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 Post subject: Face generating for games - Oblivion players in particular
PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 23:20 
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Honey Boo Boo

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Today I stumbled across FaceGen, which is an astonishing (and mostly free) program (Windows only, sadly) that will take a few photographs of someone and generate an entirely amazing 3D model of their head.

As I was in need of a suitably Azn Persuazn face to go with the new character build I found for Oblivion, I input the following two pictures of the absolutely lickable Aoi Minori:

Image Image

and FaceGen produced this lovely 3D head of her for me:


Granted, it's not perfect, as every picture of her has her cocking her head sexily with her hair everywhere as cascades of water fall across her delicious naked form.

But still. You'll note that the measurements given in the final FaceGen output exactly correspond to the sliders in Oblivion. The end results (see the attached image) aren't exactly perfect either, but I chalk this up to the crappiness of Oblivion's own character editor (with its tiny selection of ugly hairstyles and inflexibility, not to mention the face it wants to give everyone a giant face in proportion to the rest of their body). Indeed, this could prove useful for other stuff, such as Fallout 3, but in the meantime, it's a laugh and a way to import yourself and your loved ones into your computer as baldy Kojak-alikes.

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 Post subject: Re: Face generating for games - Oblivion players in particular
PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 0:22 
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Joined: 27th Mar, 2008
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That's just weird.

 Post subject: Re: Face generating for games - Oblivion players in particular
PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 0:37 
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I agree with Jonny. It's... odd beyond woids.

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 Post subject: Re: Face generating for games - Oblivion players in particular
PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 3:20 
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Most Excellent Pagan Wench

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That's cheating!
I spent over an hour on my Oblivion character.


 Post subject: Re: Face generating for games - Oblivion players in particular
PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 9:31 
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Son of a Reaperman

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She looks a bit Simon Western doesn't she?

 Post subject: Re: Face generating for games - Oblivion players in particular
PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 9:40 
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MetalAngel wrote:
You'll note that the measurements given in the final FaceGen output exactly correspond to the sliders in Oblivion.
Bethesda licensed the FaceGen software for Oblivion; it's all in there somewhere behind the scenes. This is why it's the same sliders. Fingers crossed they keep the licence going for Fallout 3 because this is a neat trick.

Did you do the Arena then, M-A?

 Post subject: Re: Face generating for games - Oblivion players in particular
PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 9:48 
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I can't help but think that there's something disturbingly stalker-like about creating a detailed 3D computer avatar of your favourite porn star.

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