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 Post subject: Metacritic
PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2012 23:23 
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Joined: 30th Mar, 2008
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No offence, but what's with the reliance on Metacritic? 'We know you don't care about a random's opinion, but how about a ton of randoms' opinions, averaged?'


 Post subject: Re: Bargains, Bargains, Bargains!
PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2012 23:30 
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Mm. As I said, I couldn't give a tinker's cuss for Metacritic. Might as well quote the xbox dashboard ratings for it. Everything's over 3/5 stars on there. Anyway, glad you enjoyed it. I didn't. I thunked it were cackypants.

Washing Machine: Fine. Kettle: Needs De-scaling. Shower: Brand new. Boiler: Fine.
Archimedes Hotdog Rhubarb Niner Zero Niner.

 Post subject: Re: Bargains, Bargains, Bargains!
PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2012 23:41 
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Dimrill wrote:
Mm. As I said, I couldn't give a tinker's cuss for Metacritic. Might as well quote the xbox dashboard ratings for it. Everything's over 3/5 stars on there.

AVATOUR 4/5 - A masterpiece
Quantum Ninja 5/5 - Amazing voice acting.

 Post subject: Re: Bargains, Bargains, Bargains!
PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2012 0:46 
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Cheech and Chong Go For a Drive 5/5 Masterpiece - Most downloaded on Zune Marketplace January, February, March, April, May, June

 Post subject: Re: Bargains, Bargains, Bargains!
PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2012 6:21 
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throughsilver wrote:
No offence, but what's with the reliance on Metacritic? 'We know you don't care about a random's opinion, but how about a ton of randoms' opinions, averaged?'
Metacritic's useless for people who have already played a game and formed their conclusion, like Dimrill on Darksiders. Why should (s)he care what other people think? I'd be worried if they DID care what Metacritic said and suddenly changed their opinion. 8) After you've got the game and you've played it for long enough, then (basically*) no-one else's opinion matters, does it?

If you've never played a game, however, surely it's useful being able to read the opinions of a lot of people on the game, or quickly find the review+score from a publication you trust? (If you're just looking at the number to help decide if you'll risk buying a game, you're doing it wrong. :p )

Frankly, it's just short-hand for me. When posting a game bargain, it's always a game I like or a game I know a lot of people like. Ideally, if I had the time, FOR EVERY GAME I'd write about the articles I've read about the game, how it fits into its genre, and if other games are worth playing first (or even after). I'd wax lyrical about the reviews I've read from the people whose game tastes seem similar to my own, describing the things they say they liked about the game, and the flaws they found (both objective and subjective). I'd write about the controversies surrounding the game - any DRM or crazy development antics, or significant problems between different versions of the game. I'd describe my experience with the game - what initially impressed me, and what didn't. Whether the music eventually grated, or just wasn't noticeable at all. Whether the graphics are decent, or the art. If there's humour, and if it works or if it falls flat. How long it took me to complete the game - and how much of that time was because I didn't want to stop playing, at the expense of sleep. How I feel about the game now - whether I'd want to play it again at some point, or if it's been relegated to the back of the donkey. And I would also mention game opinions I've read on various forums - if several people found it buggy, or got bored very quickly, or if there's a vocal minority that absolutely love the game. I could spend hours writing and writing about most of the games I've played, to be honest, sharing my opinion in intimate detail.

Or instead, I can save myself an hour or two and just do this. :smug:

And then hope that people reading realise that they only need to click the link if they haven't already played the game and finished their own Opinion™. I'd hope that people look past the number and actually read the reviews and comments. I'd hope that they click "See All X Critics Reviews" and then ctrl-F to their trusted publication of choice to see what they said. I'll hope that they spot the dodgy "opinions" with objective, factual errors that are clearly just someone who didn't like a game and doesn't want anyone else to like it, or is so invested in the game that they're covering up its shortcomings. And I hope that they'll remember that while there is a lot of objective and helpful information in those comments (inventory system details, difficulty settings, camera style etc), there's also a lot of subjective information with which they may not agree.

