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 Post subject: Fuck your fucking Beex Weex
PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 13:51 
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Ticket to Ride World Champion

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Wah, fucking waaah, it's not at 13:37, waaahh, it's late. Fuck off. Cunts.
So beex weex means my inbox has been packed with items no doubt hilarious. But Frankly I couldn't care less, and I haven't even read most of these. Not that that matters as far and away the post of the week is by Mr Dom, who informs us of some most excellent news, which I can't figure out how to link to - read the fucking yay thread you miserable cunts.
Some other shit happened a well:
The Iphone 5 release was detailed, which meant people could moan about lack of spec and wank over what a great spec it is. Still it led to some true high jinx and classic japes
Dimrill started a thread about Hillsborough, which amazingly didn't descend into a slanging match and bitching. I think, i haven't read it. However, WTB liked myp's post.
The Wii-U release details gave us some tantalising info, so we can all look forward to a new Xbox. However these details allowed WTB to continue to lick the myp hole - seriously, is this funny?
On the plus side, Zardoz is a "day oner" for the Wii-U
In what should have been a sensitive topic Derek asks us about selling an inherited property; we instead hit a true hot bed of comedy:
Malia enthrals us with his punning
And then nominates his own post:
And again:
Prince Harry's tits gave us a blast of humour with gems such as:
and the big Friday question gave us the not so gems of:

Picture based gag of the week goes to Wullie:

There were some other nominations, but frankly they were so shit, the people who nominated should be ashamed, never mind the fucking losers who typed them. Why don't you all fuck off and die?

No, it was a giant robot castle!

 Post subject: Re: Fuck your fucking Beex Weex
PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 13:55 
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Hibernating Druid

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Fack orf

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 Post subject: Re: Fuck your fucking Beex Weex
PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 14:04 
Filthy Junkie Bitch

Joined: 17th Dec, 2008
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I'm sure that this weeks theme has been recycled. One for the bin.

 Post subject: Re: Fuck your fucking Beex Weex
PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 17:36 
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Best Beex Weex Ever!

We are young despite the years
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 Post subject: Re: Fuck your fucking Beex Weex
PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 9:32 
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Curiosity wrote:
Best Beex Weex Ever!


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