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 Post subject: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:43 
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So I just got a PS3 and I already have the following collection of most excellent games:

Uncharted 2
Wipeout HD Fury
Killzone 2
Resistance 2

So far I'm really enjoying it and I'd recommend getting one to anyone like me who has been hanging on waiting for enough decent titles to make it worthwhile. I've even got used to Sony pads again and watching films on Blu Ray is nice.

To anyone who already has one, what other games should I definitely have?

 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:45 
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GhostofChristmasBeex wrote:
what other games should I definitely have?

An Xbox.

 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:48 
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Ratchett & Clank!
(tho it helps if you played from the start of the series of PS2)

 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:52 
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 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:59 
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I like the look of infamous, and heavy rain is out in feb I think.

 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:59 
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chinnyhill10 wrote:
GhostofChristmasBeex wrote:
what other games should I definitely have?

An Xbox.


 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 13:54 
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infamous is great, although prototype is better. Flower is incredible, everyday shooter is magical, and pixeljunk monsters is a great tower defence.

 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 13:57 
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LewieP wrote:
infamous is great, although prototype is better.

How can something be great, yet Prototype be better?

Does not compute.

 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 14:15 
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because prototype is very very good.

 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 14:15 
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markg wrote:
So I just got a PS3 and I already have the following collection of most excellent games:

Uncharted 2
Wipeout HD Fury
Killzone 2
Resistance 2

So far I'm really enjoying it and I'd recommend getting one to anyone like me who has been hanging on waiting for enough decent titles to make it worthwhile. I've even got used to Sony pads again and watching films on Blu Ray is nice.

To anyone who already has one, what other games should I definitely have?

I'd stick with those for the moment. Although R&C + Infamous are worth a look.

 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 14:15 
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In Backity World, perhaps.

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 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 14:21 
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Uncharted 1! Everybody's Golf: World Tour, and MGS 4 is good for a laugh. And by laugh, I mean crying.

Also, loads of aceness on PSN, such as Nobi Nobi Boy, Pixel Junk games (particularly Racers), Trash Panic!, Flower, Everyday Shooter, and some others I'm forgetting. Oh, GTI Club+!

Don't bother with LittleBigPlanet unless you like being massively disappointed. Also, you can officially start pissing your pants with excitement over The Last Guardian and God of War 3.

 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 14:26 
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Wogan'sTrouserBulge wrote:
Also, loads of aceness on PSN, such as Nobi Nobi Boy

8) 8) 8) :!:

I'm never trusting a thing you say again. Not only because you recommend this pointless heap of shit with duff controls, but also because it's the first thing on PSN you think to recommend.

Seriously, I felt massvely ripped off, even at £2.

 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 14:34 
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LewieP wrote:
because prototype is very very good.

Christ. Another Mr Chris for the cardigan, chaps.

 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 14:37 
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Wogan'sTrouserBulge wrote:
Uncharted 1.

Yeah I wasn't sure whether to not to quit playing Uncharted 2 and pick this up. Has the sequel improved on things enough that playing the first game afterwards would feel a bit disappointing?

 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 14:40 
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markg wrote:
Wogan'sTrouserBulge wrote:
Uncharted 1.

Yeah I wasn't sure whether to not to quit playing Uncharted 2 and pick this up. Has the sequel improved on things enough that playing the first game afterwards would feel a bit disappointing?

Nah, it's still very good and one of the few games I've played through twice - last time was a couple of weeks before the second dropped. The second one is better, but it's all incremental in so far as I don't think you'll be disappointed with it at all. It's just a slightly tougher game than the second.

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 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 14:43 
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markg wrote:
Has the sequel improved on things enough that playing the first game afterwards would feel a bit disappointing?
Not at all -- but you will be disappointed when you complete the second one and have no more Uncharted to play, and then you'll end up buying the first one anyway. So you might as well do that now and play them in order.

 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 14:49 
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Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
markg wrote:
Has the sequel improved on things enough that playing the first game afterwards would feel a bit disappointing?
Not at all -- but you will be disappointed when you complete the second one and have no more Uncharted to play, and then you'll end up buying the first one anyway. So you might as well do that now and play them in order.

To be honest I've played a fair bit of 2 now and whilst I am having fun it's still leaving me a little bit cold. It's all very slick and everything but the actual gameplay so far has been a little bit thin on the ground. I don't know if it's just me reacting to all the hype (especially a colleague constantly blabbering on about how it's the best game ever) but mostly it barely feels like a game at all. I feel like I'm trapped in an incredibly clichéd 1980s action film that couldn't afford Michael Douglas and so stars some actors off the telly.

 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 15:01 
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What bit you up to?

