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 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 23:12 
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Most Excellent Pagan Wench

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CUS wrote:

Naff..doesn't do a damn thing. Etc..well except make your mouth dry.


 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 23:38 
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lazy eye patch

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That's very different to my reaction. For example, the first night, when I took one as instructed, I slept for about 10 hours, instead of my then usual 3ish. The next night I got about 15, woke up, got a drink, fell asleep again for about another 10.


 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 23:58 
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Aye that is what it is supposed to do.
I have a high tolerance for drugs..I'm on a fair amount at the mo.


 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 0:02 
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lazy eye patch

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How much do you want for them? Can I have half?


 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 0:03 
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Most Excellent Pagan Wench

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A cure for my conditions and you can have them all.


 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 0:07 
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Hey CUS. I can get you 1/3 gill of tweaky bongos.

 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 0:07 
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lazy eye patch

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Have we traded enough posts yet for me to be able to say "I've got your cure right here baby."?


 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 0:11 
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Only if you're up for a threesome. You sexy bearded GOD.


 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 0:14 
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Most Excellent Pagan Wench

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I worry about you dear Image


 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 0:19 
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Song Wars 08/09 Champion

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Oh. Yes. Sorry.


We now return to our usual calling CUS a ("stoat" - Ed)


 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 0:23 
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lazy eye patch

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No, that's the other thread. This one is about whether or not to ever take any kind of drugs, ever, or not.

And of course I'd be up for a threesome. I'd like to ram it into ewe any day, whomever you are.


 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 0:42 

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kalmar wrote:
Not that I'm doubting you, but that sounds exactly like one of those scare stories that you used to hear all the time in highschool.
Like, some acid has rat poison in it and this kid did 3 tabs once and then BLOOD came out of his eyes and he DIED. Or the E that immediately turns your brain into a sponge and suchlike.

It's not like you need Frank (or stern lectures from the local bobby, if you're old like me) - kids make this shit up themselves just for the hell of it.

Oh, it happens. Not that that stopped some of the less cynical staff of most drugs services and the police circulating that 'strawberry meth' story from America recently :D

 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 0:45 
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Most Excellent Pagan Wench

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Oh you can find all sorts of crap in drugs.
Anything to save the maker/dealer a few quid. Had my share of crap, I guess I was lucky..I wasn't fussy back then.


 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 0:48 

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We had an amitryptaline problem briefly in our old place. Heroin users sharing them out with 'hilarious' consequences. You don't want to mix them two. Or white cider. No-one died in the end, but it got close a couple of times.

 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 1:05 
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lazy eye patch

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What happens if you mix them with cider? I have no intention of doing so. Currently.


 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 1:54 
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CUS wrote:
No, that's the other thread. This one is about whether or not to ever take any kind of drugs, ever, or not.

Take them once, collapse onto a beanbag and giggle to yourself for three and a half hours, then eat several handfuls of chocolate icing, chuck up briefly and go to bed.

I never really saw the difference between that and a typical night, really.

Lonely as a Mushroom Cloud

 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 2:02 
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lazy eye patch

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 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 2:15 
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CUS wrote:

I am sticking my face into a conversation without paying attention to most of it. Sorry about that, I'm trying to compromise between catching up here and doing some extra work.

Lonely as a Mushroom Cloud

 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 2:54 
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lazy eye patch

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Oh. Er, let me try and fill you in. Not much has happened really. There was something funny said earlier about how rather camp voytee has been of late.


 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 5:04 
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Goatboy wrote:
I'm what is sometimes referred to as a 'drugs worker'. I am also what they sometimes refer to as a 'fucking cane-head'.

1: People can be sent schizoid by a couple of really, really strong joints. But I mean really, really strong super skunks, smoked the chav way, i.e. two kingskins, 90% skunk, 10% Benson & Hedges. A council blunt, if you will. But yes, for a tiny minority of people, that'll fuck you.

2: Though the chances are the joint is only setting in motion wheels which slowly began to turn after your last acid trip fuve years ago...