My experience on games forums tells me that a lot of people who haven't played the game do value the opinions of others. Using Metacritic or Gamerankings is, for me, an informal way to quickly provide links to (probably) all the reviews and comments someone would need when deciding whether or not to buy a game they haven't played. If it's a game I've played and liked, but I feel that the average score is relatively low, I'll probably comment along the lines of "I liked it, but a lot of idiots didn't". It seems fairer and more helpful to do that than simply write "Final Fantasy XIII-2 £10.85 on PS3 and 360" (although with more famous games like FFXIII-2, I probably don't need to elaborate ;)).

There are other methods to use when deciding whether or not to buy a game, of course. Do you like the box art? Does the name sound "cool" (+1 for having "Space" or "Dragon" in the title, of course. Hmmm... why hasn't anyone made Space Dragon?!). Maybe it's the sequel to a game you liked (game sequels never suck!). Probably the best method is to pirate a game and play it, and then afterwards exchange the money you think it's worth (although even this approach isn't foolproof. Bethesda still haven't given me the £8.60 I'm owed for playing Star Trek: Legacy :( ). If you use one of these methods when forming a buy decision, then obviously please feel free to ignore my Metacritic or Gamerankings links.

Hmm... did I just spend five minutes writing about how I don't want to waste my time writing unnecessarily? :nerd: And reading back, it seems like such a patronisingly obvious point to make. :D Oh, well. If it does come across as patronising, throughsilver, please don't take offence!

*Probably matters a bit for multiplayer/co-op/MMORPGs, or good discussion on forums!
Mr Dave wrote:
PenguinJim wrote:
I was only 7 and playing it on a BBC B (or perhaps BBC Master), so EVERY game I played back then was the greatest game ever made. ;) Maybe I'm too young for you? :hug:

Are you actually trying to get inserted into?
Well, not specifically... but I'm sure my wife wouldn't mind.

Edit: Having said that, my boyfriend is the jealous type.

 Post subject: Re: Bargains, Bargains, Bargains!
PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2012 22:11 
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Mods: Metacritic worthwhile discussion in a new thread perhaps?

PenguinJim wrote:
throughsilver wrote:
No offence, but what's with the reliance on Metacritic? 'We know you don't care about a random's opinion, but how about a ton of randoms' opinions, averaged?'
Metacritic's useless for people who have already played a game and formed their conclusion, like Dimrill on Darksiders. Why should (s)he care what other people think? I'd be worried if they DID care what Metacritic said and suddenly changed their opinion. 8) After you've got the game and you've played it for long enough, then (basically*) no-one else's opinion matters, does it?

If you've never played a game, however, surely it's useful being able to read the opinions of a lot of people on the game, or quickly find the review+score from a publication you trust? (If you're just looking at the number to help decide if you'll risk buying a game, you're doing it wrong. :p )

Unfortunately* I must agree with myself on this one. I don't know who any reviewer is. I don't know their tastes, their intelligence or who last bribed them with swag. Last time I particularly cared about games reviews, I knew that anything major was going to get a positive review from pretty much everywhere, unless it was a Rise Of The Robots-type fiasco. Tomb Raider 2, MGS 2, GTA games.

So that, combined with the seemingly decreasing intelligence of writers these days (perhaps some correlation with my opinion that I'm smarter than I was when I was a kid, so maybe I wouldn't have cared so much about the opinions of Frank O'Conner or Les Ellis were I older), means their 78% average between Gamespot, Gamefly, Flyswat, Bloodclot and whomever else may as well be random to me.

I'm old and curmudgeonly. Friends talk about games being good. People here and on my other message board do. I play sufficiently few games that if I hear Disgaea 4, FIFA, Bayonetta, Demon's Souls and Deus Ex: Thingy are good, I'm happy. Quite frankly, if I hear Disgaea 4 isn't good, I'll still buy it because I liked the first three, and I don't care that Chance Ableton from Smart Bombvania doesn't like it.