Also, Nobi Nobi is great fun for a bit. It's a novelty toy. Then it gets boring. But it's cheap and novel. Like a novelty toy. Novelty toy.

 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 15:03 
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I have to agree, it's good, it's worth having, but given I reached chapter 17 or so and then stopped playing (much as I did the first one) and don't really feel the need to return to finish it, I don't see where all the "This will change the way you look at games" is coming from.

 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 15:04 
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Also: Have you tried Home yet?

Is it still enormously shit?

 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 15:14 
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Home is wank! I don't think Nobi Nobi is quite as profound as everyone makes out, definitely not, but as you say, it's worth having. I used it as an example of something interesting available only on PSN. :)

Also, I seem to recall being unimpressed with the original Uncharted for a few hours, then I realised how much of a miserable bastard I was being. As a result, I thoroughly loved every second of Uncharted 2.

 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 15:24 

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Mr Dave wrote:
Also: Have you tried Home yet?

Is it still enormously shit?

Home is intrisically shit, it's very DNA is dripping with faeces. I have no clue how Sony could ever make it not shit.

Super Stardust HD and The Last Guy are two fantastic games on PSN. If you haven't already got it on the Xbox, I'd also strongly recommend Batman: Arkham Asylum, as the PS3 version has extra challenges where you play as the Joker.

Generally speaking, we've pretty much covered all the decent exclusives now (except Heavenly Sword, though I suspect I'm probably the only one who has such a soft spot for that one). Despite this, I think a year of having a PS3 as my only console has spoilt me a little as I actually now genuinely regret splashing out 200 notes on another 360 as it does nothing that the PS3 doesn't already do... and I would argue there's some things the PS3 does better. In fact... I may actually flog this 360 too once I've got bored of Mass Effect and Forza 3 (and I can always pick up Mass Effect 2 on the PC).

 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 15:30 
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Zio wrote:
Mr Dave wrote:
Also: Have you tried Home yet?

Is it still enormously shit?

Home is intrisically shit, it's very DNA is dripping with faeces. I have no clue how Sony could ever make it not shit.

Super Stardust HD and The Last Guy are two fantastic games on PSN. If you haven't already got it on the Xbox, I'd also strongly recommend Batman: Arkham Asylum, as the PS3 version has extra challenges where you play as the Joker.

Generally speaking, we've pretty much covered all the decent exclusives now (except Heavenly Sword, though I suspect I'm probably the only one who has such a soft spot for that one). Despite this, I think a year of having a PS3 as my only console has spoilt me a little as I actually now genuinely regret splashing out 200 notes on another 360 as it does nothing that the PS3 doesn't already do... and I would argue there's some things the PS3 does better. In fact... I may actually flog this 360 too once I've got bored of Mass Effect and Forza 3 (and I can always pick up Mass Effect 2 on the PC).

The PS3 really will have to go some before it can ever replace the 360 in my affections, however with this generation of consoles not set to be replaced for a good while yet I'm still keeping an open mind as to whether or not it eventually will.

 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 15:37 
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Things it would need to do:
-Sort out that darn controller
-Get my Live Chums
-Disc Data access spped would need increasing
-Seriously, sort out the controller. Hand cramps aren't fun.
-Rip off a huge section as concerns how live handles network play/friends

 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 17:18 
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Ahh yes
- Make it so that I spend more time playing games, and much less updating them.

 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 18:12 
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Mr Dave wrote:
Ahh yes
- Make it so that I spend more time playing games, and much less updating them.

Oh god this. I'm staring at another interminable progress bar as I'm typing.

 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 18:23 

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Mr Dave wrote:
Ahh yes
- Make it so that I spend more time playing games, and much less updating them.

I have to say that:

1) This is nothing like the problem it used to be anymore.

2) You probably notice it more because you don't use your PS3 so much, thus there are new updates by the time you go to play x game again.

Coming back to the Xbox 360 after a prolonged absence and the game updating thing seems just as bad to me on that format as it does the PS3.

 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 18:32 
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Burnout Paradise aside, I've never known a 360 game to spend more than half a minute downloading patches. It's normally done in 10 seconds. Remember that game patches get automatically cleared on the 360, so I do have to patch fairly frequently. Therefore, if patch downloading/installing times were a problem, they'd be a very significant problem. I remember having to spend an hour waiting to play uncharted when they patched in trophy support.

 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 18:34 
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Mr Dave wrote:
Burnout Paradise aside, I've never known a 360 game to spend more than half a minute downloading patches. It's normally done in 10 seconds.

Having never played Burny Pee, despite having it*, I've only had to wait more than a few seconds when the servers have been hit too hard. This has happened, approximately, twice.

*don't shoot me.