Cannabis definitely has a tendency to make people paranoid (as do many other psychoactive drugs) so I have mixed feelings about the possibility of legalising it.
Drugs can no doubt open your mind up to experiencing the world in more creative and positive ways, but they can also trigger all sorts of horrors.

 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 8:56 

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Posts: 5318
Ah, but as it is an illegal act to consume it, the police are, by definition, after you, so is it really paranoia?

Such statements can only really be made... once it is legalised ;)

 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2008 19:37 
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lazy eye patch

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Hooray, cannabis is potentially to be upgraded to a Class B drug! Excellent. The War On Drugs is about to take a bold step forwards towards victory, friends. What with this, the offensive poster that nobody else in the UK but me has seen, and the The War On Fags, you can be sure that your local police are being used to their fullest. Look forward to to them spending even more of their time having to cruise around looking for parked cars in quiet areas, dispersing and harassing kids trying to share badly-rolled spliff in a bus shelter (it is after all, still legal to just nick some whiskey from the offie, and puke your ring up until you want to die), and inciting hatred towards the police*.

Meanwhile, here's an amusing selection of snippets from the Beeb's article on it.
  • Now accounts for between 70 and 80% of samples seized by police
  • Six years ago it accounted for 15% of samples

Yes. This is known as Supply and Demand. In exactly the same way as a typical person does not enter a pub and say 'What's the weakest stuff you've got mate?', a proponent of cannabis will seek out skunk over cheaper, less potent varieties. I can provide a similar metaphor that instead involves going to the butchers, if you like.

Now, here's a question for you. Is that a percentage of the physical quantity of cannabis, or of the number of seizures? Note that it's not taken from the arrests that followed - because the majority of seizures involve surly teens with a small bag of cheap bush. Nothing to prosecute over, but nothing to prevent a seizure.

My reaction: "Yes, I'm glad it's so easy to get skunk these days, and no cheap tar shit cut with fuck-knows-what." Which, you see, is exactly what used to be seized. A ten-bag of dirty resin. Hoorah then, that if it becomes hard to buy skunk, then The Kids will go back to smoking tar resin again. It's so much healthier and better in every way.

Since cannabis was downgraded there has been widespread concern about the increased prevalence of stronger "skunk" varieties

It only twigged earlier for me, that it's not that 'Foreign Super Skunks' are taking over the streets as I had originally read it; instead, it's that skunk is the type most often picked up, and that is indeed stronger than some nasty bit of tar resin. A semantic difference. This is both very enlightening for me - my dealers and I often joke, wishing some of this stuff would come anywhere near the Midlands so we could try a bit - and also even more desperate and sad.

Skunk is a stronger weed, yes. It is stronger in the same way that say, a half bottle of Blossom Hill will get you more pissed than 1 Smirnoff Ice. Yes? It is not as though suddenly the weed equivalent of drinking Tenants Super for a straw has invaded Britain. For one thing it's not sudden, and for another and as with drinking a half bottle of wine, you can take it at your own pace.

Now. From the age of 17 onwards I was regularly consuming a good eighth or so a day, inhaled straight in the form of various bong type devices. Did I get off my tits? Fuck yes. In fact, myself and the gang of young men I Did Drugs with regularly, were constantly smashed on foreign super skunks. What happened? Well, I finished college (we all did), discovered a burgeoning musical ability thanks to weed + hours playing with Rebirth, and... carried on with my life. It was a shitty time of life for me in a lot of ways, but none of them involving drugs.

Years later, when I could afford to buy and smoke it regularly as an individual, I did so. I can say with complete certainty that of all the crap that has happened in my life, and of all the retarded things I've said or done - drugs were not responsible. I can however say that I've done some fucking moronic stuff because I've been slaughtered on Fakking Voddie un Coke But hey.

Supposedly, when Amy Winehouse was just bumming around in her flat in London before success came, and whilst she was just lying around all day, she was 'smoking as much as an eighth a day' and it resulted in her going off her faaaaackiiin 'ead etc. So I started doing the same for a month, out of curiosity. Result? Erm, well I couldn't stop playing Civilization IV** and I managed to get my head around guitar finger-picking for the first time, whilst lazily examining my guitar style. Perhaps it's just because she's so tiny and doesn't eat. Instead, I found myself curious and using my intellect more.

