Okay. It's time for me to pass thought on all of this. I didn't have time yesterday due to the Wii, but today I do.
I worked selling natural product for over three years. We were trained to watch the infomercials and had to attend training seminars. I have had first hand experience with the douchebags who make and market these products, and have had to witness the shitstorm that can kick off due to them.
Now I have no problem with 'health enhancing' natural products. Vitamins, supplements (if you need them of course) and fibre formulas. However, the sad truth is that they are not made and marketted in this way and are usually sold to people using any means possible.
As a quick example to that before I outline some serious problems with these products is.
We had a product in once that was a powdered all natural formula. Obviously being natural these products are not governed by the FDA (food & drug admin). This means that people can put a few natural bits and bobs into a sachet and then use the most vile underhand tactics possible in order to get people to buy them. So yes, going back to this product. It was nothing more than a few vitamins in powder form. All of them were good things, all apart from the way they were marketted.
The informercial (both radio and television) spent twenty minutes warning people of their certain impending doom when the bird flu epidemic hit. This product, supposedly, could help to prevent bird flu* (*add disclaimer here) and would keep you healthy. The only problem was bird flu had not even been found in humans. So bad was this informercial that I simply refused to sell the product and got written up for it. Thankfully it wasn't long before the complaints poured in and the product was pulled. However, our 'bread and butter' products came from Irwin Naturals. This is a company owned and ran by a rather greasy slimeball by the name of Klee Irwin. When I began working for our company I decided to research Mr Irwin and it seems he had been to court on numerous occasion and closed down as a company for selling things he should not have. One of the products he used to sell was called
Triple Action Joint Formula. This 'formula' weighed in and $110 per bottle on an autoship programme. Our commercials stated
that this was an all natural formula. When people recieved it and read the label however they soon discovered that whilst it contained many wonderful things (condroitin and so on) that it also contained paracetemol. Mr Irwin paid an enormous fine and then simply started up shop under a different name (a loophole in the US law).
By far the worst quackery however was the main product we sold,
Dual action cleanse.http://www.dualactioncleanse.com/Please take the time to have a look around that website. Now with this product it was claimed that it could improve bowel movements. It was also claimed that it was an all natural formula (which was pretty much true) that
did not contain laxatives and did not 'liquify' the stool. What it didn't mention, however, was that one of the ingredients was cascara sagrada. Info here.
The dried, aged bark of this tree has been used continually for at least 1,000 years by both native and immigrant Americans as a laxative natural medicine, commercially called "Cascara Sagrada", but old timers call it "chitticum bark". The laxative action is due to the Cascara glycosides(cascarosides A,B,C & D).
Which of course leads us to a big problem. Some of the people buying this product were not buying it because they were bunged up or constipated. They bought it because they had diarreah which our informercial had convinced them was down to parasites and bacteria in their intestines. Needless to say lots of people ended up in hospital suffering from dehydration and blood in their stools.
It also went on. The product (DAC) also caused heart conditions. However, whilst we knew this we were not allowed to tell a customer about it
unless they specifically asked the EXACT question.As an example -
"I am pregnant and lactating, can I take this product?" we would have to answer no, or, dodge it by saying "Take the bottle to your doctor and show it to him".
"I suffer with high blood pressure, can I take it" - See the scripted answer above. Now of course the reason we were trained to do this was because our product was automatic shipment. One that cost $70 or so a month to take on, and, was close to impossible to cancel. People would get all of the excuses under the sun.
"Sorry, our systems are down, please call later" or simply could not get through.
The biggest problem with natural products is why they are sold.
They are sold because they do not need regulating. They are not formulated by doctors, just some entrepeneur (sic) who has nothing else in mind but to make money. None of them are doctors, they simply hire one to be in their informercials and usually dress them in a white doctor's coat to fool you into thinking they are completely safe. They are not. Out of the entire work force who took these products (I told them to fuck off) a good 30% spent two days in bed with terrible cramps and diarreah.
And then we get to the bottom line, the price.
I used to work nightshifts. This meant that the building was pretty much empty and void of all of our high up staff. Now me being me I would snoop around in office rooms. The above product (DAC) cost 40 cents to make. That included the bottle, box and booklet. It was sold for $69.90 on autoship..
And now for the final part of this.
We held a seminar once with Klee Irwin about his wonderful new product designed for diabetics to help reduce blood sugar levels. It was mostly cinnamon bark.
http://www.herbalremedies.com/blood-sug ... ement.htmlNote it is no longer for sale. Any way, at this seminar when the product was first announced we were being videotaped for an infomercial. We were all forced to wear Tshirts with the name of the product on and as the filming went on we were urged to clap and so forth on command. I just sat there bored out of my fucking skull, right up to the point we were asked "Do you have any questions?". And hey, you know old JC, that's an invitation to open the floodgates. So, I asked Klee Irwin to explain to us
exactly how this product worked in a scientific manner. He said
"Good question !" before pausing for a while and then saying
"Does my hair look OK?" and looking over to the makeup artist before saying
"OK that's a wrap, I want to thank every one for coming !"I quit a week later.