 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 18:38 
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Malabar Front wrote:
Mr Dave wrote:
Burnout Paradise aside, I've never known a 360 game to spend more than half a minute downloading patches. It's normally done in 10 seconds.

Having never played Burny Pee, despite having it*, I've only had to wait more than a few seconds when the servers have been hit too hard. This has happened, approximately, twice.

*don't shoot me.

The ten seconds includes rebooting and the like.

Burny P takes such a long time as there's 1.2(?)Gb of extra game content to download. (So, strictly speaking, the patch is quick. The DLC the patch then asks for takes a while, and you can't play online without the DLC because of the way the game is built)

 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 18:40 
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Mr Dave wrote:
Burny P takes such a long time as there's 1.2(?)Gb of extra game content to download. (So, strictly speaking, the patch is quick. The DLC the patch then asks for takes a while, and you can't play online without the DLC because of the way the game is built)

This is partly why I haven't played it. I'd likely find the single player boring, and I'm not putting 1.2GB of shit on my drive when I have absolutely no intention of buying the DLC. Fuck. That. It'll likely never see my Xbox drive.

 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 18:40 
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That is heinous.

 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 18:43 
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You do realise that all the DLC up until the island (Of which there were 3 or 4 releases) was free, right?

 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 18:49 
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Rainbow Six Vegas 2 Building Four Floor Nine is terrific fun, particularly if you have a friend you can co-op with. Don't get the first one, though - it was an early, terrible port.

I can't really remember anything else being worth bothering with (aside from what others have already mentioned). Uncharted is a good laugh, but the ending leaves a terrible taste in the mouth. You might even consider stopping once you reach the final boss, it's that bad.

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 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 21:58 
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Oh yes! Super Stardust HD, an absolute must-buy. Can't believe I forgot that one :o

 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 23:37 
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Play the demo of echochrome too.

 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 13:00 
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Well Resistance 2 was awesome. So awesome in fact that after finishing I immediately started again on the hardest difficulty but apparently I selected arcade mode, which gives you three lives for the whole game, so I got two levels in and it was game over.

 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 15:50 
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I didn't get very far into Resistance 2 until I stopped playing it. It's not that I disliked it, just that I never really wanted to play it for some reason.

 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 15:56 
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I did a Ten Best Games of 2009 thing for my blog today and surprised myself when it turned out four of them were PS3 games - Killzone 2, Flower, Noby Noby Boy and Batman: Arkham Asylum. (Along with two 360 games, two iPhone games and two PSP games. No Nintendo to be seen.)


 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 15:58 
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The Rev Owen wrote:
I did a Ten Best Games of 2009 thing for my blog today and surprised myself when it turned out four of them were PS3 games - Killzone 2, Flower, Noby Noby Boy and Batman: Arkham Asylum. (Along with two 360 games, two iPhone games and two PSP games. No Nintendo to be seen.)

I wouldn't call Batman a PS3 game.

Grim... wrote:
I wish Craster had left some girls for the rest of us.

 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 15:59 
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I wouldn't call Noby Noby boy a game.

 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 16:00 
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I suppose it depends if the Joker challenge rooms are a dealbreaker or not.

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 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 16:01 
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Grim... wrote:
The Rev Owen wrote:
I did a Ten Best Games of 2009 thing for my blog today and surprised myself when it turned out four of them were PS3 games - Killzone 2, Flower, Noby Noby Boy and Batman: Arkham Asylum. (Along with two 360 games, two iPhone games and two PSP games. No Nintendo to be seen.)

I wouldn't call Batman a PS3 game.

True, but it's games that I played on the PS3 - my 360 games in the list are Fuel and Assassin's Creed 2. Anyway, you only get to play as The Joker on the PS3 and I'll take that over the technical advantages of the 360 version.


 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 16:22 
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Mr Dave wrote:
I didn't get very far into Resistance 2 until I stopped playing it. It's not that I disliked it, just that I never really wanted to play it for some reason.

I thought it was brilliant. The variety and atmosphere of environments is better than those in any game I can recall playing for a long time, even the globe-trotting MW2. Also the fighting is dead good.

 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 16:29 
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Resistance 2 is awesome. The ridiculously contrasty first level can GTFF though ;-)

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 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 20:49 
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So now I also have a PS3, but it seems to crash fairly often while attempting various things in the menus, although has never crashed during a game, or while watching a film. Once it froze just as I had inserted a DVD and it was booting it. Another time, it reset itself as it tried to initiate an update of a demo I'd just downloaded.

So have I got a bad PS3, or is the OS just crap? Anyone else having these occasional freezes?

 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 21:00 
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Have you done a few gigs of system updates yet?

 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 21:02 
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Yep, all updated.

 Post subject: Re: I have a PS3
PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 21:04 
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In that case :shrug:

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