Because, you see, that's the crux of this whole fucking issue. Cannabis consumption can just make you giggly, make you merry, maybe kind of hungry and sleepy. It can also add considerable depth and new-found perspective to almost anything you do - particularly if you are an introvert as I am. That's how I found the patience to spend hours just sitting around, watching my fingers with interest, confidence and calmness that I had previously lacked. The interest, and the concentration, to come up with all kinds of clever shit whilst doing my job (hoorah for working from home! hoorah for taking drugs whilst working from home!), that netted me praise, riches, and more.

More than that though - it can perhaps lead you to think about yourself. About who you are. What you are. Why. What comes next, and when and where - and if that's what you really want. It stimulates that inward thinking. It can lead to troublemaking, disobedience, wilfulness and stubborn attitudes.

Can you name me one person who committed suicide as a result of getting really, really, really stoned because e.g. their girlfriend cheated on them?

Name me one person who has said 'You know, when I was young I tried drugs, cannabis. Yeah, I smoked it - I liked it. I tried it for a few years then decided I wasn't keen. I don't recommend it'. Not someone who 'Tried it at a party' or 'tried it at university like everybody does - I didn't like it, I felt sick. Then I joined the Labour Party'. Someone who has DENIED it, after prevous advocation. Heroin? Fuck yes, I can think of so very many people. Coke? Yes. Speed? Yes. E? Yes. Booze? Yes. Tobacco? Yes. Weed? No. Can't think of anyone. I really, really, really can't. Those who remain advocates? Paul McCartney, off the top of my head. Supposedly Heather Mills disliked his weed habit.

I can think of quite a lot of old people who like cannabis in fact. You know where I'm going with this, so I'll leave that there.

Gah. I'm sure this is already far, far too long. In short, my point is this: are you an intelligent person? No, really - I don't mean 'intellectual', because that's fucking bollocks. I mean, are you curious and interested in yourself and the world around you? Do you enjoy eating and drinking things and noticing how they have different effects, like gassiness and drunkennes and sleepiness? Are you able to think for yourself? Do you trust Gordon Brown's opinion on anything that even slightly resembles a 'good time'? Do you trust me when I say that it won't make you eat babies or see floating bloody heads?

If so, and unless you have some kind of medical condition, then you absolutely owe it to yourself and everybody else to consume Cannabis for recreational purposes, at least once, very preferably every night for a week (or every other, perhaps). Not to massively indulge - oh, I'm sure you'll do so at some point, because that's how humans learn things, by going to extremes and sicking it up. And you shouldn't fucking be denying yourself even that part of it.

Be curious. For fuck's sake, ask questions, be curious, be demanding, be a cunt. You're a moron and deserve to die, if you would do any less (unless health concerns etc.)

* Oh most certainly definitely yes. I know this to be trufax, and not from personal experience.

* For those who will never get to spend an entire Sunday stoned, playing the longest, biggest game of Civ IV that you can have, singing along to your favourite music, and going to bed all relaxed and happy after a satisfying day of merriment - I'm sorry. You would love it. It would add so many layers to the game, so much intrigue. Especially if like me, you keep stopping to Wikipedia any unfamiliar references. Then returning to bomb the fuck out of the cunting Ethiopians for always trying to steal my fur. I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry.


 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2008 19:47 
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lazy eye patch

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Note: I don't expect anyone to read that, I just need to be able to post it.


 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2008 20:47 
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I want cannabis to be legal.

I dream of walking to the corner shop and saying "a packet of finest joints good sir!" and then enjoying a nice relaxing joint in the confines of my own house, with no chance of it being grit weed, and possible even using a healthier vaporiser (which would be much cheaper because of supply/demand and various other reasons)

I would probably drink less and live longer.

 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2008 20:56 
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Teeth gritting comment from Jacqui Smith on this:

I am reclassifying cannabis as a class B drug. I agree with and endorse absolutely everything the convened panel of experts recommended in their report - except where they recommended it be maintained as a class C substance.

