Hello! I'm afraid I have absolutely no idea about your mail troubles.
Firstly, does anyone know how I could have my lists or database of orders update automatically with new ones? That is to say, when I have some more orders, they will be added on the end and not just replace the entire thing, eradicating all old ones.
I'm afraid I don't know what you mean here. Could you explain it in a different way?
Secondly, would there be any way to get it to identify items with the same order number and add them to the same packing slip?
Hmm... if you're mail merging, all you can do is show the result of formatting one record at a time. Word processors usually have the option of concatenating several mail merges into a single document (with page breaks that can be replaced later), but you won't be able to easily have a super dynamic page of 'everything to do with record 1', 'everything to do with record 2' without writing a kind of macro that creates pages on demand.
Thirdly, why does word at a hugely small decimal onto my prices? Say the price in the original spreadsheet is £2.94, when mail merging word makes it £2.9400000000000004 or something similar. This is quite perplexing. (Though I've solved it by changing to an older workbook format)
That's the floating point thing, yep... do you know what datatypes you're using? If you know how your tables are designed, maybe you could alter them to either store integer values, or at least spew integer values toward your document. (With Word/Access, I'd make an Access Query (a View) that formats and converts to the datatypes I need, and then use that in the mail merge.)
Sorry I can't help you more... MM is only really for simple automatic stuff. In this situation, I'd start looking towards some kind of really simple PHP/mySQL system that spews out formatted tables showing what I want.