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 Post subject: Space Rangers 1/2
PostPosted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 19:53 
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Location: Northampton
I found the disc for this game the other day when I was tidying up a pile of CD's/DVD's that had been annoying me. It instantly made me fire up the game again. Man, this game is really good. It is a turn based top down space epic.... But it is not all turn based there is a weird arcade shooter game and a Fighting Fantasy style choose your own adventure part if you want to play those missions. When I replayed it, even though I knew what was going to happen, it gave me that feeling Elite gave me when I first played that.

Also the first one can be played from a memory stick without any problems on any PC. That passed a few days at work.

Anyone else played this game, because if you haven't it is something anyone who likes games should try? The European disc has the first and second games in one package and I think you can get it for around a tenner these days.

 Post subject: Re: Space Rangers 1/2
PostPosted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 20:15 
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Posts: 148
It's rather good. I just really, really wish the translation were better. The choose your own adventure bits would be improved ten-fold if so.

 Post subject: Re: Space Rangers 1/2
PostPosted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 20:18 
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Location: Northampton
Yeah, but I like the way in the manual they say that language has changed and they speak a bit funny in the future. The whole thing is so quirky that I can happily forgive it's odd, and very minor, flaws for the sake of the silly joy it gives me. I can't think of many other games like it.

 Post subject: Re: Space Rangers 1/2
PostPosted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 20:52 
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Probably not massively similar, and not as quirky, but I just got the old game Silent Storm, which is a turn based 'kill the enemy' kinda thing. Reminds me of X-Com, which i what I wanted when Craster recommended it to me.


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 Post subject: Re: Space Rangers 1/2
PostPosted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 0:15 
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I was more hooked on this game than any other since Colonization. I'm not sure if I dare load it up again.

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