So the only bit you acted on was the bit the experts told you not to do? Go, go, informed policy-making.

GoddessJasmine wrote:
Drunk, pulled Craster's pork, waiting for brdyime story,reading nuts. Xz

 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2008 21:03 
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lazy eye patch

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I like the bit where Gordon Brown says that he is doing this against the advice of the advisers he asked to advise him, because "he believed making cannabis a class B drug was supported by the public and the police."

1) Yes, you are certainly a canny one for understanding public opinion. Almost scarily empathic. To be honest, I thought you were Jean Grey from the X-Men until you opened your fat mouth.

2) When the fuck were we asked of our opinion exactly?

Still, you've got to respect the cunning displayed. I can only cower in mind of what legislative laws will be forced through via this mechanism. It's almost 'back door'. See also: terrifying laws passed Because Of Terrorists, zounds the irony etc.


 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2008 21:04 
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LewieP wrote:
I dream of walking to the corner shop and saying "a packet of finest joints good sir!"

Go to the butcher's then. :hat:

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 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2008 21:33 
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lazy eye patch

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Here are some quotes that anger me. Note: I am not 'having a go' at the bereaved. edit: From here, sorry.
Anita Wilson, 51, believes her family life has been destroyed because of the affects of her ex-partner smoking cannabis.
"He was smoking eight or nine ounces a week to the point where he had gone beyond using his cannabis to self medicate," said Anita.

I am a heavy smoker who works from home a lot (and so, has the opportunity). I couldn't physically smoke that much. Literally , I don't believe that I could. That's about £1.4k worth of weed a week by the way.

So, you shouldn't smoke weed because someone who smoked over a grand's worth of weed a week, had problems. Note: £70 worth will easily last a week, unless you're a bit a demon for it/got a reason to smoke lots.

So, our nation's kids must be protected from smoking nine ounces* every week. The concept is making the 16 year old me laugh like a twat and call up my mates to say 'Haha, guess what!'

* Whoops, I called this a nine-bar before. It's not, sorry, that's nine kilos. Even so, nine ounces is a vast quantity. Even if you were only smoking say... two ounces a week, you would still be smoking too much, and largely subsisting off it in unhealthily ways. Much like gorging on anything else, like cheese of beer.


 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2008 22:00 
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lazy eye patch

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Mo's son Jake started smoking cannabis at the age of 13 or 14 and experienced mental problems when he was 16.

"It was peer group pressure that made him start smoking cannabis and he was smoking stronger and stronger stuff until eventually he was smoking skunk," he said.

"When he was 16 he had a psychotic episode and was sectioned into an adult ward at a secure mental hospital. It was traumatising for the whole family. "

Jake spent time in an adolescent unit and a couple of years later ended up back in the adult mental health ward, but his father said he has been on a path of recovery ever since.

Mr Vaillancourt, 56, is against anyone smoking cannabis as a result of what has happened to his son - but he does not believe reclassification of the drug will help stop people smoking it.

"If I could wind the clock back I would make sure Jake had stayed away from cannabis," he said.

"Without the cannabis it is unlikely that Jake would have had a psychotic episode.
But I don't think the legal status of the drug would make any difference and it should be left as a class C drug."

"The figures show that since it has been reclassified to a C the numbers of people smoking it has gone down.

"I think the vast amount of money spent on reclassification would be better used if it was spent on education.

"This would capitalise on the feeling that I believe is out there that cannabis is dangerous and does cause mental health problems."

On the one hand, I applaud the man. I share the opinion that it should remain a class C drug.

However, the highlighted portion troubles me. Angered me, somewhat. It may simply be that he misspoke. Has been misquoted. His Son has taken drugs and so that is why he went mental. It's not because of anything else, and it could never be. Well, perhaps - a supposition on my part - it could to other people. But no, no, they happen to people who take drugs. Drug takers, druggies. Druggies are the ones who go mental - and you wonder, really, is it maybe just the parents?

Druggies like that lad Jake. I wonder if it was his parents wot done it to 'im and made him all fucked up and shit in teh head. Or of course, the drugs. Wonder what made him take them.

