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 Post subject: Re: Battlefield: Bad Company 2
PostPosted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 20:05 
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Just had a blast on this, this evening. Best bit was when I leaned through a broken window to stab a guy in the head who was trying to disarm our bomb. Also unlocked the 4x scope! Yay! It keeps telling me people with that keep killing me, so I'm pleased to reverse charges - ON PAIN!

I also liked the bit where defending the top floor of a building I machine gunned a guy in the head, then lobbed a grenade downstairs getting three kills in one peachy little streak. Still getting two deaths to one kill though, oh well!

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 Post subject: Re: Battlefield: Bad Company 2
PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 21:23 
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Had more fun with this, this evening. For the first time did splendid on Heavy Metal, where I played engineer. Natch. But I actually didn't use tanks much at all. Instead with 4x scope I went sniper hunting, occassionally popping off rockets at tanks and fixing stuff. For the first time had a killstreak of 6 before my first death. Cleared a ridge of three snipers, took a flag and defended a base and generally did shit loads of spotting. Good times. Am now L18. Yes, I am a very casual player.

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 Post subject: Re: Battlefield: Bad Company 2
PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 21:29 
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NervousPete wrote:
Just had a blast on this, this evening. Best bit was when I leaned through a broken window to stab a guy in the head who was trying to disarm our bomb. Also unlocked the 4x scope! Yay! It keeps telling me people with that keep killing me, so I'm pleased to reverse charges - ON PAIN!

It's always a good idea to keep an eye on what you're being killed with, especially as DICE have rebalanced/adjusted the various guns/weapons so many times.

I first latched onto the amazing overpowered nature of the LMGs with the 1x IR scope and foregrip because I noticed I was constantly being killed by bastards wielding them. (And this was on broad daylight maps, especially Caspian Border, and I simply hadn't considered using an IR scope on a daylight map.)

I latched the IR scope and foregrip to my M249, popped on the extended mag, and was like 'Ahhhh right, yes, I understand.'

Obviously it pretty soon got nerfed so hard you could see it from space, but it was fun while it lasted :D

 Post subject: Re: Battlefield: Bad Company 2
PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 20:06 
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Wahey! Bad Company Vietnam only a fiver on Origin! BOUGHT!

BAH! Origin keeps saying "Session Timed Out" every time I try to redeem the BBC2: Vietnam code. For at least half an hour now.

Fucking great stuff, Origin.

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 Post subject: Re: Battlefield: Bad Company 2
PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 20:17 
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NervousPete wrote:
Wahey! Bad Company Vietnam only a fiver on Origin! BOUGHT!

BAH! Origin keeps saying "Session Timed Out" every time I try to redeem the BBC2: Vietnam code. For at least half an hour now.

Fucking great stuff, Origin.

Vietnam is not a good expansion TBH Pete.

Me and the chaps are proper Battlefield nutters, but it totally left us all cold.

Very 'console-esque', shitty small maps with crappy 'shooting gallery' corridors. Not good.

Music is cool though.

 Post subject: Re: Battlefield: Bad Company 2
PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 22:08 
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Was reading Sheehan's Vietnam War history opus 'A Bright Shining Lie', and if your computer is on I suggest you order a copy and then switch off the computer and sit in front of the door patiently awaiting for it to arrive. It is that good. So figured I'd like to give a Huey a whirl and immerse self in atmosphere a bit. While enjoying said soundtrack.

Just tried Origin again to see if it was just their servers being hammered. Still not working. Fuckin' great, EA. You still wondering why everybody prefers Steam, huh?

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 Post subject: Re: Battlefield: Bad Company 2
PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 22:10 
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Providing you with a working code would devalue their IP.

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 Post subject: Re: Battlefield: Bad Company 2
PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 23:08 
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I tried to get their customer support to tell me how to get it to work, but they told me that I wasn't there, and that I wouldn't understand. Man.

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 Post subject: Re: Battlefield: Bad Company 2
PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 0:26 
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Well, after a week of desultory attempts to get the damn code to redeem I've fired off a HAYULP! to EA. Ball's in their court now. Though I have to say I'm none too confident buying games through Origin in future after a week of 'Your Session Timed Out: Please Try Again Later' every time I try to activate the damn game. >:(

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