Played it. Didn't like it.
For example, if you die during the surprisingly lengthy battle in the first room, you have to do the irritating insta-fail tutorial again.
The enemies have been given artificially large amounts of health which means unless you do a stupid slo-mo maneuver it'll seemingly take forever in realtime to kill them. And there I was thinking the whole point of the HK action flick 'mook battle' was that you'd have literally thousands of triad members all bursting through the door, taking one hit and dying.
When Rubi Whacks (I made up her surname) find the first bottle and does the quick cut swig/throw in air/draw gun/shoot in midair I shouted 'Oh
puh-leeze!' in exasperation in spite of myself.
The 'this is just like a grindhouse movie!' flickering cheap film effect is INCREDIBLY FUCKING IRRITATING and there is NO OPTION IN THE MENUS to turn it off.
Pausable cutscenes good, unskippable bad. Especially if you have to watch it again after dying (pagoda level)
The big battle in the pagoda area made no sense - yes, those are spawn doors, but I'm meant to close them? And it says 'X3' next to them? And there are these hovering icons with 'X2' that give me some sort of multiplier? So I killed and killed and killed and managed to get my multiplier into X3, but the doors stayed open and more mooks (with bulletproof faces it must be noted, I was shooting them in the face and throat and getting a spray of blood and they still weren't dying) spilled out so I kept killing and wondering if I was meant to be shooting or slashing the switches above the doors while my multipler was at X3... but then they stopped. And I was left alone to wander around, listening to the HORRIFICALLY AWFUL MUSIC trying to work out how to climb up to each one and slash it with my sword, as easily reachable ledges couldn't be grabbed for some reason, and what in ANY OTHER GAME OF THIS SORT would be a simple wallrun and then turn and grab only produced a cool but pointless wallrun and backflip.
When Rubi got sprayed with the blood and the Bride-esque sirens started I didn't have time to groan because I was thrown into The Cool Bit, where everything became minimalistic polygons (apart from the stupid film effect which is completely contradictory to the flash graphics, I'd note - either the 'film makers' had a budget or they didn't), Rubi produced two SMGs from somewhere (up until recently she'd only had slow revolvers) and I found myself entranced by a hack and slash blastfest that was fast and exciting and loads of fun. I reached a door and Evil Rubi walked menacingly towards it... and that was it.
Because it was time for the car chase! And let me start by saying,
Yes. The world's easiest QTEs followed, with some thrillingly last-gen graphics, crappy models and nonsensical shooting again (though it didn't really seem to matter if I kill the baddies or not). Then an 18 wheeler lost control because ONE of its EIGHTEEN TIRES was shot out (really) and I had another QTE and then the demo abruptly and jarringly ends.
So, Stranglehold or Painty Max, only not as good. Indeed, though you played Max Painty on a console so old it required a firebox and boiler on a seperate tender, this only *just* looks better, and with choppy framerate to match - though it'd likely be argued that this is the 'it's like cheap film!' effect in action again by certain *coughGillencough* games *hackWhiteheadcough* journalists. The game doesn't even feel physical enough - in Mirrors Edge you felt tired, you felt every bump, slide, jump, hard landing and (bad) face crashing into a pipe or (worst) plunge to crunchy death. Everything's done for you here, the controls feel disconnected from the action, you press a button and it does the rest, you're barely in control. And here's one - why the hell is LT wall-run but I then have to press A to climb up a ledge?
So, erm, there we go. A desperately average shooter using gimmicks we've seen before, a graphics engine past it's best before date, and some truly truly terrible background music. All wrapped up in a non-starter of a setting that - yes- we've seen before as well.
A shame, because the 'seeing red' massacre bit was great.