"When he was 16 he had a psychotic episode and was sectioned into an adult ward at a secure mental hospital. It was traumatising for the whole family. "

Oh no way guy, that sucks. Definitely. Sorry to hear that for all of you. Truly.

Must have been terrible, visiting him in that hospital, full of all those druggies gone mental - no, he misspoke. Fucking hell, that picture of him though. If I didn't know him, I'd want to smack him in the mouth.


Sorry. So much aggression. He must have misspoke?


 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2008 22:06 
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CUS, that's probably the most brilliant, informing and probably passionate post I've sen you make (on this board at any rate).

I used to have a totally anti-"drugs" view on it, due to all the "Drugs are'kay" stuff thrown at you when you're a kid. But after I met Shewolf and saw the effects of it on her, making her less painful, and much more fun to be around due to that, I reconsidered my views and now hold the view I think most of you hold - it's a drug, but so's alkyhol and's a bit hypocritical to accept one and not the other, especially when there's such a difference in effect.

I should add that I've also never smoked anything, not even one cigarette. But that's my choice, not through fear or thinking "OMG I CANT ITS TEH ILLEGALS" - I might try it at some point in my life, just not right now.

We now return you to talking about whelks.


 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2008 22:06 
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lazy eye patch

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:) and also erm, shutup. Okay. You can if you want now. Whelks, I mean. But still, fucking hell to ALL of this.

LewieP wrote:
I would probably drink less and live longer.

Yep, I don't see why not. Although, there'd have to be a lot of consuming of cannabis via food and drink, to help with the living longer. Suits me! :munkeh:

Could a mod maybe change the sub-title of this thread to something like "NOW ALSO WITH GOVERNMENT OPPRESSION", if tmuk doesn't mind, please?


 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2008 22:53 
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Caffeine probably does more harm than legal weed would.

But logic has no place in creating laws.

 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2008 23:02 
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BETEO voice of unreason

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LewieP wrote:
Caffeine probably does more harm than legal weed would.

But logic has no place in creating laws.

Really? What does it do? Caffeine's the one thing I'm hopelessly addicted to.

If three and four were seven only, where would that leave one and two?


 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2008 23:10 
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SteONorDar wrote:
LewieP wrote:
Caffeine probably does more harm than legal weed would.

But logic has no place in creating laws.

Really? What does it do? Caffeine's the one thing I'm hopelessly addicted to.

Mostly gets people hopelessly addicted.

From Wikipedia -
Caffeinism usually combines caffeine dependency with a wide range of unpleasant physical and mental conditions including nervousness, irritability, anxiety, tremulousness, muscle twitching (hyperreflexia), insomnia, headaches, respiratory alkalosis and heart palpitations. Furthermore, because caffeine increases the production of stomach acid, high usage over time can lead to peptic ulcers, erosive esophagitis, and gastroesophageal reflux disease.

There are four caffeine-induced psychiatric disorders recognized by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition: caffeine intoxication, caffeine-induced anxiety disorder, caffeine-induced sleep disorder, and caffeine-related disorder not otherwise specified (NOS).

Edit: and a 5 year old can have this stuff.

 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2008 23:35 
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BETEO voice of unreason

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LewieP wrote:
caffeine-related disorder not otherwise specified (NOS).

The rest of it's a bit scary, but that one made me laugh - that's the kind of thing that is said about illegal drugs. "It causes other stuff, but, er, we don't know what, but BLAME IT ANYWAY!!"

It probably doesn't mean that, but hey...

If three and four were seven only, where would that leave one and two?


 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 1:08 
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lazy eye patch

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Gordon Brown wrote:
"My answer," he said, "is to punish the evil of drug pushers who poison our children."

BBC. Oh, I'm with him on that. I'm dead against poisoning kids. He should try giving kids kids a bit of a spliff, that'll at least the suffering in their final hours.


 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 8:45 

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Of course if only they were legal for over 18s... then you'd have age limits you could enforce in mostly high streets rather than back alleys...

 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 8:57 
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I agree with CUS.

