Hey hey, awesome Islanders!
Here, singing "Call Me Maybe" for your pleasure, is Carly Rae Jepsen!
Carly Rae Jepsen - Call Me Maybe.mp3
Wow, what a great song! I love it! Do you love it to?
Well, I hope so...
Each team has until 15:00 on Thursday 26th April to submit a video of people lip-syncing to to the attached song. As many people can be in the video as you wish, but one has to be a member of your team. Two or more different videos can be cut together to feature extra team members from different geographical locations. The completed video must feature at least 90 seconds of the song, which may not be cut or edited (to clarify, you can chop the video up any way you wish, but the song must remain unchanged). This is a creative challenge, and not a technical one - if anyone needs assistance with video editing, hosting or uploading they can ask for help from people (Beexers or otherwise) not playing the game. The main creative direction must come from a member of the team, however. Lyrics can be found
here. The thing the judges will be looking for most is 'enthusiasm'. Anyone evicted from the island before the close of this task will still be eligible to compete.
Excellent! Get your phones out - or camcorders, if you're posh - and get your lip-sync on!
Ready? Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand gooooooooooooooooooo!