with terrorists.

It's not 'negotiating', it's taking precautions. We shouldn't have to queue up in airports while security checks everyone for nail scissors and envelope openers, but it's better than the alternative.

Of all the things I value most in life, I see my memories and feel their warmth and know that they are good...
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 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 11:32 
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ComicalGnomes wrote:
Its the principle of the thing chap,

That's sort of what I meant - there are principles worth potentially getting shanked for (like stepping in to protect a woman who's getting beaten up), and then there are things like "we shall never surrender our mobile phone numbers!"

you don't negotiate with terrorists.

I've never understood that either.

"We'd rather let 200 hostages be beheaded than release a prisoner" is a fairly indefensible position, even taking into account the "well, if we give in it'll encourage them to kidnap more people" shill. Which, given that they ultimately always *do* negotiate with terrorists, seems really daft.

Craster wrote:
That's because you change your mobile number about once a month and never tell ANYONE.

No, I just don't tell *you*.

Anyway - I haven't changed my number for aaaaages. I just don't use my personal phone any more. And anyway, my old number is now used by Ruth so you can still use that to get hold of me indirectly, like.

But yeah.

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 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 11:33 
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I had a couple of years of mailcious calls - this wasn't a stalker, just someone with a huge grudge. I had malicious calls, emails, letters, all nonsense.

I didn't change my phone number because they no longer offered the same tariff for the pay and go service I was on (I use pay and go because I don't use my mobile, I spend about £0-5 a month on it, and it pees me off mightily when people say that pay and go means chav. Pay and Go means doesn't feel surgically attached to my mobile phone, in my case...)

Anyway, I didn't change. At one point I borrowed a second phone from my brother and got a new sim card for about £4 whilst I patiently waited a few months for the person to get bored, which eventually they did, and so I still have my original number.


 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 11:34 
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But surely in this case it's much more of an irritation than it is a fear for safety. The police was called because she's being a major pain in the arse, not because she's likely to bomb his house.

GoddessJasmine wrote:
Drunk, pulled Craster's pork, waiting for brdyime story,reading nuts. Xz

 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 11:34 
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Craster wrote:
But surely in this case it's much more of an irritation than it is a fear for safety. The police was called because she's being a major pain in the arse, not because she's likely to bomb his house.

Yeah, no stalker has *ever* escalated to violence, what with stalkers being renowned for being sensible, level-headed, responsible members of society and not at all one disappointment away from going hosebeast.

Eagles soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 11:35 
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Mimi wrote:
it pees me off mightily when people say that pay and go means chav. Pay and Go means doesn't feel surgically attached to my mobile phone, in my case...)

I'd have thought the chavs went for contracts, to keep up to date with the latest bling handsets. PAYG here too - I've thought about getting a contract, but I've no real need for one.

Of all the things I value most in life, I see my memories and feel their warmth and know that they are good...
Shin wrote:
Make yourself available, I'll show you my hole ;)

 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 11:35 
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If it escalated to violence I'D WIN, COZ I'M A MAN. :hat:

Mr Kissyfur wrote:
Pretty much everyone agrees with Gnomes, really, it's just some are too right on to admit it. :)

 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 11:36 
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Ian Osborne wrote:
Mimi wrote:
it pees me off mightily when people say that pay and go means chav. Pay and Go means doesn't feel surgically attached to my mobile phone, in my case...)

I'd have thought the chavs went for contracts, to keep up to date with the latest bling handsets. PAYG here too - I've thought about getting a contract, but I've no real need for one.

Contracts always work out more expensive for me as I've never been a heavy user (it's a PHONE for fuck's sake, not a life support machine), so PAYG is much more sensible.

Eagles soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 11:37 
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Mimi wrote:
I use pay and go because I don't use my mobile



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 Post subject: Re: Stalking
PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 11:38 
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I had a joyful person from a forum I used to go to who kept ringing me, so I told the police and was told to change my number. I said that I'd probably just beat him up really badly instead as I had his address, at which point they questioned him and he stopped. Hurrah for threats of violence!

Grim... wrote:
I wish Craster had left some girls for the rest of us.

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