Er, hello again, it would appear that due to a scheduling mishap, I've got another crack at this, but this time I don't have the excuse that I'm supposed to be out the door in an hour or so, so I guess I'd better do it properly.
The Satellite of Doom fell upon us, but I believe all beexers have been accounted for.
NervousPete made us all nervous by making us
remember our childhood fearsCibrushsille -
Never ForgetFIFA 12 is out today - I appear to be putting myself in the minority when I say that the demo seemed pretty awful and a massive step back from the last few years.
Mr Chris isn't around as much at the moment, so we need someone else to be wrong all the time.
Fortunately for us, we've got Malc
Posts of the Week
Mr Russ offers
some useful advice. (Is there a joke in here that I'm completely missing, or was it just nominated because it was actually sensible relevant advice and we don't do that very often?)
According to Davpaz,
Craster has moved on from badgersCraster's lack of quoting reduces the
impact of this a bit, so if you've not been reading B&B you probably won't have a clue what's going on. Actually, even if you have you probably still won't.
Not mentioned in the weekly roundup as it got nominated here, but NervousPete's thread on
The Battle of Bath Manor Hill is, as always, an essential read.
An apparent lack of funny this week, but I was away for the weekend, so it's kind of understandable, thanks anyway to this weeks contributers - Grim..., Flis, JBR & Kern for giving me something to write about.
I'm off to read my terms and conditions to make sure I don't have to do this again next week.