throughsilver wrote:
End of an Era wrote:
throughsilver wrote:
Bears have been known to give people tans. And, sure they can break your ribs and skull, but with no external injury? I want to disbelieve, but the facts (as presented on the various sites) are not easily explicable.
But they're not facts. The facts are that a group of people died. There's no reason to put any of their deaths down to yettis, aliens, Russian nuclear experiments, the West launching a pre-emptive strike or anything else. They got spooked and they ran - as experienced skiers, I reckon they got spooked by what sounded like an avalanche, couldn't find their way back to camp and died as a consequence.
As I said, the facts as presented. But, with respect, your reckoning is no more persuasive than the family members who saw strangely coloured relatives, or a missing tongue.
I'm not looking for any weirdness to be the solution. I'm saying there is no solution, that people have conclusively arrived at. I'd like to think the events were as simple as you reckon. But surely investigators at the site might have thought the same things as you?
Well, put it this way - the bodies weren't recovered immediately. The weird orange tan could be the effects of winter sun-burn coupled with exposure. Was it all-over, or just the face and hands? The bitten off tongue, the fractured skull and twelve broken ribs are far more likely to have been due to some explainable calamity rather than some unknown force - why didn't they all suffer the same injuries?
And we can't look at radiation either - there's no mention in the reports about what type or quantity of radiation was found. Many things are radioactive, including granite for example, so without real figures this is a misnomer.
There's nothing weird here that can't be explained with known phenomena. There's no reason to attribute to this event something that couldn't occur in the natural world, and given that we've already covered natural fission reactors and farting lakes I'm willing to accept anything if there is real, scientific, proof.