This is going to be one of those akward posts where you bring two groups of people together and dont know if they will hit it off or have a massive row with each other :-)
If anyone is interested Season 12 of the retro gaming league is due to start shortly (generic post made to a number of forums below)
It’s generally fun, there is occasional bickering but very little swearing and no actual blood spilt - and its a good excuse to dust off those old games and show off your skill (or lack thereof)
It might even help the reviews section on here , and almost as a challenge - so far we've had 11 seasons and over 100 games played but we've never had any nominations for the Amstrad chosen yet.
The nominations thread for Retroleague Season 12 is now up! Currently, we don't have a solid ETA for the beginning of the season as we're waiting on an imminent board upgrade, but we're hoping to avoid delaying too long if that doesn't look like it'll be materialising soon enough.
For those who know the drill, navigate here to make your choices: ... wtopic=470For those who don't know what the Retroleague is, this is your chance to show your prowess at some of the classic (and not so classic) titles of yesteryear in an organised format. Each season runs for 10 weeks (11 including the Champion's Challenge) in which we play one nominated game per week and screenshots of scores are posted on the board for verification. Games are picked at random from the pool of nominations of those who participated in the previous gameweek (apart from week 1, obviously). At the end of the season, the person with the highest total score wins - it's as simple as that.
'But wait!' you say, 'I don't have time for such commitment, and I'm not that good at games!'
Some common misconceptions about the league are that you need to put in a ton of hours to get anywhere, must be available as per some kind of rigorous schedule and have to be an uber ninja at games to join. This is all nonsense!
What you will find in the league is fun competition, players with wide-ranging skill levels participating and, most important of all, the opportunity for you to discover some superb gaming gems that you'd never have given the time of day to in ordinary circumstances. Ask some of the past participants and I'm sure you'll get an enthusiastic earful about the likes of Biomechanical Toy and Funky Jet, for example.
These are the only things that we require - you read and follow the rules, you nominate games that are league-compatible (read the forum for more about this) and if you want your games to be considered for nomination, you post one score a week. If you want to miss weeks that's entirely your decision, but you'll obviously take a hit in the scoring department and your games will not be entered into the randomiser for the next week.
So there you have it. At the very least check it out, see what you think and browse through the archive to discover what it's all about. And for the old faces that have dropped off the circuit, we'd love to see you back again!