Each to their own, innit. But yeah, I find it near useless in a debate about a game's worth (which I suppose is the point). I'd rather hear the opinion of the poster rather than sterile mean averaging.

* Fortunately. It'd be worrying otherwise.


 Post subject: Re: Bargains, Bargains, Bargains!
PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2012 22:24 
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 Post subject: Re: Bargains, Bargains, Bargains!
PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2012 22:31 
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I check metacritic scores just to make sure a game I've been waiting for isn't horribly broken or something. There are some exceptions but for the most part games which get bummed on here tend to get favourable reviews and games which get slammed on here generally get poorer review scores. :shrug:

 Post subject: Re: Bargains, Bargains, Bargains!
PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2012 22:32 
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Est. 1978

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Yeah, I find them pretty accurate.

Grim... wrote:
I wish Craster had left some girls for the rest of us.

 Post subject: Re: Bargains, Bargains, Bargains!
PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2012 22:42 
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Slightly Brackish

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So... average people like Metacritic's average system, while excellent people instead prefer Be Excellent opinions? Seems plausible enough.

Current games: Luxor 2, Boom Boom Rocket

 Post subject: Re: Metacritic
PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2012 23:13 
Filthy Junkie Bitch

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PenguinJim wrote:
Metacritic's useless for people who have already played a game and formed their conclusion, like Dimrill on Darksiders. Why should (s)he care what other people think? I'd be worried if they DID care what Metacritic said and suddenly changed their opinion. 8) After you've got the game and you've played it for long enough, then (basically*) no-one else's opinion matters, does it?

If you've never played a game, however, surely it's useful being able to read the opinions of a lot of people on the game, or quickly find the review+score from a publication you trust? (If you're just looking at the number to help decide if you'll risk buying a game, you're doing it wrong. :p )

Frankly, it's just short-hand for me. When posting a game bargain, it's always a game I like or a game I know a lot of people like. Ideally, if I had the time, FOR EVERY GAME I'd write about the articles I've read about the game, how it fits into its genre, and if other games are worth playing first (or even after). I'd wax lyrical about the reviews I've read from the people whose game tastes seem similar to my own, describing the things they say they liked about the game, and the flaws they found (both objective and subjective). I'd write about the controversies surrounding the game - any DRM or crazy development antics, or significant problems between different versions of the game. I'd describe my experience with the game - what initially impressed me, and what didn't. Whether the music eventually grated, or just wasn't noticeable at all. Whether the graphics are decent, or the art. If there's humour, and if it works or if it falls flat. How long it took me to complete the game - and how much of that time was because I didn't want to stop playing, at the expense of sleep. How I feel about the game now - whether I'd want to play it again at some point, or if it's been relegated to the back of the donkey. And I would also mention game opinions I've read on various forums - if several people found it buggy, or got bored very quickly, or if there's a vocal minority that absolutely love the game. I could spend hours writing and writing about most of the games I've played, to be honest, sharing my opinion in intimate detail.

Or instead, I can save myself an hour or two and just [url=""]do this[/url]. :smug:

And then hope that people reading realise that they only need to click the link if they haven't already played the game and finished their own Opinion™. I'd hope that people look past the number and actually read the reviews and comments. I'd hope that they click "See All X Critics Reviews" and then ctrl-F to their trusted publication of choice to see what they said. I'll hope that they spot the dodgy "opinions" with objective, factual errors that are clearly just someone who didn't like a game and doesn't want anyone else to like it, or is so invested in the game that they're covering up its shortcomings. And I hope that they'll remember that while there is a lot of objective and helpful information in those comments (inventory system details, difficulty settings, camera style etc), there's also a lot of subjective information with which they may not agree.

My experience on games forums tells me that a lot of people who haven't played the game do value the opinions of others. Using Metacritic or Gamerankings is, for me, an informal way to quickly provide links to (probably) all the reviews and comments someone would need when deciding whether or not to buy a game they haven't played. If it's a game I've played and liked, but I feel that the average score is relatively low, I'll probably comment along the lines of "I liked it, but [url=""]a lot of idiots didn't[/url]". It seems fairer and more helpful to do that than simply write "Final Fantasy XIII-2 [url=""]£10.85 on PS3[/url] [url=""]and 360[/url]" (although with more famous games like FFXIII-2, I probably don't need to elaborate ;)).

