ComicalGnomes wrote:
I'm happy to agree with a basic consensus of market value, so if I just blurt what I've got, I'll take suggestions.
From (incomplete) memory.
* Wii unit, which sits in a very nice £136
* Docking station which acts as a charger for the Wii remotes and comes with replacement battery panels that allow the remote to dock. You know the sort. Also had a bizarre AA charging section in it, which is odd only because the rechargable remotes take AAA. *think* it also has a USB port in it, for USB-based fun, whatever that might be. £6
* 3 Wiimotes, 2 nunchuks. £22 + £22 + £12
* 4 Games: Twilight Princess, Wii Play, Wii Sports, Splinter Cell £19 + £12 + £15 + £10
* VC Games, Sonic 1, Sonic 2, Sonic 3, Super Mario Bros, Cybernator, Zelda, Streets of Rage, and possibly another one or two. Probably about 1000 Wii points on the account, I think. £10
Still have the boxes for everything, everything is in remarkably good nick.
comes to £264 based on CEX trade in values.
id have guessed around £240 ish personally