Dr Lave wrote:
I don't quite follow that tip Burrt, but thanks. I can show package contents for .avi etc? I thought that only worked for .app files etc? Nice.
Here's the original tip I managed to find that explains it a bit better.
Find the iMovie project file and control-click on it and choose "Show Package Contents" from the Finder. Now in your iMovie package/folder, you should see a folder called "Media". This is where the movie clips are stored. Trick part 1 - drag your clips into this "Media" folder, and close the iMovie package back up. Trick part 2 - now open your iMovie project again with iMovie, and after a moment, iMovie will complain with a dialog saying that there are "stray files... do you want to view the trash" or something like this. Click YES, and your clip should show up in a list of clips in the dialog. Now, DRAG your clip from this dialog over to the clip window and drop it into a slot there, and it will be "saved" from a premature death by trash. Now you can close the dialog, and you should be able to drag your "snuck-in-the-back-door" clip down into your movie area... and... it will not have been re-rendered into oblivion by iMovie's importer.