There are other methods to use when deciding whether or not to buy a game, of course. Do you like the box art? Does the name sound "cool" (+1 for having "Space" or "Dragon" in the title, of course. Hmmm... why hasn't anyone made Space Dragon?!). Maybe it's the sequel to a game you liked (game sequels never suck!). Probably the best method is to pirate a game and play it, and then afterwards exchange the money you think it's worth (although even this approach isn't foolproof. Bethesda still haven't given me the £8.60 I'm owed for playing Star Trek: Legacy :( ). If you use one of these methods when forming a buy decision, then obviously please feel free to ignore my Metacritic or Gamerankings links.

Hmm... did I just spend five minutes writing about how I don't want to waste my time writing unnecessarily? :nerd: And reading back, it seems like such a patronisingly obvious point to make. :D Oh, well. If it does come across as patronising, throughsilver, please don't take offence!

*Probably matters a bit for multiplayer/co-op/MMORPGs, or good discussion on forums!
Well, not specifically... but I'm sure my wife wouldn't mind.

Edit: Having said that, my boyfriend is the jealous type.


However, metacritic rates your post 86%, so I agree wholeheartedly.

 Post subject: Re: Metacritic
PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2012 23:22 
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Posts: 32624
Wait, people look at bits of Metacritic that isn't the round up of professional game reviews? I think that might be doing it wrong.

As a quick overview of what a large number of reviewers thought of a game, it's excellent, and I'd say that's definitely useful. Just ignore the user contributed stuff.

 Post subject: Re: Metacritic
PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2012 23:45 
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I'd argue that a Metacritic score is useful for telling you whether or not a game is completely shit and broken or not and that's about it. Let's face it, very few games these days get less than 70%. Even fewer get less than 60 or 50 - and those are usually the absolute stinkers.

So listen to your forum chums, make your own judgement based on the wealth of media available out there, check Metacritic to confirm it isn't completely broken, spend your money.

The whole idea of someone reviewing a game and giving it a score just seems less and less valuable with every new week of game releases. A quick search on YouTube and 20 minutes of watching someone just play the game in question, combined with a recommendation from someone on here or just your own personal hunch is more than enough to see you right.

That's what I reckon any way.

 Post subject: Re: Metacritic
PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2012 5:56 
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Make a fat man run and jump. 97%.

Edit: what?! Wait!! This isn't a thread about bargains!!!

 Post subject: Re: Metacritic
PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2012 6:50 
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That would be the bargains thread.

I am currently under construction.
Thank you for your patience.


 Post subject: Re: Metacritic
PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2012 7:39 
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Quick! Yank on the string and trap him in the box!

GoddessJasmine wrote:
Drunk, pulled Craster's pork, waiting for brdyime story,reading nuts. Xz

 Post subject: Re: Metacritic
PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2012 7:44 
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Est. 1978

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Shit, I pulled the box away too!

Grim... wrote:
I wish Craster had left some girls for the rest of us.

 Post subject: Re: Metacritic
PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2012 11:03 
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What's this bit for exactly?

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It is the industry standard - a fair few dev contracts have metacritic based bonuses as clauses in there.

 Post subject: Re: Metacritic
PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2012 11:06 
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It's sueful for me, if I just want a quick glance at something (if there are 2 things for a fiver each and I only have a fiver, for example), although I'm in the camp of not really trusing gaming periodicals.

Mr Chris wrote:
MaliA isn't just the best thing on the internet - he's the best thing ever.

 Post subject: Re: Metacritic
PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2012 11:12 
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I once did a review for a website that is on metacritic.

I had decided I was giving it a 7/10 before I even played the game.

 Post subject: Re: Metacritic
PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2012 17:08 
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7.3 surely?

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