I will pick my ten as the games I have spent the most time, or had the most fun playing. There are no marks for originality, or how well they would stand up against the games of today.
10 - Alien Breed (Amiga)
Not sure which version... Tower Assault was great but had a fatal penultimate level flaw, I think #2 was probbaly the best... one of these, anyway.
9 - Resident Evil (PSX)
You are the master of unlocking! Between that and the dog through the window, it qualifies.
8 - Halo 2 (XBox)
The game that got me into FPS games. I was expecting to be underwhelmed, but I played this SO much over Live that I became a complete addict.
7 - Supercars 2 (Amiga)
Just ridiculously fun. Played this for days and days and days and days...
6 - Tony Hawk's Skateboarding 6 (?) (PS2)
I can't remember which version, and I'm hard pushed to remember the console, but it had a fantastic soundtrack, awesome controls, insanely addictive 2 player, and even an attempt at online play. I spent almost all of 2002 (I think) playing this game with my flatmate.
5 - Civilisation 4 (PC)
Could feasibly have been any of Civ 1,2,3 or 4. I've loved them all, and have gone with this one for no other reason than it's the one I play currently. Epic series of awesomeness.
4 - X-Com: Enemy Unknown (PSX (?))
The amount of hours I plowed into this game was unbelievable. Just an amazing game, perfect turn-based strategy shooter, with research and adventure elements to bulk it out into a very 'complete' game. I used to get very attached to my squad members! It's a shame that nothing as good in the same vein has been made of late, at least that I can find (I have 'Silent Storm', but it has some annoying bugs).
3 - Call of Duty 4 (XBox360)
Heresy! Heh, well, I've been addicted to it for months now, and still love playing it. The one player is fiercely difficult (on higher levels), but has some of the best one players FPS set pieces I've seen. The 'Ghillies in the Mist' mission is fantastic, as is storming the TV station whilst under heavy fire. The multiplayer is delightful, with a perfect mix of challenges and unlockables that make me go back just to get that one more level... Probably artificially high due to the fact that I still love it, but I genuinely believe it's raised the bar for the FPS genre.
2 - Tekken 2 (PSX)
Hell, you could put 1 or 3 in here and be fair. You could even consider the underrated Tag Tournament game, but dear Lord, don't put in #4, which was rubbish. My friends and I spent hours and hours and days and weeks and months playing these games, and it was really the reason why loads of people got the PSX. Beat-'em-up perfection, with enough skill involved so that button bashers could not really prosper, without being overly complicated or reliant on horrible gimmicks.
1 - Final Fantasy VII (PSX)
Some other FFs would get a shout out here too. In fact, most of the ones that I played, other than 9, I think, which I didn't like. That's if 9 was the one with the Black Mage. I liked him, and liked the game, but got stuick at a point where I couldn't get back from, and it ruined it for me as I didn't have the heart to play through again. As it was, FFVII really blew me away, mixing a cool (if ultimately kinda butchered) story with fantastic (for the time) visuals, intriguing characters (Sephiroth FTW!), excellent fighting and power/level up mechanisms and more sub-games and thoroughly unnecessary quests than you could shake a stick at. Hell, we spent weeks just playing the snowboarding games available after you went back to the amusement arcade. It had different unlockable tracks, saved your times, etc etc etc - to find almost a full other game within the game amazed us. And then we went and basically found everything, and killed all the big Weapon things. Before finally getting around to swatting Sephiroth as if he were a fly. Of course, this was our second time around, as first time I whizzed through it as fast as I could, before getting to Sephiroth and having him pulverise me four times in a row, before I somehow fluked a win on my last effort (whilst blind drunk), with all but two of my characters dead, of which one had been turned into a confused frog. I've never played through a game as long twice before or since. Ahhh, the memories...
Lots of honourable mentions to things like Lemmings (Amiga), The Untouchables (C64), Emlyn Hughes International Soccer (C64), Desert Strike (Amiga), Super Mario Kart (SNES), Burnout Series (various), Populous (Amiga), Settlers (Amiga) and the first Tenchu game (PSX). There will undoubtedly be games I have forgotten, too.
_________________ We are young despite the years We are concern We are hope, despite the times