Mr Kissyfur wrote:
I am annoyed and disappointed in equal measure that this didn't come to anything. Perhaps this displays some huge sociopathic character flaw that I was unaware of, but I don't care. I'm bored and I want to be entertained, and nothing less than full scale global war will do, thank you very much.
The continuing low-boil trouble in west Pakistan, and the haven this provides to the mixed bag of fantasists and inadequates playing their be-turbaned Boys Own games in east Afghanistan, remains mildly concerning, but one would have thought that if anything was going to get the jihadist nutjobs running around in the hills of the Federally Administered Tribal Areas to rise up and stage some sort of takeover in Pakistan, the recently applied water-based apocalyptic wrath of Allah would have provided the ideal opportunity, what with the already fractured state being at its weakest. But no, nothing happens, except that they threaten to kill western aid workers coming over to assist the poor benighted rural peasants who have been hit hardest by the government's preference for spending on arms rather than civil improvement. Well fucking done, guys. All that running through lines of tyres with AK-47s over your head really prepared you well.
Perhaps this proves that the threat posed by a destabilised Pakistan has been hugely overstated here in the West, and that the main destabilisation issue we have to worry about is their destabilisation of the sports betting industry. And the wonderful sidebar to that is entertainment provided by the delightfully be-monikered Ahsan Butt. Every cloud, eh?
Of course, the other argument for some sort of "action" with respect to Pakistan is that, supposedly, the majority of the unspecified but oh-my-word-so-worrying,-you'd-never-sleep-again-if-we-told-you-about-them-but-trust-us-they-were-horrific-and-real-and-zomg-I've-just-come-on-my-AndyMcNab-novel terrorist plots that have been foiled over the last few years have originated from or (weasel words ahoy) "had links to" Pakistan. So much so that there has been a move, both here and in the US government, from discussing "Afghanistan" to talking about the "AfPak" (*grinds teeth*) problem. But we don't appear to be doing anything about it, apart from occasionally getting some computer games addict in an office in an airbase in the US to fly a drone over the border and blow up some villagers. And given that our own dear Gordon Brown, and now Cameron, claim that Our Boys are dying over in the sandpit to keep our streets safer here, why aren't they expanding that out into Pakistan? Otherwise, given the "porous" border and the fact it's the same people pissing about on both sides of it, what's the point? Or maybe, just maybe, Pakistan, and the dickless idiots blowing themselves up over there in the name of god knows what, isn't that much of a threat to us. Given that we're doing nothing whatsoever about it, I can only assume that's the case, but if it is, why is this Pakistani threat being talked up? Is someone out there looking to start world war 3?
Oh my, maybe it's me.
A year and a half after the previous post, this has to go down as one of the best bumps ever! *salutes*