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 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 10:38 
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CUS wrote:
Could a mod maybe change the sub-title of this thread to something like "NOW ALSO WITH GOVERNMENT OPPRESSION", if tmuk doesn't mind, please?

Hey I don't mind.
This whole reclassification thing is a joke, but all it'll mean for me is that I'll be more careful. No more recklessly blazing in Greenwich park (we got caught by the fuzz last time we tried that anyway), and possibly even trying to avoid public transport after I've picked up.

 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 12:30 
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Whilst fundamentalists on either side of the debate are irritating to me, for the government to get a bunch of experts to give them info on something and then do the EXACT OPPOSITE THING is beyond retarded.

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 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 12:55 
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"We agree with everything you said apart from the bit where you said to do something different to what we wanted to do."

Blood. Boiling.

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 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 13:18 
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lazy eye patch

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See? It's NOT about cannabis. That's why I'm so particularly angry about this, because they're USING cannabis as a smokescreen to evil ends - and I'm not in favour of either of those things.

Seriously, go to the BBC folks, read the Cannabis stuff. Actually read it.


 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 13:20 
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I don't even use cannabis and it makes me angry.

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 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 13:27 
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I'm too stoned off my face to get angry.

 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 13:30 
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Legalised cannabis would be intensely amusing, as you'd have lovable brands with happy smiling old stylee covers ideally, like Uncle Ben's Special Brand, and "The man from Del Monte says a'ight."

They certainly should legalise cannabis for medical use. That way we can buy the poppy crops from the Afghanistan farmers instead of burning them and driving the villagers further into the arms of the Taliban, and use them for morphine and medicinal cannabis. Thus shortening the war.

Personally I don't really smoke weed. I have done in the past on holiday occasions, but it's never been as much fun as drinking due to scratchy throat feel and stinky clothes. Also, I got the fear once and thought my friend Bobbie with the long hair and towell on his head thrusting an onion at me was the evil high priest from Temple of Doom trying to draw my heart out of my body with a vegtable based occult dance. Less fun than it sounds, actually.

By 'public opinion' Brown of course means, "the popular press," who would crucify him if he followed logic. As long as tabloids rule this country no sane decision will ever be taken.

Personally I blame media and the night-life entertainment establishment. No, really. A mind-meltingly shallow culture that praises amusement through drinking to excess with 'earthy' young people and that treats drunken idiots abusing people as a rowdy, healthy nightlife. And the average high-street club business that through god-awful overcrowding with pummelling over-loud music drowning out any conversation or pleasantness and creating an atmosphere that demands you get hammered as fast as possible. The combined effect reducing the ability of an increasingly large body of people to empathise with others and to view all facets of life not directly associated with chemically imbalancing your brain, vandalism and shagging in the alleys to be completely meaningless.

I've been living in a city too long, haven't I? :(

("Go live in the picturesque Welsh valleys, I hear they're all sane and well-adjusted people there," - sarcastic ed.)

I have absolutely nothing against cannabis or drink. I love drink. I do have a lot against British culture. There must be a reason our towns are filled with wankers on a night whilst Western European ones have considerable fewer wankers.*

*Previous long ramble may be unintelligble, illogical and based on having a bad time walking back home through Cardiff late last ngiht.

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 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 13:33 
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LewieP wrote:
I'm too stoned off my face to get angry.

And I'm too drunk to care.


 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 13:41 
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I'd rather be in a club with everyone off their tits on class As, than in a club full of drunken, rowdy dickheads.

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 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 13:44 
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myoptika wrote:
I'd rather be in a club with everyone off their tits on class As, than in a club full of drunken, rowdy dickheads.


Of course, I'd rather be serving a brief tour in Afghanistan than be trapped in say, Revoloution.

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 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 13:45 
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It's funny how they're so keen to ban anything that might, just possibly cause problems in a small percentage of people, while happily sending teenagers off to their deaths/ a life of post traumatic stress disorder related problems from serving in Afghanistan/ Iraq.

 Post subject: Re: This cannabis furore
PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 14:38 

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Then not looking after them when they get back with a leg missing of course.

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