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 Post subject: iTunes US account
PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 9:07 
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OK, I need one of these. How does one go about setting one up? Any gotchas I need to be careful of?

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 Post subject: Re: iTunes US account
PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 10:34 
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Don't know if this still works, and you'll have to give :attitude: a hit in the process, which may or may not bother you depending on how small-minded you are. ... u-to-have/

 Post subject: Re: iTunes US account
PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 10:37 
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Just google it, it's not hard and you don't need to give anyone a cut.

 Post subject: Re: iTunes US account
PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 10:39 
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Oh, you said "hit" not "cut". No, his way is ( AFAIK) fine. Grannell knows his onions.

 Post subject: Re: iTunes US account
PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 10:42 
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Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Just google it, it's not hard and you don't need to give anyone a cut.

But probably harder than clicking on a link that'll take you straight to a concise step-by-step guide, I'd have thought.

An awful lot of forum conversations wouldn't last very long if we replied to every question with 'Just Google it'.

 Post subject: Re: iTunes US account
PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 11:27 
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Apple even has a tech note on it these days. This makes the assumption that you don't want a payment-based account (i.e. only want free stuff). If you want to actually buy anything, you're pretty much fucked, unless:

- You know people in the US who'll buy and ship iTunes gift cards to you (or just email the code);
- You know people in the US who'll send digital iTunes gifts to your account;
- You have some kind of US payment of your own (credit card, verified PayPal).

If you do decide to do this, I'd strongly recommend avoiding downloading any apps, because that turns updating into a horrible dance, especially on iOS, which gets confused if you have multiple accounts. It's also, reportedly, a nightmare when it comes to iCloud. We pretty much only ever use our US account for TV and movie rental these days, on the TV.

 Post subject: Re: iTunes US account
PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 11:41 
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CraigGrannell wrote:
- You know people in the US who'll buy and ship iTunes gift cards to you (or just email the code);
- You know people in the US who'll send digital iTunes gifts to your account;
- You have some kind of US payment of your own (credit card, verified PayPal).

- You buy Itunes cards from Ebay and they email you the code
- You buy Itunes cards from some of the various online sites and they email you the code.

I do have a US account and generally have just got free stuff from it by my other half has bought books which were not available here so we did buy a $10 card and its still got around $1 left

I agree the updates are all a bit of a mess (for the free stuff I have) and i tend to stay signed in on my UK account on my PC and update the others from my phone or pad when they are on my wifi at home (instead of signing out of itunes and back in to check each store for updates)

 Post subject: Re: iTunes US account
PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 11:42 
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It is definitely for making a few purchases. So I'll have to look into the gifting thing - I know a couple of people in the US who will sort this out for me.

Cheers all.

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 Post subject: Re: iTunes US account
PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 12:21 
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zaphod79 wrote:
- You buy Itunes cards from Ebay and they email you the code
- You buy Itunes cards from some of the various online sites and they email you the code.

Well, quite, but that's "know someone in the US", just with an added mark-up. It's fine if you have no alternative, but the price differences between rentals are largely eroded at that point.

I agree the updates are all a bit of a mess (for the free stuff I have) and i tend to stay signed in on my UK account on my PC and update the others from my phone or pad when they are on my wifi at home (instead of signing out of itunes and back in to check each store for updates)

The only reason I got the US account originally was for App Store promo codes, so I could review stuff for the press; these days, I maybe get one promo code/gifted app in 50 from the US store, thankfully. Later this year, I'm tempted to dump everything from the US Store, because updating apps across multiple accounts is a pain in the backside.

 Post subject: Re: iTunes US account
PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 12:22 
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CraigGrannell wrote:
Later this year, I'm tempted to dump everything from the US Store, because updating apps across multiple accounts is a pain in the backside.
I'd do that but I'd miss the iPad Netflix. Similarly, Danielle has a few apps on her phone from my account (notable iPlayer and the Sky remote record app). If this restriction on changing accounts isn't just because of the beta it's going to be a pain for us.

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