So, PC Simon Harwood
killed the fuck out of Ian Tomlinson.
What was the name of the deceased?
Ian Tomlinson.
What was the cause of his death? Injury or disease?
Abdominal haemorrhage due to blunt force trauma to the abdomen in association with cirrhosis of the liver.
If the person died of injury, what were the circumstances?
Mr Tomlinson was on his way home from work on the 1st of April 2009 during the G20 demonstration. He was fatally injured at around 19.20pm on Royal Exchange Buildings ... This was the result of a baton strike from behind and a push by the officer which caused Ian Tomlinson to fall heavily.
The jury said both the baton strike and the push were "unreasonable".
"As a result, Mr Tomlinson suffered internal bleeding which led to his collapse within a few minutes and his subsequent death." The jury decided that at the time of the strike and push Tomlinson was was walking away from the officer and "posed no threat".
What is the jury's conclusion as to the death?
Unlawful killing.
"unlawfully killed" when attacked from behind for no good reason? Sounds like manslaughter to me. About damn time one of these cunts was called to account for giving our police a bad name.
I'd like to offer a respectful tip of the beteo hat for the man who first provided the video evidence of this act, Mr. Chris La Jaunie, if I may.